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Hello, I have a problem, after I installed logos, faces and the real name fix, my game takes a long time to load when I start it, and I can't use the in game editor, the icon shows greyed out, I would like to know if this has a way to fix or I have to play without licenses 😢
Bielsa is a legend
You have to buy the IGE from steam. It’s a few quid
I did, but I play from Epic Games.
Anyways, I fixed it, I deleted the updates of the player faces in the graphics, just stayed with the 16gb file, the logos and kits.
I don't get why that happens but I'm glad that I can keep playing.
Bielsa is a legend
Shouldn’t really affect it
Did you re-tick “Use caching to decrease page loading times” in the preferences menu? Leaving it unticked is the only thing I can think of that might be affecting it.