16 years ago
2 years ago

Hi all, looking for suggestions or ideas as to why added journalists do not show in game.

Created a, so far, smallish fmf file for Scottish football, playing as Celtic, and most of the media sources I've added (national TV, regional newspapers etc.) show up for Press Conferences but none of the journalists that I have contracted to these sources show in game, the journalists present are all generic names not apparent in the database.


Any or all ideas would be appreciated.

12 years ago
18 hours ago

Frankj, there is a massive media update out in the next few days from Nik33. It is a collaboration with majesticeternity and I. UK is covered extensively, including Scotland all the way down to lower league Scottish coverage. Hundreds of journalists too. Think there are 4500+ media sources all in, and for the UK part alone, at least 450 journalists/pundits.  Around 100 bookmakers from all over the world too, and based on research as to which bookmakers are used in each nation. 


Here is a screenshot which shows a Celtic press conference v Man Utd in Champions League with some journalists, as well as the Daily Record, Clyde Superscoreboard and Sky Sports Scotland profiles which show those journalists appearing in game (they do work in game for press conferences and interviews). Also attached is a screenshot of the press conference for a domestic game v Livingston.  There are so many journalists and sources that they don't all attend every press conference, which is better and more realistic, so if playing as LIverpool, you might get BT Sport at one, but not the next etc. 


A good addition this year has been the ability to not send all sources to press conferences, so for Celtic, things like The Cynic (albeit in game they go to press conferences as they do in real life) and Celtic Fans TV are in there but mainly on news feeds and social media. Same for Rangers, Hibs etc. In England, AFTV, 7500 to Holte etc. are in too as well as casual coverage sources (e.g. JOE) and all the big name media and pundits/journalists.


I found an error with the editor in that if you duplicate a person and then change name etc. they don't show in game. It is either that, or anyone created within the editor from FM22 doesn't show (as the majority were in a file converted from FM21). If you would rather make your own, then creating new people without using duplicate might be best.  There is an error with newly created people in the FM22 editor, and SI are trying to fix it. Best bet is the big update Nik33 will release soon or to export as XML from FM21 editor, import XML file in FM22 editor, save as FMF and try that. 


The media module SI created is not perfect, and even with the brilliant update, it can throw up the odd anomaly as to which source reports on which competition, but so far when testing, the overwhelming majority are working very well. Might be easiest to wait a few days until it is released to save you time. 


Once it is out, if you think any are missing then send a PM as hopefully it will be something we can keep working on with updates etc. 

5 years ago
20 hours ago

I have exactly the same problem with my created journalists in the Czech Republic, the rest of what I have created, so only journalists go

12 years ago
18 hours ago
By jrdra 04 December 2021 - 22:53 PM UTC 

I have exactly the same problem with my created journalists in the Czech Republic, the rest of what I have created, so only journalists go


If you have an FM21 file, and know how to convert it for use within the FM22 editor, then it should work that way. However, when doing that it can cause an issue because all media sources default to not attend press conferences. So if in FM21 you had any czech media, they would all be missing from press conferences even if you have them in the file. You can bulk edit the ones you want using CTRL-A and then ticking the ‘attends press conferences’ box in their media source profile. 


There are also a few other bugs with media and bookmakers this year, particularly around scope. In the file Nik is putting out there are around 100 bookmakers, but none worked initially. To get them working you need to set scope to competition and then specify the actual competitions they will cover in that part of their profile. Also still getting the odd issue with random press not assigned to a league reporting regularly (e.g. for some reason, L'Equipe are reporting on loan deals at Scottish level 7). SI are aware of those bugs though. 


Thankfully, in the file I mentioned that Nik33 is releasing, 99% of journalists were in the FM21 master which was converted, so they do appear in game. Only a very small number don't show and those are the ones added in using the FM22 editor. Issues with random allocation of sources are the exception rather than the rule.

5 years ago
20 hours ago

I have a file of 21 but I don't know how to convert it to 22

12 years ago
18 hours ago
By jrdra 04 December 2021 - 23:04 PM UTC 

I have a file of 21 but I don't know how to convert it to 22


Open FM21 editor and load your file. Export the file as an XML file. Open FM22 editor, import the XML file. Then save as an FMF file. Place it in the editor folder as normal and load, and see if it works. However, you will need to make sure that the new ‘Attends Press Conferences’ box within the media source profile is ticked for the sources that you want to attend press conferences. When you import it over, they may all be unticked as this is a new feature this year. 

