Hello, everyone!

I'm very happy to announce my "Increase Realism"-Megapack OCTOBER Update for Football Manager 22!
This mega pack improves various in-game parameters in over 220 nations to take the realism of Football Manager to the next level!
ll files were created and calculated with the help of my own database to guarantee consistency across all countries.



FM22 "Increase-Realism" Megapack OCTOBER Update Explainer Video 


  1. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube to stay up to date.
  2. If you want early access to my updates or even more content, check out Patreon.
  3. Delete all previous files from the “Editor-Data” folder.
  4. Make sure you don't use any other files that don't work with my Megapack. This applies to all themes that my mod covers.
  5. The Megapack is in most cases compatible with all league files (DaveTheEditor's Around the Globe Megapack is recommended) as well as transfer updates and all possible graphical adjustments.
  6. My resources are very limited, so I don't answer questions like "Is your work compatible with X or Y?” - If the general instructions in point 5 are not enough for you, I constantly update a list of files on Patreon which I personally recommend.
  7. If you have urgent questions that cannot be answered from the text, please send me a private message here in the forum, on Twitter, Discord or in the official SI-Forum. 

    I will answer the (most) questions. 😉 

    The same goes for criticism or bugs. Please do not spam in this thread, there are users who run around screaming at the slightest mistake. I want to prevent this, because often there is no bug at all. Thank you! 🙂
  8. If you don't want to write me a private message, you can also leave your feedback on the shared Discord server of DaveTheEditor and me.
  9. If you need help with the correct installation, you can find it here on YouTube.
  10. If you are looking for tips & tricks to make your save game more realistic, you can get some input here on YouTube.
  11. Many thanks to NorsemanLP, who did the graphic design and translation of this post! Follow him on Twitter, he also creates other graphic content for FM22, like the FM.Zweierkette Skin!
  12. For FM-Fanpages: Write me a private message first, if you want to publish my work on your Fanpage.
  13. For File-Creators: All copying of my work (even in part) is forbidden and I reserve the right to take action against it.







This file changes the "youth ratings", the "importance of football" and the "development status" of all countries. The main purpose of the changes is to provide a more realistic balance of power after more than 10 years. Nations have different development potential based on over 15 different criteria.


  • The global distribution of talent was slightly increased.
  • Each nation was individually calculated with over 15 different criteria. For example HDI (Human Development Index), national and international audience average, population, financial resources and many more!
  • Individually adjusted development potential.



Salaries are based much more on real data available worldwide. A player from Cameroon no longer earns 500,000 euros, but perhaps 30,000 euros per year. 


World-class players earn much more, up to 50 million euros gross per year. By default, the end of the line for salaries is in the 20 million euro range. 



The market values have been adjusted worldwide in order to reflect the resulting transfer sums more realistically.

Important: The market value system in Football Manager differs fundamentally from that of “Transfermarkt.com” and is therefore not really suitable for comparison.


The sponsor values have been adjusted worldwide to better balance the finances. In addition, I have calculated individual maximum values for each nation. This is to improve realism, especially in smaller countries, where they grow together with the nation in case of great success. Highly recommended for a "Build a Nation"-Game. 😉



I have researched all nations on transfermarkt.com which have a preference for players with a certain nationality and adjusted them accordingly. Over 200 nations have been edited!

Not only the nationalities have been adjusted, but also the age preferences. There are certain nations that clearly stand out as "training leagues" based on various data. (Very high percentage of players under the age of 24).

The following nations are affected:

  • Denmark
  • Slovakia
  • Latvia
  • Austria
  • Ireland
  • Estonia
  • Albania
  • Belgium
  • Switzerland
  • Croatia
  • Slovenia
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Ghana
  • Venezuela
  • Canada



There are clubs where the national transfer preference is not sufficient or would misrepresent the club. A total of 58 clubs from 38 nations were edited. All clubs were constantly edited according to the same selection criteria.

