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I dont know if this is the right place to post this…but I sure hope someone can help me with this.
I've been using kit packs, logos and cut-out face packs for years (going on decades?) without issue, including with FM22.
All of a sudden my game crashes on launch. I was able to get it to load when I removed kit packs, face pack, and logos. Then when I put folders back into game and hit reload skin it crashes.
Why has this suddenly started to happen? Is this a 22.4 issues? Is there a way I can get game to work again WITH logos, kits & face packs? I'm not going to say “I dont want to play FM without graphics”….but I sure dont want to play it right now without them!
I've tried all of the following - verifying game files on steam, deleting FM cache and preferences, SFC /scannow for corrupted data, checked for windows updates, geforce updates, added FM to exclusion list for anti-virus, checked game path to make sure its correct (of course it is and was), and probably some other stuff I can't remember at the moment.
Sega tech support simply says “dont use custom data or graphics” which…would leave me heartbroken playing Vanilla FM.
Anyone have any ideas? Help!
this has been happening for years and that response from Sega/SI the game creators is a stock one…. they dont recommend using any third party add ons
try using a different skin etc and even try using the default skin for a short period, and asking the person who made the skin you are using if they have any input
also try clearing cache in your AppData folder that relates to SI FM22 its in the local sub folder[copy it first and back it up on C drive/desktop, so its there if you want to use it later] you will lose your preference/manager profile etc
@kingrobbo thanks for the response (also thanks for the help in the past with learning how to use Advanced Rules Editor!).
I've never had this issue before. The skin I've been using all along too.
As for the AppData suggesting - I did try deleting the cache and preferences in App Data (as per SI troublshooting suggestions). Are you suggesting I try deleting all the sub folders in C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022?
if you have done what SI suggested then I am afraid that is the only option, try asking skin creator to see if they have a workaround or try a different skin sometimes just doing this will let you move the game on and then you can go back to adding the graphics etc
Thanks. I'm now using the default skin and continuing to have problems. When I try to reload/refresh skin with added graphics is crashes. When I try to reload/refresh skin WITHOUT adding anything it crashes.
In my demoralized “this sucks so bad” mental/emotional state I missed a key part of that post that sometimes moving on in the game using Vanilla FM can allow re-adding graphics. That seems so odd…makes no sense, but I know nothing about computers or programing etc.
Any idea how far to advance game? Or is it is all a “who knows” shrug and hope?
Even if you are not able to help me “fix” this….just being heard and feeling like someone gives a damn means something. Means a lot actually. Thank you. And thank to you and everyone here who has created graphics and name fixes and support to help make this game we love, not just a little bit better but MUCH better. You've helped make my life a little bit better.
Thank you
Have you tried adding your custom graphic packs one by one and trying FM after each addition ? From what you've said and tried, it seems to point to a corrupt file in one of your add-on packs. Personally I've not not had any issues with 22.4, so I can fairly confidently suggest that is not where the issue lies. Good luck !
This is a random issue ongoing since the franchise started and is usually fixed by trying the tips I gave earlier, it may however be worth trying a fresh install/download of all your graphic files and as @bartdude says try adding one at a time and then move the game forward
Thanks for your suggestions and support.
@bartdude ironically this has been the most stable FM for me in recent memory. I had terrible Steam Synch issues with FM21 that were a real pain in the ass.
The corrupt graphic files seems odd to me as I've been using them for a while. For instance game crashed loading the metallic logos which I've been using all along for FM22 with no issue. I also tried loading just kits (granted ALL the kits) and it also crashed. I've even had it crashed on reload skin (caching clicked off) WITHOUT adding anything else.
I'll try all the stuff you've recommended - redoing all the SI/Sega trouble shooting (this will be 3rd or 4th time) plus what @kingrobbo suggested. As well as loading graphics one by one. If that doesnt work I'll redo the trouble shooting suggestions and try re-downloading graphics one by one. Pain in the ass, but worth it if it works.
I'm so demoralized by this and my lack of savvy. Your help is GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you both
Thanks again for your help. I was eventually able to get it to work again.
What ultimately did it was removing ALL the folders, both in Documents and Program Files paths and then doing an uninstall/re-install.
I appreciate both the suggestions you both gave me. Even more than that I appreciate that you gave a damn. I was really demoralize.
Thank you
Hi! Sorry if i'm asking in this topic after months, but i have the same problem! When i recharge the skin (with all graphics etc) my fm crashes! What i have to do? I have unistalled and re installed many times, removed documents folders, caches, preferences, but i can't find a solution! never had this kind of problems with fm, can you please tell me step by step what you've done to solve this? I'm desperate
I removed ALL files/folders. from documents, program files (x86) and Users-(UserName)-AppData-Local-Sports Interactive-FM22. I saved to a folder on desktop. I've had it happen on this save a few times and that always (so far!) works. I think (not sure) that doing that even worked without removing the graphics…but I dont remember.
I'm far from computer savvy so I dont remember exactly or know how to explain it.
Basically I followed the suggestions of kingrobbo and bartdude…plus I remember SI tech actually suggested I remove EVERYTHING and that was what finally worked.
If that doesn't work, or if I didn't explain it well enough, let me know and I'll walk myself through it again and try to explain better. I'm grateful for all the patient help others have given me and I'm glad to be able to help someone else (or at least try!).
Bielsa is a legend
I had this for months, then my 17yo son did some tests and concluded it’s a free RAM issue, he added a further 16mb of RAM, moved all the FM files into a separate internal drive and not had a problem since
he had the game running with a diagnostic tool, and you could see the graphical impact on the RAM as the game progressed, I use loads of add ins
hope this helps
@R Charlston @ForzaItalia thanks a lot for your help, but unfortunately i can't find a solution, everytime i click on “clear cache” and “reload skin” the game stop to work, and it's the same if i start the game with the graphics on in the respective folder. Never never never had this kind of problems in a decade
oh yeah. it crashed when I reload skin too. I forget that part. that still happens for my save. i havent played in a month or so with FM23's imminent release
I have to install graphics before launching game. and that worked fine for me, but i cant add a 3rd kit to a config file for example