15 years ago
2 hours ago

Getting issues with the editor not displaying correctly[missing tabs/boxes] etc, read the linked thread below I have some tips to try and resolve them,read section issues with editor


 please state in your post what you have done to try and resolve the issue, read the below thread Issues with editor not working correctly-  


If you are looking for help with using the editor especially advanced rule editing read my FAQs thread 


This thread was initially set up to point out bugs we were finding when trying to use the FM22 new editor


15 years ago
2 hours ago
By fmilln7 08 November 2021 - 23:03 PM UTC 

sadly it is bugged to hell! trying to change some kit colours etc and it wont change what i want it to change! have reported it to SI… is there anything else we can do? thanks


mate Ive moved to your own thread as that was just for requests only


Ive no idea sorry on your issue only just had a brief look ad editor and encountered some issues too- while attempting to address Brexit 

you have reported to SI thats the best option


when I get a chance I will take a look

15 years ago
2 hours ago

getting mixed results so far importing my older files for FM21 and further back into FM22 editor …fingers crossed that most work

15 years ago
2 hours ago

not going well lots of work to get files working oh well same old same old really

15 years ago
2 hours ago

the good old- get previous winners of a comp bug is back🤯

12 years ago
4 months ago

Is anyone else having an issue with newly created non players aren't appearing in game?

14 years ago
5 hours ago
By kingrobbo 09 November 2021 - 06:50 AM UTC 

the good old- get previous winners of a comp bug is back🤯


what would you say is the best way to get rounf this? is it best to uninstall the editor and maybe wait for a few days to see if FM/SI release an updated version of it?

13 years ago
3 months ago
By dml84 09 November 2021 - 09:35 AM UTC 

Is anyone else having an issue with newly created non players aren't appearing in game?


None of the players or none players I create are appearing in game. I went back and checked my files and they are all OK but none are appearing in game. Pretty annoying!

14 years ago
5 hours ago
By kingrobbo 09 November 2021 - 06:50 AM UTC 

the good old- get previous winners of a comp bug is back🤯


SI have come back to me and its something that they are aware of and are trying to fix the issue… lots of people on there seem to have paid for the editor, i said i have never paid and has always been a free add on, unless im wrong this year???

3 years ago
1 day ago





Did anyone try to create a non-existing football league structure yet? I believe that 22 FM editor is broken, but I'm not experienced enough to say for sure. I wanted to create national rules for Benin (which does not exist in FM database). In FM 21, afte first step, I was having this (which is normal and allows to work):


While in FM 22 editor, I see only this:



Please don't mind Polish. First window says standard rules, leagues, etc. Newest editor window says only transfers, and there is nothing more I can do.



Please share your throughts. Thanks.


15 years ago
2 hours ago
By fmilln7 09 November 2021 - 18:29 PM UTC 

SI have come back to me and its something that they are aware of and are trying to fix the issue… lots of people on there seem to have paid for the editor, i said i have never paid and has always been a free add on, unless im wrong this year???


it crops up every year though so its poor once again it isnt addressed 


there are 2 editors the pre game that comes with the game 


the IGE is a paid for extra

15 years ago
2 hours ago

right I have done a few tests and many nations are bugged to hell  once again in the editor- so IMO no point in doing any detailed projects until the Winter patch[as usual]


even if you do a vanilla test eg just open advanced rules for a nation, make no changes/edits at all, there are loads of errors when testing/trying to verify  so once again its the same old kak and many nations cant be verified in advanced rules[also you can do some work in basic rules it tests and passes ok….however convert to advanced try to test and error after error so lots of bugs]


any issues you see report to SI the sooner the better 


it would appear trying to use real fixtures/results is pretty pointless at this stage as its throwing out issues in game eg U23/18 not playing games squad numbers not being able to be used players not getting registered etc etc


14 years ago
5 hours ago
By kingrobbo 10 November 2021 - 00:52 AM UTC 

right I have done a few tests and many nations are bugged to hell  once again in the editor- so IMO no point in doing any detailed projects until the Winter patch[as usual]


even if you do a vanilla test eg just open advanced rules for a nation, make no changes/edits at all, there are loads of errors when testing/trying to verify  so once again its the same old kak and many nations cant be verified in advanced rules[also you can do some work in basic rules it tests and passes ok….however convert to advanced try to test and error after error so lots of bugs]


any issues you see report to SI the sooner the better 


it would appear trying to use real fixtures/results is pretty pointless at this stage as its throwing out issues in game eg U23/18 not playing games squad numbers not being able to be used players not getting registered etc etc


when do you reckon the winter patch will be released? so frustrating not being able to update kit colours etc


15 years ago
2 hours ago
By fmilln7 10 November 2021 - 21:33 PM UTC 

when do you reckon the winter patch will be released? so frustrating not being able to update kit colours etc


mid/late December is the usual MO, but who knows at this stage

15 years ago
2 hours ago

Hi @Carlito85   


How are you hope everything is good with you. Have you had a chance to dabble with continental advanced rules so far.