Among others these are:

  • FC Nordsjaelland (Ghana)
  • Asteras Tripolis (Argentina, Spain)
  • Benfica Lisbon (Brazil)
  • Wolverhampton Wanderes (Portugal)


In Austria and Germany there is a small bug with the taxes at the moment, which leads to the fact that clubs do not deliver enough taxes to the state. The consequence of this is increasing transfer sums, salaries and thus an overvaluation of the Austrian and German leagues in long-term save games. This has now been corrected.



I have made adjustments in 95 nations concerning the years until citizenship. What sounds easy is quite tricky. The sources are sometimes different and unfortunately in the editor you cannot select the options "Will be naturalised if he has good relations with local politicians" or "Will be naturalised if he invests 1 Million euros in the country". 😉



The impact of this file is simply enormous! It corrects countless reputation values of existing awards and classifies them correctly according to my database.

You will see the effects especially in the player's reputation and therefore in his market value development and his transfer ambitions. The best player in a weak league will now be much more difficult to keep, because he will now recognise his status in his own league better and thus react accordingly.

If you do manage to convince such players to stay, this will have a positive impact on your club's reputation due to the higher player reputation. - If you can afford it. It is quite tricky to make the right decisions here.

These changes are the most important changes to make the game more balanced.


I have also created countless new awards to further support the above. 

Not all of them are in reality, but they are essential for the balance of the game. Even in the base game, some awards are fictional. In smaller nations or youth tournaments, awards are not always given in real life. However, they receive a lot of media attention, which leads to a higher reputation of the players. 

This process is represented by awards. Therefore, it was essential for me to create awards for competitions like the German A-Bundesliga, the highest youth leagues in Spain, Italy, England, etc. to better represent the hype around all these 15-year-old "next Messis or Ronaldos".

Please note:

To see the awards, the league must be playable. I also recommend setting at least one nation per continent as playable, otherwise the continental awards will not be visible.


This file adds over 300 missing derbies from clubs and national teams in over 50 countries. It also contains over 1000 reputation adjustments to create a cross-country balance.

Among others, derbies are included such as:

  • "Volga Derby" between Rubin Kazan and Krylia Sovietov.
  • "La guerra del futbol" between El Salvador and Honduras.
  • The "Derby of Ghana" between Asante Kotoko and Accra Hearts of Oak SC and many more




This file adds various missing data of over 1500 1st and 2nd league clubs in over 150 nations:


  • Club nickname
  • City location
  • Stadium corrections
  • 89 new stadiums
  • Rivalries
  • Foundation dates
  • Club colours




The adjustments have a significant impact on the long-term dynamics!


In the "Pre-Game Editor" most sponsorship deals have the option "Renew Revenue" ticked. This is comparable to an arcade racing game like "Need for Speed", where you are actually leading 2 laps, but suddenly the second-placed driver appears in the rear-view mirror. This invisible "rubber band" also exists in FM.

In other words, no matter how bad a club does, sponsorship deals are always similar to those in the editor. This protects especially the very big clubs from crashing. This is now a thing of the past!

I have now made these adjustments worldwide for all 1st and 2nd division teams.





The entire world is now covered with real data. From the population of a small village in the Ghanaian desert to the correct altitude of small villages near mountain tops somewhere in Peru. 


  • 5500+ Cities edited
  • 1800+ local regions edited
  • Added missing coordinates of 1800+ cities
  • Missing elevation data of 4200+ cities
  • All cities now have a city attractiveness stored


These changes may have an impact on:

  • The distribution of birthplaces of NewGens
  • Travel costs
  • Sponsor deals
  • Contract negotiations
  • Player condition/injuries

I'm sure there are more influences, but I'm not aware of them yet. 😉




  • 100+ new languages created
  • Language difficulty increased by 30% to prevent players from learning the language too fast
  • 181 nations edited in total
  • 1800+ local regions edited
  • adjusted many individual cities
  • and much more!

These changes represent the linguistic diversity of all countries in much more detail. Besides the official languages of a nation, unofficial languages are also included. These are supposed to represent those people who speak a 2nd or even 3rd language without having their 1st or 2nd nationality.


