Subscribe to this thread so you get notifications whenever a new version is released. 


This file will need to be re-applied if/when official patches/updates are released to ensure full compatibility. This is due to the fact that some files which are removed when installing this file are automatically re-installed by Steam when official patches come out.


Some of these changes, ESPECIALLY THE CLUB NAMES, do NOT apply in existing save-games. There's a workaround for that in the first post.

The sortitoutsi real names fix changes the instances of fake names in Football Manager 2022 to the proper, real life names for awards, cities, stadiums and competitions, in cases where the actual name is not licensed, such as Champions League, Europa League and Premier League displaying instead of EURO Cup, EURO Vase and Premier Division respectively. It will also fix the fact that the German and Japanese National teams don't call up real players. These are all fully save-game compatible.


There is also a club name changes file, which changes the names of clubs in a way which ensures that any nicknames entered in the default database are retained. This file includes the proper names for Brazilian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian (including Juventus) and French clubs, as well as Manchester Utd, to circumvent licensing restrictions. It also adds real-life media and journalists, encompassing most major footballing nations and continents. Brazilian clubs' text colours are also changed through an editor data file. Another editor data file creates the Ajax non-playing staff and the German national team manager missing from the database due to licensing restrictions. Finally, it includes a small file which corrects the 3-Letter competition names to correspond with any changes made in the lnc files. For all the files in this paragraph to work, however, you will need to start a new game.

Follow the below instructions to install this version of this file


You may find this (windows) Video Tutorial useful: 



Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2022\data\database\db\2200

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2022\data\database\db\2201

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2022\data\database\db\2210

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2022\data\database\db\2230

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2022\data\database\db\2240

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Notes: \Program Files (x86)\ could be \Program Files\ depending on your set up.


Equivalent folders for PC players on Gamepass

Before being able to operate these files, you need to get Gamepass to enable mods - thanks to @MrGizMo for help on the below guide on how to do so


Click on the game in Gamepass and enable mods as per the below:


When you click β€œEnable Mods”, this is what comes up: 


When you click β€œEnable Mods”, you'll be notified that mods are now enabled: 


And when you click β€œOpen Mods Folder", it'll take you to the location where the game is installed: 




Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Football Manager 2022\data\database\db\2200

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Football Manager 2022\data\database\db\2201

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Football Manager 2022\data\databasee\db\2210

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Football Manager 2022\data\databasee\db\2230

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Football Manager 2022\data\databasee\db\2240

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Equivalent folders for PC players on Epic Games

Epic Games Installation


Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\FootballManager2022\data\database\db\2200

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\FootballManager2022\data\database\db\2201

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\FootballManager2022\data\database\db\2210


DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\FootballManager2022\data\database\db\2230


DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\FootballManager2022\data\database\db\2240


DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Notes: \Program Files (x86)\ could be \Program Files\ depending on your set up.


Equivalent folders for Mac users




/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Steam / SteamApps / common / Football Manager 2022 / data / database / db / 2200 

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders



/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Steam / SteamApps / common / Football Manager 2022 / data / database / db / 2201 

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders



/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Steam / SteamApps / common / Football Manager 2022 / data / database / db / 2210 

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders



/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Steam / SteamApps / common / Football Manager 2022 / data / database / db / 2230 

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Steam / SteamApps / common / Football Manager 2022 / data / database / db / 2240 

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


You can find these folders by clicking, in the Finder, the Go menu in the menu bar, then choose Go to Folder and type the folder path name (obviously inserting your username), then click Go.


You can get to the Library folder by simply selecting Go from the top bar and holding "alt" key - The Library folder suddenly appears on the drop down menu


For Mac Lion users, the Library folder will be hidden. Use this link to find out how to show it.


For those struggling to find the Steam and Steam Apps folder etc using Mac with the new OS High Sierra, this link below shows how you can unhide your Library folder which will then let you find the other folders.


COPY the dbc, edt and lnc folders from the downloaded pack 

STEP 3: 
PASTE them into each of your respective folders mentioned in step 1.


