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No doubt you already know that FM21 featured the new xG (expected stats) stat and I think it's safe to say that most FM fans thoroughly enjoyed the new addition.
Well it seems like FM22 is going to be taking the analytical side of things a step further this year with a whole new âData Hubâ dashboard.
We can see from the screenshot, taken from the first FM22 preview video, that it's going to be a new home for all the stats like xG, xGA, shots, passes, tackles, blocks etc.
Ask your Data Analyst to create visualisations
One thing I think looks really cool is that you can ask your Data Analyst to create specific visualisations for you, using a handy search tool. It's unclear exactly how many options there are at the moment, but considering there's a search rather than simply a list of 5-10 different options you can imagine there's going to be quite a few available.
One of the new stats we'll be able to see in the Data Hub is the "Momentum" view. It can sometimes be quite difficult to get an understanding of how small changes we make to our team or our tactics affect a match, especially if the score stays the same and there's no key highlights.
What the momentum view tries to do is give you a sense of who's on top of the game independent of the scoreline or more basic stats like shots. By looking at the momentum of the game you can quickly see if you're clawing your way back into a game, or letting it slip away, broken down across multiple periods.
Pass Maps
There's also improvements to pass maps, which look alot better than they did in FM21. You can now clearly see where players are distributing the ball and how frequently. Seeing 99% pass accuracy looks great, but if you're just knocking it between your centre backs, maybe that's not that you wanted, maybe you're playing three at the back and only wanted 1 or 2 of your defenders to progress the ball, while the other 2 lay it off.
This should be much clearer now. Just look at the screenshots to see how much better this is displayed than in FM21.
New Zone Maps
New Zone Maps break down how you're doing things in different areas, here it's showing you where on the pitch you tend to gain possession, presumably you can use this same view for other events such as losing possession.
What do you think of the Data Hub feature in FM22?
This is now also available as a Twitter Thread
Far too much pointless information, this is a GAME, meant to be enjoyed and fun, do i really want to spend an hour crawling through pointless data, its a GAME FFS.
It might not be useful for everyone, but I'm someone who loves to pore over the data and stats from every match đ Streamlining the data presentation and making it easier to read will help a lot of people.
Help do what exactly? i get it, stats and info are good and make it a bit and i mean a BIT realistic but too much is pointless, 95%+ people download tactics that are tried and tested, all you need is to pick a player that suits the role. SOME actually created and try to make a tactic, but realistically, 95%+ get fed up and download a tactic, WHY because people always want to WIN. This pathetic need to win win win that comes from GAMES like FM21 and FIFA21 is making real human beings deluded as to what it takes in reality. unfortunately too many people play this GAME and then believe they are real time highly skilled and have the ability manage a real club. I listen and see comments about REALITY, current football in real life and there are so many people talking S*** thinking they know it all. If the game wants to make it real then add features that REALLY effect the running of a club for a manager. Players health, physically and mentally - having an off day as many HUMAN being actually do no matter how famous or what they are being paid. niggles picked up at training, arguments and all the other REAL factors that effect a real manager. This cant be implemented i know but why try make a simple game into something you need a degree in university to be able to get through a season. If Football Manager wants to make the game FUN FOR EVERYONE then improve features that EVERYONE would enjoy. Match engine and graphics, if every single improvement was in this alone and it was more realistic to watch your team EVERYONE would be delighted.
Nobody's making you read that @JasonTurkClarke, nor the pointless seemingly random capitalisation, actually. I've gotten along just fine in my careers without needing to do much more than dabble into the statistical information available. It's a nice-to-have aspect, but far from fundamental đ
I'm with @JasonTurkClarke on this one. Far too much statistical data for one player to handle. Look at what they are doing : bringing in to the game more and more jobs and then they want the player to actually use it when noone does those things by themselves IRL. So what's the point of sorting through countless stats screens when its hard for a player to through one season during one sitdown
I dont read it, my point is if they put all the resources into Match engine and graphics it would be best for everyone, as far as pointing out my as you put it (capitalisation) LOL which you spelt wrong BTW , capitalization's are used to emphasize something and are NOT pointless :0 :0 :0 what is pointless is wasting money time and effort in improving an aspect of the game so a FEW will be happy and not improving the parts that would make EVERYONE happy. But thank you Staff member for your snarky reply, i would say appreciated but it kind of wasn't.
I agree with your sentiments regarding the game and the seemingly just superfluous nonsense added to new versions yearly by SI, and the fanfare that surrounds things that are not important compared to dealing with the many issues the game still has and needs to be addressed first.
However Mons was just pointing out you dont need to use the option if and when you get the game. So no need to get the hump and have a go at him
My suggestion is take the feedback to SI and see how that pans out
Some huge overreacting to be expected from the crowd that simply download a tactic, an editor and a scout tool and aren't comfortable with complexity.
Should please the crowd who've been demanding more detail for quite some time.
If you use it, you use it.
If you don't, you don't.
Unclear why FM additions bring out so much prepubescent angst when they can be freely ignored.
I imagine it's from the people who expect a management SIM to look like FIFA - which isn't a management SIM and don't want anything added that isn't FIFAesque.
Isn't there still a dumbed down version for the click and win crowd? Presumably this new feature isn't in it or its optional in the full fat FM.
SI have posted a blog article about this themselves now:
Source: https://www.footballmanager.com/features/data-hub