For example, I speak a little Spanish, but have no family connection to any Spanish-speaking nation. It is meant to represent school/university language skills to some extent. All data is from existing sources such as Wikipedia etc.

German version:
The German version is in an extra folder. If you want to play with it, delete the English version and replace it with this one.



This file by "DaveTheEditor" is now included again. It adds 24 agreements between nations. You can find this information in the nation tab overview!



This file slightly reduces the gap between the top leagues and all others in Europe. It also slightly strengthens the top leagues outside Europe and should improve the balance in long term save games.



I have adjusted ticket prices in nations where they are calculated incorrectly, which often leads to much too rich teams in certain nations. This mainly affects South America (Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela etc.) but also other nations like Iran, Iraq. It is unfortunately still not possible to add the correct prices. At least the values are now more realistic and prevent that clubs or whole nations could easily cover their stadium with gold.



The currencies now correspond to 10.07.22 (where data is available, otherwise the next possible date was taken). 



The injury file has been "reactivated" and should primarily lower the high CA (Current Ability) of older players and boost the rotation, which in turn benefits the young players both in terms of CA and their reputation. 

There is an extra file in German. Do not use both at the same time.



Each club in the database has received an increase of X from the existing values ("youth facilities", "training facilities", "importance youth" and "youth training"). The difference between the clubs has not changed. This is extremely important to better balance the global balance of newgens as well as their development.



Minor adjustments to improve club behaviour.



This file increases the attribute "youth training" of all managers by 2. It is a new approach to encourage managers to focus more on young players and to reduce the too high average age of clubs in general. Whether it fulfils this function is not clear with the mass of changes. It does no harm and if it only has a positive impact of 1%, then I am happy. 😉



In FM22 older players stay too strong for too long. This leads to the fact that after 10+ years the age structure is completely unrealistic. 

Part of this is also the responsibility of the research team:


  1. The physical attributes of older players are not adjusted every year in some cases.
  2. The current ability (CA) of older players is in some cases not adjusted every year.
  3. The injury susceptibility of older players is not always adjusted on an ongoing basis.


My adjustments:

All players in the DB have the following attributes reduced by 1-2:

  • Basic fitness

Mo Salah can still win the Ballon d'Or with 37, but the chance is now much smaller 😉 
Overall it has a positive impact on the whole database and that's all I care about 😉



This file should better represent the current "state of mind" in the clubs.

Most clubs were very well edited, but some were too good and some too bad. Mainly media reports and the current table of the biggest nations were included. As the new Manchester United manager, your first dressing room speech will probably be rather sobering.

I hope this will make the league table more realistic, especially in the first year.




This file was created following a complaint from a user that Jürgen Klopp "always" signs for ManC after his time at Liverpool. This won't happen anymore I see a lot of potential in future updates of this file.



For a better game balance I have lowered all national team reputations by 5%.

This helps to curb the too strong increase of the league reputation and (not 100% sure yet) encourages the AI to nominate younger players to the national team.



All national teams now have the correct attendances added. Unfortunately Football Manager does not implement this 1:1 and the number of spectators in the game is often much higher than it should be. I have taken this into account in my adjustments. 




Some player salaries have been adjusted. This affects players who were still on their old salaries, especially after moving to a lower-class club, which logically has a very negative effect on club finances. I have deleted my changes for Mbappé again, as it is now included in pr0's update.



I have created a new league file for China. It is almost identical to the default version and contains only small adjustments to the league rules. One rule leads to far too low transfer fees being paid (not even 1 million euros for foreigners), although the clubs have a lot of money. This means that the clubs are now behaving much more realistically.



I have optimised the following 5 nations to make the game run faster overall: Japan, Portugal, Sweden, Romania and Austria. These adjustments result in speed improvements between 10-40% (depending on the selected setup). You can find out more in the YT video.

Please note:


  1. It is not compatible with other league files of the same nation.
  2. The performance improvement depends strongly on the hardware. So it can be bigger or smaller than in my tests.



