1. Premier League.
2. First League.
3. Second League (2 groups)
4. Amateur League (3 groups)
5. Regional Divisions (25 groups)
6. Cup
7. Supercup
8. Amateur Cup
9. Regional cups
10. U-19 Division (1 level)
Season 2021/22: Premier League - 16 teams, First League - 16 teams, Second League - 15 + 16 teams, Amateur League - 10 + 10 + 9 teams.
Season 2022/23 and later: Premier League - 16 teams, First League - 16 teams, Second League - 16 + 16 teams, Amateur League - 10 + 10 + 10 teams.
Mostly real rules for almost all competitions. Update includes only structure and clubs changings, no transfers.
Write me if you find some mistakes.
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Sandor Parsakov
how to install?
@Ohrim thanks for sharing your file
As always Download the file and paste them in Documents \Sports Interactive \Football Manager 2022 \editor data folder if there isnt an editor data folder create one[using lower case do not use caps ]
AddiS Abeba
етот файл должен бить проверен в редакторе, как проверить?
Вообще он уже проверен в редакторе и такого писать не должно. Вечером посмотрю.
Sandor Parsakov
Охримушка, спасибо дорогой!
Слушай, а 3D формы для УПЛ планируешь делать?
Нет, графику я не делаю. Ребята на FMFan, наверное, что-то будут делать по УПЛ и первой лиге.
Я посмотрел - файл проверен, в игре подключается нормально. Не знаю, в чём у тебя проблема.
Вот еще отдельно загрузил этот же файл - попробуй его.
Job well done!
File was updated:
- fixed bug with First/Second League Relegation/Promotion playoff.
Yevgeniy Mishchenko
Hi. Has Atlet Kiev club been fixed . It was formed in 2006 not in 1970 or whatever it says in game. I don't remember exactly. Thanks
Hi! Thanks for the information, we'll fix this in official DB.
Yevgeniy Mishchenko
Hi again. its almost impossible to play in Lower Amateur leagues because they have no players. You need to have at least 15 players to register your team. Why are there no players in Atlet kyiv and other teams ?
Hi. Many of them just don't exist in DB and I don't have time to create every player in lower divisions. Set “Add players to playable teams” when you start new save and FM will generate players for all teams wich haven't them.
Yevgeniy Mishchenko
Thanks. I forgot that there's that option ofcourse. Will give it a go thanks
Good update dude!, I just think the prize money is a little unrealistic.
And the champion and runner-up don't win any prize money, other than that an excellent update
Иван Ковалев
Играю за Металлист, два раза за 3 сезона УПЛ в игре нет возможности сделать 5 замен (пишется 5 а меняет только 3) с Александрией и вторую подзабыл.
И еще один косяк, программой генерации лиц игроков NewGAN-Manager = новых игроков Металлист не находит вообще, для сравнения Металлист 1925 находит всех новых игроков.
IRL in Ukraine clubs don't have prize money. Prize money in update is a way to add solidary money from UEFA. EuroCups group stage teams don't receive them so I decided to delete them from first two teams.
In lower leagues I added prize money as a way to bring some balance in amateur clubs finances.
Не думаю, что здесь замешан апдейт, тем более, что игроков я не трогал.
Yevgeniy Mishchenko
Zameni delayutsa 3 raza v igre, no ti mozhes vipustit po dva igroka dva raza i togo budet 5 zamen
Иван Ковалев
Спс, понятно!!
I hope it will work on newest fm update…
Slava Ukrainji from Croatia! <3
Hard to tell because as far as I know competitions in Ukraine has been suspended.
I added FC Dnipro in fm editor in lowest division and started new save. Great 🙂
Не работает с новым обновлением, выдаёт такую ошибку. Исправьте, пожалуйста, если можно
Valentyn K
Recent updates from FM2022 team did not suspend ukrainian league cuz of war. But removed russian teams completely from all championships as it was done recently in real life. I saved data file from recent version of FM2022 and attaching it here if anyone still looking for it
Подскажите пожалуйста, куда этот файл надо вставить? Спасибо
Подскажите пожалуйста,как увеличить число клубов в Premier League,после проверки ошибка ,не возможно найти правила для 18 клубов(
Планируется ли что-то подобное под ФМ23 и, если да, то когда приблизительно ждать?