These are what the respective folder structures should look like in the 2240 folder:









COPY the 11 files located in the EDITOR DATA FILES folder in the downloaded pack


PASTE to \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\editor data


This is also the same folder to be used for Gamepass.


As stated by SI themselves, for Gamepass, however:


You are not able to change the user data location as such but you can use the user data folder in Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022 to store facepacks and graphics.


Equivalent folder for Mac

Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive

By default this folder is hidden, so to access you need to do as follows:

Open Finder
Click β€˜Go’ from the menubar
Press and hold down the β€˜Option’ (Alt) key
This will bring up the β€˜Library’, click to enter then go to β€˜Application Support’ -> β€˜Sports Interactive’ -> β€˜Football Manager 2022’[/spoiler]

This should be what your editor data folder looks like now. There may initially be a config.xml file in this folder and it can be safely overwritten; it is generated by FM every time the game starts.

This should be what your editor data folder looks like now. There may initially be a config.xml file in this folder and it can be safely overwritten; it is generated by FM every time the game starts.



To make sure the files have been applied correctly, go to the Champions Cup and EURO Vase in your saved game, and they should be renamed to Champions League and Europa League respectively. If you are in the middle of a save-game, Japanese and German national teams will be populated in the next instance that players are called up, and not immediately. Do keep in mind that this file does not add Japan-based players, who are not in the official database and will need a third-party add-on to be created and added.


Club names are only changed if you apply the editor data files before starting a new game. For a workaround if you've already started a new save-game, then please read the opening post of this thread.

Deleted Account #1359833

Hi. This File include β€œIt also adds real-life media and journalists”. Where can i find more Infos about that?

because in past i used another Mod for that (Nik33's Media Overhaul (FM22).fmf + German Media File from meistertrainerforum.
= and i deleted your two Files: FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf + FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - Bookmakers.fmf

I want to find the Case, which File has more Details, you know.

Very Thanks for Helping with Infos, which Details this File from sortitout has. (FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf)

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By Robin Heart 26 April 2022 - 17:59 PM UTC 

Hi. This File include β€œIt also adds real-life media and journalists”. Where can i find more Infos about that?

because in past i used another Mod for that (Nik33's Media Overhaul (FM22).fmf + German Media File from meistertrainerforum.
= and i deleted your two Files: FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf + FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - Bookmakers.fmf

I want to find the Case, which File has more Details, you know.

Very Thanks for Helping with Infos, which Details this File from sortitout has. (FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf)


What is it that you want to know? If you want to see which media and journalists are added, use the pre-game editor to load up the respective files and check them out. There are too many entries in it for me to have kept a list of, so you'll have to check yourself πŸ‘

Deleted Account #1359833

Hi @mons Greets. what i mean is that:how many media and journalists are added?
like example: β€œA Complete Media Collection: Adds 4.250+ real media, 1.000 real journalists & 80 bookmakers, along with their styles & personalities.” 

i missed that Info , so it helps, to know the File Details and then to choose, which Files we can download or not.

Thank You very much!

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By Robin Heart 27 April 2022 - 10:27 AM UTC 

Hi @mons Greets. what i mean is that:how many media and journalists are added?
like example: β€œA Complete Media Collection: Adds 4.250+ real media, 1.000 real journalists & 80 bookmakers, along with their styles & personalities.” 

i missed that Info , so it helps, to know the File Details and then to choose, which Files we can download or not.

Thank You very much!


Again, I have no info about that off the top of my head, and it'll probably be hundreds of journalists, a dozen or so bookmakers and thousands of media sources.


Frankly, this is something you can find out very easily yourself by opening the editor data files in question yourself with the pre-game editor and checking the entries added πŸ‘ 

15 years ago
2 years ago

I hope someone can help with this. The β€œenable mods” option seems to be missing from my version of the game pass app. Has it been removed or am I doing something wrong? 


18 years ago
9 hours ago
By Tomaldinho 27 April 2022 - 11:01 AM UTC 

I hope someone can help with this. The β€œenable mods” option seems to be missing from my version of the game pass app. Has it been removed or am I doing something wrong? 



