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How to install Football Manager Databases
We have the the biggest collection of Football Manager Downloads available on the internet. Everything from Skins and Kits, to Gigantic Face, Logo and Background Megapacks and unbeatable Football Manager Tactics.
Football Manager skins completely change the look and feel of FM with a new "theme" FM Skins
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Tacuarembó F.C (Uruguay) ID: 130852 Download Download
Tacuarembó F.C (Uruguay) ID: 130852
Will you have in plan more Uruguay clubs?
Working with graphics is not my best, I could help collecting images for some designer to do better
Olympia agnonese (Ita) ID: 43012507
Any chance someone could kindly make Guildford City FC kits please? Images attached. Team id: 8325111.
Many thanks,
Hi everyone.
I'm doing YTG save with Altinordu in Turkey. Please someone help me to get their 3d kits. Can't find any and still using their 2020-2021 3d kits 😢
Here are the images of their kits.
Home kits
Away kits
Third kits
Hopefully someone will make them for us! Thanks in advance legendsss 🙂
Savoia (Ita) ID: 1169
Some new Colombian kits:
Atlético Nacional (427) home/away/third
Deportivo Cali (421) home/away
Independiente Santa Fe (423) home/away/third
Some new Colombian kits:Atlético Nacional (427) home/away/thirdDownloadDownloadDownloadDeportivo Cali (421) home/awayDownloadDownloadIndependiente Santa Fe (423) home/away/thirdDownloadDownloadDownload
Awesome bro
has anyone got Red Star Belgrade third kit?
Rio Ave (Portugal) ID: 2383
Nice job @priority76 @gianni1970 @Humberto21! 👌🏻😊
Heerenveen (Hol) ID: 1036
Atlético Mineiro (314) "Manto da Massa 113" kit
Cholet (France) ID: 1991 - @Mascioa
Gelephu FC (BHU) - 2000103747
@Humberto21 Thanks a lot for the help here! Looks great 🙂
União Desportiva de Santarém (ID 2471)
Away & Home
SPVGG UNTERHACHING (Regionalliga Bayern, GER) - ID 958 - First, second, third shirt for 2021-2022 league
SSV ULM (Regionalliga Sudwest, GER) - ID: 957 - FIRST and SECOND KIT 2021-2022
KICKERS OFFENBACH (Regionalliga Sudwest, GER) - ID: 932 - FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD KIT 2021-2022
3 Liga Portugal 2021-2022
KICKERS OFFENBACH (Regionalliga Sudwest, GER) - ID: 932 - FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD KIT 2021-2022 DownloadFIRST DownloadsecondDownloadTHIRD
yellow is third, white second
Felgueiras / Anadia / AD Fafe
Deportes Tolima (429) home/away
Deportivo Pasto (130800) home/away
Deportivo Pereira (308516) home/away
Envigado (120936) home/away
Would anyone be kind enough to make me the Gornik Zabrze kits?
thanks! I corrected
Rosario Central (95) home/away
Cerro Porteno (Par) ID: 1445
Cerro Porteno (Par) ID: 1445 DownloadDownload
Great bro. If you need help with Other clubs from Paraguay (pictures) etc i can sent you all in pm
You'll need to Login to comment
Hajdučki sin
Will you have in plan more Uruguay clubs?
Working with graphics is not my best, I could help collecting images for some designer to do better
Olympia agnonese (Ita) ID: 43012507
Any chance someone could kindly make Guildford City FC kits please? Images attached. Team id: 8325111.
Many thanks,
asa aza
Hi everyone.
I'm doing YTG save with Altinordu in Turkey. Please someone help me to get their 3d kits. Can't find any and still using their 2020-2021 3d kits 😢
Here are the images of their kits.
Home kits
Away kits
Third kits
Hopefully someone will make them for us! Thanks in advance legendsss 🙂
Savoia (Ita) ID: 1169
Some new Colombian kits:
Atlético Nacional (427) home/away/third
Deportivo Cali (421) home/away
Independiente Santa Fe (423) home/away/third
Hajdučki sin
Awesome bro
Kemo Jašarević
has anyone got Red Star Belgrade third kit?
Rio Ave (Portugal) ID: 2383
Nice job @priority76 @gianni1970 @Humberto21! 👌🏻😊
Heerenveen (Hol) ID: 1036
Atlético Mineiro (314) "Manto da Massa 113" kit
Cholet (France) ID: 1991 - @Mascioa
Gelephu FC (BHU) - 2000103747
@Humberto21 Thanks a lot for the help here! Looks great 🙂
marco talhadas
União Desportiva de Santarém (ID 2471)
Away & Home
SPVGG UNTERHACHING (Regionalliga Bayern, GER) - ID 958 - First, second, third shirt for 2021-2022 league
SSV ULM (Regionalliga Sudwest, GER) - ID: 957 - FIRST and SECOND KIT 2021-2022
KICKERS OFFENBACH (Regionalliga Sudwest, GER) - ID: 932 - FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD KIT 2021-2022
marco talhadas
3 Liga Portugal 2021-2022
yellow is third, white second
marco talhadas
Felgueiras / Anadia / AD Fafe
Deportes Tolima (429) home/away
Deportivo Pasto (130800) home/away
Deportivo Pereira (308516) home/away
Envigado (120936) home/away
Magnus Steinkelsson
Would anyone be kind enough to make me the Gornik Zabrze kits?
thanks! I corrected
Rosario Central (95) home/away
Cerro Porteno (Par) ID: 1445
Hajdučki sin
Great bro. If you need help with Other clubs from Paraguay (pictures) etc i can sent you all in pm