Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 490,238
  • 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

18 years ago
7 minutes ago
By BramNUFC 11 November 2021 - 06:15 AM UTC 

@Footygamer it's shows as if this person already has an active face, but when I click on him there's actually nothing. Have seen this on a couple more as well I think.



By Footygamer 11 November 2021 - 06:25 AM UTC 

There are some images with IDs in the megapack itself which didn't match up to anyone in our database.


This is because they were added before version 7 (fm15) and our database only included people in the game fm15 and after.


I'm guessing this guy was in a game before fm15 and re-added now, which is why he was already in the megapack.


It's on the to do list to loop through and match any old IDs with people re-added in FM22 but but haven't got round to it.


EDIT: sorry I think i've misunderstood. What do you mean by “it shows as if this person already has an active face”?


I think what BramNUFC is saying is that the guy already has an image in the megapack (which is evidenced by the fact there is an icon next to his name) but this is not displayed on his timeline.


I believe there are two reasons this happens:

a) which is the case here, when a player's cut-out was added to the megapack a long time ago, before we had the database and the cut-out megapack linked together. In this case, the original cut was produced on 16 January 2009, so it's definitely related

b) when a player was added to the megapack before he was actually added to the FM database, for reasons it's not really a good idea to get into here.


In either case, I don't think there is much that can be done. These are very much exceptional cases; we're probably talking less than 1 in a thousand images have this issue.

Deleted Account #1094108

@Footygamer would it be possible to add some sort of personal ‘in progress' section for every user? Maybe just add another section here that says ‘You are currently working on' with the amount of items displayed that the user has marked as work in progress.

Right now that section gets a little disordered sometimes, as the items get sorted by date rather than who is working on them. Users may also be less likely to forget a cut, if they get reminded by it when visiting the forum.

18 years ago
16 hours ago
Deleted Account #1094108
14 years ago
1 day ago

@Footygamer , may be you are aware of it but when you tag an image with “I'm working on it” and then you upload a game ready, the status “being worked on by”  remains. Example 

Is it possible to remove it automatically when you upload a game ready response to the same image?

Or may be to add a button to remove all your “being worked on” statuses by one click? Because I had 99 images in “My Working on” and all of them are already completed.

18 years ago
16 hours ago
By t.marinov 20 November 2021 - 10:19 AM UTC 

@Footygamer , may be you are aware of it but when you tag an image with “I'm working on it” and then you upload a game ready, the status “being worked on by”  remains. Example 

Is it possible to remove it automatically when you upload a game ready response to the same image?

Or may be to add a button to remove all your “being worked on” statuses by one click? Because I had 99 images in “My Working on” and all of them are already completed.


This only happens when it's part of a pack right?

18 years ago
16 hours ago

For a long time its been possible to put incorrect URLs in the “Image URL” field e.g. a link to a normal Html page and the form wouldn't throw an error the iamge simply wouldn't display.


This has now been fixed and people will get an error message.

Some recent example URLs have been: instead of instead of 

I'm going to go through and delete these old submissions, although most of them were simply rejected so not a huge deal.

18 years ago
7 minutes ago
By Footygamer 23 November 2021 - 06:20 AM UTC 

For a long time its been possible to put incorrect URLs in the “Image URL” field e.g. a link to a normal Html page and the form wouldn't throw an error the iamge simply wouldn't display.


This has now been fixed and people will get an error message.

Some recent example URLs have been: instead of instead of 

I'm going to go through and delete these old submissions, although most of them were simply rejected so not a huge deal.


Frankly, it's not necessary and it's quite a rare occasion by now, maybe we get a handful every month.



By Footygamer 23 November 2021 - 06:24 AM UTC 

A few have been marked as approved though, I think because they were uploaded by mods? 


What happened in these cases is that a game ready cut was marked as completed before the ‘bad’ request was rejected, thus converting the latter automatically to completed. Again, it's not really worth your time going through all of them to delete them imo.

14 years ago
1 day ago
By Footygamer 23 November 2021 - 06:16 AM UTC 

This only happens when it's part of a pack right?