I have integrated climate change into the game. Specifically, this means that with a small probability (approx. 5%) higher temperatures occur in all regions of the world than those entered by default. For example, in London, temperatures of up to 42 degrees can be reached in rare cases. Previously, the maximum was 32 degrees. This may have an influence on the fitness of the players. So it is definitely worth taking a closer look at the weather forecast for the next match. 😉

As already mentioned, I have deliberately kept the probability on a low level which seems realistic to me.




I'm annoyed that I hadn't noticed this. The TV money is set far too low, causing some clubs to miss out on more than 10 million euros a year! I only noticed it now because the Belgian league itself is financially stable enough and therefore slipped through my control mechanism. This problem has now been corrected.




In these countries, especially in the lower leagues (level 3 or lower), there are many board changes, strangely high sponsor revenues as well as new stadium construction. This made it enormously difficult for me to show the finances correctly at this level. Until today, I didn't know why the AI was behaving so strangely. Now I know! The stadium requirements for the league are often not met. In real life this often happens too, but "pragmatic" solutions are always found. In the FM, however, this does not work. To solve this problem, I have changed the regulations from League 3 onwards. This stabilises the finances considerably! Through this change, I was able to drastically reduce sponsorship income, which is also more in line with reality. The lower leagues of the biggest nations are now much more realistic! It annoys me that I could only fix the error now, but better late than never. 😉



WIP! 😉


HOW TO INSTALL "Increase Realism Megapack" in FM22

Place all files (not the folder) in "Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022/editor data".


Have fun! 🙂


12 years ago
1 day ago
By EnetariPP 13 June 2022 - 09:34 AM UTC 

Unfortunately, I'm not 😢


First season : 75M€

Second season: 28M€

Third season (current) : 2,1M€


The budget window below :


It's tested longterm and as I said…depending on the date of a deal it can look weird.




12 years ago
1 day ago
By Saintree_Z 13 June 2022 - 09:37 AM UTC 

@Daveincid I noticed that the award for best young player of the month in LaLiga (LaLiga Jugador joven del mes) does not load correctly (June version). The award message will be like “player xxx wins [blank]”, and the award name is also missing. A look into the database via editor showed the name and short name though, which is quite odd.

Does anyone else have the same problem? Is there any way to fix this?

I will post updates if I find the cause.


Is it really that difficult to read the highlighted text in the post? 


6. If you have questions, critics or you found a bug, please send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE. Do not spam the comment section with those things, as it might confuse or upset other people. I probably won't answer every question, please respect that.


I'm aware of this but there is no way to fix it. It only affects very few awards and technically they are still working and this is the most important thing.

11 years ago
1 week ago
By Daveincid 13 June 2022 - 09:46 AM UTC 

Is it really that difficult to read the highlighted text in the post? 


6. If you have questions, critics or you found a bug, please send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE. Do not spam the comment section with those things, as it might confuse or upset other people. I probably won't answer every question, please respect that.


I'm aware of this but there is no way to fix it. It only affects very few awards and technically they are still working and this is the most important thing.

Thanks for the explanation. By the way, I saw that in the post — I just gave up after spending half an hour trying to find where I could send a private message.


12 years ago
1 day ago

FM22 "Increase Realism Megapack" JULY BETA is now released on Patreon
- Faster simulation-speed (about 10%+ depending on the setup) due to database-optimization

- Awards/market value improvements
- Manager attribute improvements & more!


Tom Lennox
8 years ago
1 week ago
By Saintree_Z 13 June 2022 - 10:02 AM UTC 

Thanks for the explanation. By the way, I saw that in the post — I just gave up after spending half an hour trying to find where I could send a private message.


Dave gets a little sensitive for some reason. Delicate genius syndrome.

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Tom Lennox 18 June 2022 - 21:23 PM UTC 

Dave gets a little sensitive for some reason. Delicate genius syndrome.


I prefer being sensitive instead of being ignorant or disrespectful. End of story.