I have been trying to resolve a few issues like the regular get previous winners of a comp which I have managed to fix but getting some random issues with fixture rules index and there is error after error trying to verify continental rules in editor - managed to bypass  with the old Xml and force non verification 


However getting some crazy bugs in game  for my  Super league which runs with a parallel youth super league for teams kicked out of UEFA[dirty dozen]


 the youth comp runs fine games play and league is completed the main comp though however only plays 1 fixture🤯


all other comps created eg intertoto even a custom super cup for winners of intertoto+ conference league play fine

fixtures box  is greyed out and only 1 round takes place

all fixtures show up for the youth version, so buggy once again my friend



FYI if you are importing your old files you may well find that all the fixture rules index will be gone just a heads up on that


just let me know how its going for you.


also found that the normal european youth cup is impacted when using  this so lots of work to be done mate 


15 years ago
2 hours ago

the good news is banning the dirty dozen from Europe works well👍



17 years ago
3 months ago

@kingrobbo Hi mate. All is well thanks, just been pretty busy over the last couple of months.

I haven't had a chance to look around in the editor yet. Just got the game yesterday but I'll be taking a look at things towards the end of the month when I start working on converting my files over from FM21. The Super League gave me a load of problems with it being a tier above the Champions League, for whatever reason I'm still not sure why. Glad to see that the method of banning the teams from a competition still works though, that should prove useful.

One potential problem for competitions like the Intertoto Cup I've found over the years can be that a certain nation's season may not have finished in time for the new season of the Intertoto Cup's starting date. As a result it means that teams from that specific nation are left out and then replaced with teams such as Barcelona and Real Madrid etc, or even worse the entire competition just doesn't happen lol.

For the youth competition I've found that you need to be super specific with every single nation that takes part in it. For example in the Teams section in the editor you need to add a rule for every single nation which will grab either an U21 side, an U23 side, an U18 side, an U19 side, an U20 side, or a B team (depending on what that nation tends to use). That way the teams in the youth tournament should show up as “Crystal Palace U18s” etc.

Hope this is of some help to you bud.

15 years ago
2 hours ago
By Carlito85 11 November 2021 - 02:44 AM UTC 

@kingrobbo Hi mate. All is well thanks, just been pretty busy over the last couple of months.

I haven't had a chance to look around in the editor yet. Just got the game yesterday but I'll be taking a look at things towards the end of the month when I start working on converting my files over from FM21. The Super League gave me a load of problems with it being a tier above the Champions League, for whatever reason I'm still not sure why. Glad to see that the method of banning the teams from a competition still works though, that should prove useful.

One potential problem for competitions like the Intertoto Cup I've found over the years can be that a certain nation's season may not have finished in time for the new season of the Intertoto Cup's starting date. As a result it means that teams from that specific nation are left out and then replaced with teams such as Barcelona and Real Madrid etc, or even worse the entire competition just doesn't happen lol.

For the youth competition I've found that you need to be super specific with every single nation that takes part in it. For example in the Teams section in the editor you need to add a rule for every single nation which will grab either an U21 side, an U23 side, an U18 side, an U19 side, an U20 side, or a B team (depending on what that nation tends to use). That way the teams in the youth tournament should show up as “Crystal Palace U18s” etc.

Hope this is of some help to you bud.


yes mate  think Ive addressed that


re specific yep doing that


found another bug/s when you try to replace something eg madrid from registered teams list with another club it doesnt happen you save and madrid is still there, but do it again the change happens BUT Madrid is still there too so very buggy might delete entries totally rather than replace

phew its hard work mate wait for the inevitable hotfixes/patches me thinks

15 years ago
2 weeks ago
By fmilln7 08 November 2021 - 23:03 PM UTC 

sadly it is bugged to hell! trying to change some kit colours etc and it wont change what i want it to change! have reported it to SI… is there anything else we can do? thanks


I'm having the same problem, kinda makes the game unplayable for me since editing is what I like doing best 😢

15 years ago
2 hours ago

solved many bugs in continental rules and after a few hours of work got most comps working then

the good old crash dump 

the editor is crap so many things are wrong its a joke either they dont test or the people testing need a massive kick up the arse