15 years ago
7 hours ago
By jrdra 04 December 2021 - 22:53 PM UTC 

I have exactly the same problem with my created journalists in the Czech Republic, the rest of what I have created, so only journalists go 


there are known issues with created people not showing

12 years ago
18 hours ago
By kingrobbo 04 December 2021 - 23:09 PM UTC 


there are known issues with created people not showing

Yeah, It kills off any desire to put the hours in. However, the conversion from FM21 (less some of the other issues conversion can bring) might alleviate it for something like what jrdra describes if he had them in his FM21 file. The conversion definitely brought over people from FM21 who are successfully appearing in game on FM22, whereas anyone created from scratch in the FM22 editor isn't appearing even if present in the new file. 


5 years ago
20 hours ago
By Joe5p 04 December 2021 - 23:09 PM UTC 

Open FM21 editor and load your file. Export the file as an XML file. Open FM22 editor, import the XML file. Then save as an FMF file. Place it in the editor folder as normal and load, and see if it works. However, you will need to make sure that the new ‘Attends Press Conferences’ box within the media source profile is ticked for the sources that you want to attend press conferences. When you import it over, they may all be unticked as this is a new feature this year. 


so I tried it according to your instructions and it works.

12 years ago
18 hours ago
By jrdra 05 December 2021 - 00:01 AM UTC 

so I tried it according to your instructions and it works.


Brilliant. Take a look at Niks file when it is released, as it covers many, many nations. If you see that the Czech sources need updated, please PM me and in any future update I will get them in with the journalists (if SI fix the issue with the FM22 editor). In that way you can get the worldwide file with the press you know too. I think Nik33 is going to open a thread somewhere to try to keep the file up to date. 

16 years ago
2 years ago
By Joe5p 04 December 2021 - 22:30 PM UTC 

Frankj, there is a massive media update out in the next few days from Nik33. It is a collaboration with majesticeternity and I. UK is covered extensively, including Scotland all the way down to lower league Scottish coverage. Hundreds of journalists too. Think there are 4500+ media sources all in, and for the UK part alone, at least 450 journalists/pundits.  Around 100 bookmakers from all over the world too, and based on research as to which bookmakers are used in each nation. 


Here is a screenshot which shows a Celtic press conference v Man Utd in Champions League with some journalists, as well as the Daily Record, Clyde Superscoreboard and Sky Sports Scotland profiles which show those journalists appearing in game (they do work in game for press conferences and interviews). Also attached is a screenshot of the press conference for a domestic game v Livingston.  There are so many journalists and sources that they don't all attend every press conference, which is better and more realistic, so if playing as LIverpool, you might get BT Sport at one, but not the next etc. 


A good addition this year has been the ability to not send all sources to press conferences, so for Celtic, things like The Cynic (albeit in game they go to press conferences as they do in real life) and Celtic Fans TV are in there but mainly on news feeds and social media. Same for Rangers, Hibs etc. In England, AFTV, 7500 to Holte etc. are in too as well as casual coverage sources (e.g. JOE) and all the big name media and pundits/journalists.


I found an error with the editor in that if you duplicate a person and then change name etc. they don't show in game. It is either that, or anyone created within the editor from FM22 doesn't show (as the majority were in a file converted from FM21). If you would rather make your own, then creating new people without using duplicate might be best.  There is an error with newly created people in the FM22 editor, and SI are trying to fix it. Best bet is the big update Nik33 will release soon or to export as XML from FM21 editor, import XML file in FM22 editor, save as FMF and try that. 


The media module SI created is not perfect, and even with the brilliant update, it can throw up the odd anomaly as to which source reports on which competition, but so far when testing, the overwhelming majority are working very well. Might be easiest to wait a few days until it is released to save you time. 


Once it is out, if you think any are missing then send a PM as hopefully it will be something we can keep working on with updates etc. 




Nice to know it wasn't something obvious I was missing and if there is a better update coming then I am happy to wait and download as ssoon at it releases.

Many, many thanks!!!


12 years ago
18 hours ago

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