No, it happens no matter if the image is in pack or not.
Example - not in a pack

18 years ago
16 hours ago
By t.marinov 20 November 2021 - 10:19 AM UTC 

@Footygamer , may be you are aware of it but when you tag an image with “I'm working on it” and then you upload a game ready, the status “being worked on by”  remains. Example 

Is it possible to remove it automatically when you upload a game ready response to the same image?

Or may be to add a button to remove all your “being worked on” statuses by one click? Because I had 99 images in “My Working on” and all of them are already completed.


Okay i've changed it now so that “working on” is removed whenever the status changes. This means it won't just be for complete statuses, but whenever it's changed to anything other than “in progress”. So if it changes to pending, rejected, completed, anything other than in progress, then “working on” will be removed.


There are 658 marked as “completed” which still have someone set as “working on”, @Ronaldo Fenômeno in particular has 486. Should I remove the “working on” on bulk for all these “completed” submissions?

Ronaldo Fenômeno
4 years ago
13 hours ago
By Footygamer 24 November 2021 - 01:10 AM UTC 

Okay i've changed it now so that “working on” is removed whenever the status changes. This means it won't just be for complete statuses, but whenever it's changed to anything other than “in progress”. So if it changes to pending, rejected, completed, anything other than in progress, then “working on” will be removed.


There are 658 marked as “completed” which still have someone set as “working on”, @Ronaldo Fenômeno in particular has 486. Should I remove the “working on” on bulk for all these “completed” submissions?


yes can remove please

18 years ago
7 minutes ago
By Footygamer 24 November 2021 - 01:10 AM UTC 

Okay i've changed it now so that “working on” is removed whenever the status changes. This means it won't just be for complete statuses, but whenever it's changed to anything other than “in progress”. So if it changes to pending, rejected, completed, anything other than in progress, then “working on” will be removed.


There are 658 marked as “completed” which still have someone set as “working on”, @Ronaldo Fenômeno in particular has 486. Should I remove the “working on” on bulk for all these “completed” submissions?


I think it's for the best, yeah 👍

18 years ago
16 hours ago
14 years ago
1 day ago

I was browsing the Cut Outs and I found few missing things that can help in my opinion.
- Let's first look at the team page in Browse Images. I used this feature to find some players with no submissions in my home country. I also opened Submission Search just because it's a lot easier to get the player's ID. That's my first suggestion - to add the player's ID in Browse Images too. May be the version of the megapack image can help as I can see the images are not displayed with their original size anymore - so without the version and the size of the image you can't understand how old is this image. These changes can make Browse Images and Submission Search pages almost identical, but I don't see anything wrong with this.

- The other page where it's too dificult to get the player's ID is empty Timeline. I know that you can copy it if there is an image in the timeline already, but in case the timeline is empty there is no easy way to do it.

Deleted Account #1094108
By t.marinov 02 December 2021 - 23:13 PM UTC 

I was browsing the Cut Outs and I found few missing things that can help in my opinion.
- Let's first look at the team page in Browse Images. I used this feature to find some players with no submissions in my home country. I also opened Submission Search just because it's a lot easier to get the player's ID. That's my first suggestion - to add the player's ID in Browse Images too. May be the version of the megapack image can help as I can see the images are not displayed with their original size anymore - so without the version and the size of the image you can't understand how old is this image. These changes can make Browse Images and Submission Search pages almost identical, but I don't see anything wrong with this.

- The other page where it's too dificult to get the player's ID is empty Timeline. I know that you can copy it if there is an image in the timeline already, but in case the timeline is empty there is no easy way to do it.


Fully agree with both. The ‘submission search' page also looks cleaner than the ‘browse images' page in my opinion, plus it saves a lot of time if the person UID and megapack version are displayed on the team page already.

14 years ago
1 day ago

@Footygamer , I missed to tag you in my previous comment and may be you haven't seen it, that's why I decided to tag you now. Sorry if you have read it already.