I don't play using Gamepass, so can't help directly myself, but does this help at all?

15 years ago
2 years ago
By mons 27 April 2022 - 11:35 AM UTC 

I don't play using Gamepass, so can't help directly myself, but does this help at all?


Unfortunately that looks like a way to continue to play with mods that have previously been able to be installed. If you haven't already installed them it looks like that won't help. It might answer my question though, looks like they might have removed the feature :/ 


Thanks anyway for the reply!

6 years ago
2 months ago
By mons 27 April 2022 - 11:35 AM UTC 

I don't play using Gamepass, so can't help directly myself, but does this help at all?

1 check app updates on Microsoft Store, some old versions wont support mod.

2- try download β€œXbox insider hub” ( )  and subscribe to windows Gaming Previews.


If it wont show mod options maybe need uninstall and reinstall all Xbox associate programs on windows.



18 years ago
9 hours ago
By wolf_gt 27 April 2022 - 12:36 PM UTC 

1 check app updates on Microsoft Store, some old versions wont support mod.

2- try download β€œXbox insider hub” ( )  and subscribe to windows Gaming Previews.


If it wont show mod options maybe need uninstall and reinstall all Xbox associate programs on windows.





4 years ago
1 year ago

Hi mons,


I don't  know if it's linked to the Juventus licensing issue but for some reason when I start a Torino career, Juventus don't show as their rivals or as their derby game, even though it's a huge rivalry. However Torino show as Juventus derby game in the Juve information screen. Any ideas? Or is it just a DB issue?




18 years ago
9 hours ago
By Jambino 28 April 2022 - 10:02 AM UTC 

Hi mons,


I don't  know if it's linked to the Juventus licensing issue but for some reason when I start a Torino career, Juventus don't show as their rivals or as their derby game, even though it's a huge rivalry. However Torino show as Juventus derby game in the Juve information screen. Any ideas? Or is it just a DB issue?





It's a known issue related to licensing restrictions which has been present since FM21, and which I haven't been able to rectify, unfortunately.

15 years ago
2 years ago
By mons 27 April 2022 - 12:49 PM UTC 



Thanks for the help guys (@wolf_gt)


Unfortunately looks as if they've removed the option on game pass for now.

6 years ago
2 months ago
By Tomaldinho 28 April 2022 - 16:31 PM UTC 

Thanks for the help guys (@wolf_gt)


Unfortunately looks as if they've removed the option on game pass for now.


here it is still active and working perfectly.

It is probably some problem in your system.
Send me more details and I'll try to help.


15 years ago
2 years ago
By wolf_gt 28 April 2022 - 22:13 PM UTC 

here it is still active and working perfectly.

It is probably some problem in your system.
Send me more details and I'll try to help.


Ah that's so weird. 


I spent half an hour on live chat with an Xbox expert after you replied to me the other day going through a few potential fixes and nothing worked. 


I installed the latest version of the Xbox app. Not sure what it could be? Different by region maybe?

8 years ago
1 year ago

So going through all this and following every step I finally fixed the French/Dutch national team face thing but in exchange I've lost Juventus' name back to Zebre… I have no other files in ALL the folders 2200 - 2240 and the editor data only contains the folders from the 22.4.1 fix


Is it because I cleared the config.xml file? I still have correct names for Brazilian clubs etc.

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By garabe87 30 April 2022 - 10:50 AM UTC 

So going through all this and following every step I finally fixed the French/Dutch national team face thing but in exchange I've lost Juventus' name back to Zebre… I have no other files in ALL the folders 2200 - 2240 and the editor data only contains the folders from the 22.4.1 fix


Is it because I cleared the config.xml file? I still have correct names for Brazilian clubs etc.


Did you apply the fix after starting a save game? If you did, then to get the club name changes (including Juventus), then you need to do the workaround in the first post πŸ‘

6 years ago
2 months ago
By Tomaldinho 29 April 2022 - 10:42 AM UTC 

Ah that's so weird. 


I spent half an hour on live chat with an Xbox expert after you replied to me the other day going through a few potential fixes and nothing worked. 


