18 years ago
2 weeks ago

I made some custom kits for myself and had to add a 3rd kit using the in game editor, i changed the appropriate config file but the kit wont appear in the club info screen (i haven't had a match using my 3rd kit yet so i don't know if it even works during the match).


The screenshots hopefully explain the issue, any help appreciated.

Thank you love you x

17 years ago
1 day ago

if your current game, you can do it yourself with an "in-game editor",

see video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUTdtghWpxI&t=148s&ab_channel=bolid74kits


18 years ago
2 weeks ago
By hammer9 13 February 2022 - 22:48 PM UTC 

if your current game, you can do it yourself with an "in-game editor",

see video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUTdtghWpxI&t=148s&ab_channel=bolid74kits


Thanks hammer, i couldn't hear any sound on the video so it was a little tough to follow, but as far as i can tell none of those fixes sorted it. The alternative kit numbers were all over the place so i changed them all to 0 and now the 3rd kit is just a blank space. i watched through the video a couple times but i might have missed something else


10 years ago
1 month ago
By Ratpack 13 February 2022 - 23:23 PM UTC 

Thanks hammer, i couldn't hear any sound on the video so it was a little tough to follow, but as far as i can tell none of those fixes sorted it. The alternative kit numbers were all over the place so i changed them all to 0 and now the 3rd kit is just a blank space. i watched through the video a couple times but i might have missed something else


Try changing the 3rd kit back to 1 see if it appears on screen 

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