18 years ago
16 hours ago

Nope i've added it to my todo to look at this 🙂 

14 years ago
1 day ago

@mons , @Footygamer 
There is a bug with the latest update.
Some of the players which are included in 22.04 didn't get new image with status “In Megapack”.
Example - His Timeline
Example 2
Example 3
Update folder:

18 years ago
7 minutes ago
By t.marinov 18 December 2021 - 09:33 AM UTC 

@mons , @Footygamer 
There is a bug with the latest update.
Some of the players which are included in 22.04 didn't get new image with status “In Megapack”.
Example - His Timeline
Example 2
Example 3
Update folder:


Can anything be done on this at this stage @Footygamer?


It seems to be simply the case that there are a fair few images which aren't displayed on the site but are included in the actual downloadable update pack.

17 years ago
6 days ago

@mons @Footygamer 

Some of the players which are included in 22.09 didn't get new image with status “In Megapack” - this happened before with 22.04


For instance:

The player has a face provided (which is displayed in the small size) but because of the status not updated the site still claims that this person ‘doesn’t have an image' which is incorrect.

This is incredibly frustrating if working out if a missing face submission was added to the pack or accidentally missed….

18 years ago
7 minutes ago
By tv_capper 16 April 2022 - 21:53 PM UTC 

@mons @Footygamer 

Some of the players which are included in 22.09 didn't get new image with status “In Megapack” - this happened before with 22.04


For instance:

The player has a face provided (which is displayed in the small size) but because of the status not updated the site still claims that this person ‘doesn’t have an image' which is incorrect.

This is incredibly frustrating if working out if a missing face submission was added to the pack or accidentally missed….


I'm afraid this is something Footygamer will need to assist with as it's completely beyond my knowledge 😢

18 years ago
16 hours ago

@tv_capper the system is automated but sometimes it crashes half-way through and the notification system for the crash isn't great, usually people just report it pretty quickly. I've got it running again now and should be resolved shortly.

17 years ago
6 days ago

@mons @Footygamer I think the megapack profiles for players would benefit from being in reverse date order so that you see the newest images first


Take Ronaldo at Man United as an example ( )

If you were looking to see if a recent image has been cut but not added to the pack yet, you would have to scroll to the end of page 4…


Reverse order would put the most recent pack image and subsequent submissions first

Deleted Account #1094108
By tv_capper 16 May 2022 - 14:45 PM UTC 

@mons @Footygamer I think the megapack profiles for players would benefit from being in reverse date order so that you see the newest images first


Take Ronaldo at Man United as an example ( )

If you were looking to see if a recent image has been cut but not added to the pack yet, you would have to scroll to the end of page 4…


Reverse order would put the most recent pack image and subsequent submissions first


Think that's been asked before, but the though process was to keep the timeline in a ‘forum' style, so with the submissions in a chronological order from oldest to newest. I think the problem with someone like Ronaldo is more that most submissions get rejected, which makes the timeline look a bit messy

17 years ago
6 days ago


Looks like the upload of 2022.12 update has crashed again and needs checking. Many of the ‘In Megapack’ profile entries are missing

18 years ago
16 hours ago

Thanks for spotting it! It should be importing now

18 years ago
16 hours ago
By t.marinov 02 December 2021 - 23:13 PM UTC 

I was browsing the Cut Outs and I found few missing things that can help in my opinion.
- Let's first look at the team page in Browse Images. I used this feature to find some players with no submissions in my home country. I also opened Submission Search just because it's a lot easier to get the player's ID. That's my first suggestion - to add the player's ID in Browse Images too. May be the version of the megapack image can help as I can see the images are not displayed with their original size anymore - so without the version and the size of the image you can't understand how old is this image. These changes can make Browse Images and Submission Search pages almost identical, but I don't see anything wrong with this.

- The other page where it's too dificult to get the player's ID is empty Timeline. I know that you can copy it if there is an image in the timeline already, but in case the timeline is empty there is no easy way to do it.

It only took 7.5 months. But i've added in the copyable ID into all these places now.


Deleted Account #1094108
By Footygamer 15 July 2022 - 14:28 PM UTC 

It only took 7.5 months. But i've added in the copyable ID into all these places now.


Very useful for doing research here and also for the backgrounds pack, thanks a lot 👏

17 years ago
6 days ago


@Footygamer  the 2023.04 upload has crashed during upload again….

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