15 years ago
2 hours ago

latest and the best yet not even a crash dump the editor just closed no warning nothing just instantly gone


 not running in taskbar LOL


 good luck guys I give up years of this crap each version since 2017 the editor has got worse this is the crowning 💩


anyone who is going to edit save every few seconds 😉

14 years ago
5 hours ago
By kingrobbo 11 November 2021 - 06:33 AM UTC 

latest and the best yet not even a crash dump the editor just closed no warning nothing just instantly gone


 not running in taskbar LOL


 good luck guys I give up years of this crap each version since 2017 the editor has got worse this is the crowning 💩


anyone who is going to edit save every few seconds 😉

So frustrating.. when will we know when the bugs have been fixed..?  


15 years ago
2 hours ago
By fmilln7 11 November 2021 - 20:06 PM UTC 

So frustrating.. when will we know when the bugs have been fixed..?  


Mate ask si 

I have several bug reports from this time last year still unanswered  though


Really poor

14 years ago
1 month ago

Hello all, i have tried to edit my game so that the English Premier League is up to date (November 13th 2021) but when I test the file I get the following error:



English Premier Division - invalid date of match - 1/1/1900

(Function: ‘display_error’

File ‘..\..\generic\logging\log_manager.cpp’

Line: 366)



(this laste, repeated 25 times)


Any help will be most welcome!!

15 years ago
2 hours ago
By rauli19 13 November 2021 - 15:11 PM UTC 

Hello all, i have tried to edit my game so that the English Premier League is up to date (November 13th 2021) but when I test the file I get the following error:



English Premier Division - invalid date of match - 1/1/1900

(Function: ‘display_error’

File ‘..\..\generic\logging\log_manager.cpp’

Line: 366)



(this laste, repeated 25 times)


Any help will be most welcome!!


I have moved post to the  correct thread you posted in a thread nothing to do with your issue 


The editor is bugged you need to report this directly to SI

17 years ago
15 hours ago
By fmilln7 08 November 2021 - 23:03 PM UTC 

sadly it is bugged to hell! trying to change some kit colours etc and it wont change what i want it to change! have reported it to SI… is there anything else we can do? thanks


I have the same issue as I like to edit some kit colours before starting a new game. I found the issue to be related to the ‘sort’ coloums. So for example, if I was to edit Man Utds kits, I would normaly sort the kits by ‘Type’ (not sure why, just always do) and in the new editor if a change the ‘forground’ colour of the text item it would end up changing the forground colour of the item above (in my case the alt socks)….and so on!


I found if I sorted the kit items by the ‘Example’ column ascending (arrow up) it would allow me to edit the colours as normal for the correct item.


Annoying but seemed to work for me.


18 years ago
6 hours ago

@kingrobbo is it possible to get a bullet point list of all the known bugs in the first post? This was quite confusing to try and read 😅


No worries if you're busy etc obviously 🙂

15 years ago
2 hours ago

mate it would be easier to say what is working correctly 


I have been 16 hours repairing/fixing continental files transferred  from fm21 -bugs/errors/crashes/saved changes lost when you close a file last years editor was dreadful on release this one I better not say 


I am having to bounce back and forth between 21 editor as you cant even type values in some boxes in 22 and most files need forced non verification to get them to work in game, testing/verifying in editor is terribly flawed always has been but this is awful eg continental rules get errors that no squad selected in lower scottish leagues LOL


honestly my advice do not bother until its patched 


and its better users report issues directly to SI 

15 years ago
2 hours ago




also and this is a cracker was getting lots of comps only playing 1 game/round when testing in game-tried lots of fixes only to find that……

this was setting to august -0 in start/end month when saving the file even though the date range hadnt been edited  so basically that means the comp was running for 1 month in the same year thus some comps only playing 1 game



set up load of fixture rules to cover squad rules/ffp saved close file    -all gone when you re open file later yet the ‘change count’ of changes registers them but fixture rules are not there anymore and do not appear in game


so round and round you go fixing things just for more issues to appear

6 years ago
1 year ago

I've tried changing a few names of countries ie North Macedonia to Macedonia & Northern Ireland to Isle of Man, but when I load up the database the changes are not showing up in game?

It does work in some places. for example in NI club's profile page the nation is listed as 'Isle of Man' but in the WC qualifiers the nation is still showing up as 'Northern Ireland'

Today I also noticed it also happened with one club team name which I also changed - but all the other club names I've edited work fine.


Anyone experiencing similar?

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