I installed the latest version of the Xbox app. Not sure what it could be? Different by region maybe?


Hi bro! my game pass app update and way of mod FM 22 on Gamepass editon as changed!
Go to Manage or engine icon


after enabled you can go to files tab and show files and mod free as Steam!

on pop up click on Enable on β€œadvanced management features” (i show Forza screen due in FM is enableded) 


I hope you can make it now!



6 years ago
1 year ago

Hey! I've been playing with this mod without an issue until yesterday. In a already modded game that worked fine now it's back to 3 letters for the brazilian clubs. From the files date, FM maybe pushed out an update. This is the Gamepass version.


The thing is that even modding it back doesn't change them to what I had in the saved game before yesterday. Am I doing something wrong? I had no issues for the last month or so.


Edit: I found what the problem was. For some weird reason the FM went back to before allowing mods. I had to activate it again.

11 years ago
1 month ago

Hi everybody


is the jupiler pro league adjusted or is it still called Eerste Klasse A with the v4.1 update??


18 years ago
9 hours ago
By Davke1904 23 May 2022 - 16:34 PM UTC 

Hi everybody


is the jupiler pro league adjusted or is it still called Eerste Klasse A with the v4.1 update??


It takes 2 seconds to download the file and 2 seconds to open it with Notepad and check it yourself, you know πŸ˜‰


You'd see that the long name is Jupiler Pro League and the short name is Eerste klasse A.


If this is not correct, let me know, ideally with evidence and I'll change it for the FM23 version of the file πŸ‘

11 years ago
1 month ago

Hi Mons,


this is link to the explanation for the pro leagues in belgium as wel the official cup name…


If u need more info , i will be glad to be at your service…..

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By Davke1904 29 May 2022 - 23:54 PM UTC 

Hi Mons,


this is link to the explanation for the pro leagues in belgium as wel the official cup name…


If u need more info , i will be glad to be at your service…..


That page doesn't open and I don't speak Dutch…

11 years ago
1 month ago



it opens here without any problems!

But have another one 4 you but is in Dutch or French….

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By Davke1904 30 May 2022 - 16:23 PM UTC 



it opens here without any problems!

But have another one 4 you but is in Dutch or French….


Again, page not found. I speak neither Dutch nor French. Can you please be clear on what exactly you want changed, and what the correct name should be? I need UIDs and long and short names to be sure.

2 years ago
5 months ago

 Are there any new steps for new updates? 

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By icandestroyuranus 03 June 2022 - 04:08 AM UTC 

 Are there any new steps for new updates? 


The current steps should be enough πŸ‘

12 years ago
13 hours ago

Hi i have problem with National Teams (Netherlands,Germany and Japan) i havent got real players in that teams

second problem is 3 letters shorts in brazilian league

third  i havent got face in france national team like varane in manchester have face and in france not 

how can i repair it ?

i have game pass edition





13 years ago
21 hours ago
By KaSsi90 03 June 2022 - 20:57 PM UTC 

Hi i have problem with National Teams (Netherlands,Germany and Japan) i havent got real players in that teams

second problem is 3 letters shorts in brazilian league

third  i havent got face in france national team like varane in manchester have face and in france not 

how can i repair it ?

i have game pass edition


you have everything in 1st post, so I'd suggest reading it.

12 years ago
13 hours ago
By bigpole 04 June 2022 - 06:37 AM UTC 

you have everything in 1st post, so I'd suggest reading it.


im do it like in the instruction and still doesnt work


this file is shitty and it havent got brazilian names 

Deleted Account #1110205

Belgium πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺ


"COMP_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1 "Eerste klasse A" ""

"COMP_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1 "Profvoetbal 1A" ""


"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 2 "Eerste klasse B Pro League" ""
"COMP_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2 "Eerste klasse B" ""

"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 2 "1B Pro League" ""
"COMP_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2 "Profvoetbal 1B" ""


"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 8154824 "Eerste nationale" ""
"COMP_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 8154824 "Eerste nationale" ""

"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 8154824 "eerste nationale" ""
"COMP_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 8154824 "eerste klasse amateurs" ""



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