18 years ago
4 minutes ago

@Daveincid, please keep in mind that, as a spam control method, users who have not posted more than a certain amount of times are not able to send PMs, and so it might not be possible for some people to do so.

12 years ago
1 day ago
By mons 19 June 2022 - 07:34 AM UTC 

@Daveincid, please keep in mind that, as a spam control method, users who have not posted more than a certain amount of times are not able to send PMs, and so it might not be possible for some people to do so.


I completely understand. 

There are a lot of alternatives available.

Twitter PM is open for everyone.

Discord is open for everyone.



As I wrote there are reasons why I almost beg people to respect it. I wouldn't be able to handle all the forums/comments and maintain my project if the majority would ignore it. I'm very grateful that most of the users understand it. Those who take the time and write me a PM will always get at least a response. 

Since I act slighlty passive-aggressive to some messages the amount of stupid/troll-messages has massively decreased and I receive more constructive private messages. 

I don't like to handle it like that but if you start being friendly you will get exploited immediately and that would be the end of my project. 

Tom Lennox
8 years ago
1 week ago

In any case, could we get a more detailed explanation to the post about why sponsorship money isn't showing up correctly. You say that it is correct because you know it is, but can you provide some evidence of this? The numbers shown in the user's post are startling with how drastically the money decreases. If it is indeed some type of display error, why is the error happening and how are you sure the team is receiving the proper money? 


This kind of question affects the framework of this file on the whole and doesn't need to be reserved for private messages. 

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Tom Lennox 19 June 2022 - 12:18 PM UTC 

In any case, could we get a more detailed explanation to the post about why sponsorship money isn't showing up correctly. You say that it is correct because you know it is, but can you provide some evidence of this? The numbers shown in the user's post are startling with how drastically the money decreases. If it is indeed some type of display error, why is the error happening and how are you sure the team is receiving the proper money? 


This kind of question affects the framework of this file on the whole and doesn't need to be reserved for private messages. 


No you can't. I already wrote what can cause this issue, thats it. My work includes so many changes, so I usually won't comment about XY because it would be a never-ending-story. If you don't like it, don't use it.


Don't tell me how I should handle questions about my work. It affects my ressources, which are limited and not yours. 

Thank you.

12 years ago
5 days ago

I am loving this, thank you so much, hope you will be porting it over to FM23 too. I have a question though, are you also able to do the affiliates of clubs? they are so messed up, I often manage Ajax and their affiliates are not true to what they are in real life. 

Tom Lennox
8 years ago
1 week ago
By Daveincid 19 June 2022 - 12:47 PM UTC 

No you can't. I already wrote what can cause this issue, thats it. My work includes so many changes, so I usually won't comment about XY because it would be a never-ending-story. If you don't like it, don't use it.


Don't tell me how I should handle questions about my work. It affects my ressources, which are limited and not yours. 

Thank you.


So there are concerns that the pack is not functioning properly and your explanation amounts to little more than “It is working. Believe me without any detailed evidence as to why. Your concern is unimportant to me and you are not intelligent enough to warrant any of my valuable time.”


Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but that really isn't sufficient. Furthermore, your attempt to intimidate and silence people who raise concerns is rather childish. Everyone has time and resources which have varying levels of scarcity. You have created this pack for the public to use. The public has questions and concerns as to its efficacy.


If you cannot be bothered to address the concerns, that's your burden to carry. It's not my or anyone else's burden to sit silently because we might eat into your resources since you feel you have the market cornered on being busy.


Right now, the sponsorship income appears to be broken. You have have offered nothing of substance to suggest it isn't. Until you can behave like an adult and explain why the numbers do not add up the pack should be considered broken and should not be used or downloaded by anyone.

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Tom Lennox 19 June 2022 - 14:18 PM UTC 

So there are concerns that the pack is not functioning properly and your explanation amounts to little more than “It is working. Believe me without any detailed evidence as to why. Your concern is unimportant to me and you are not intelligent enough to warrant any of my valuable time.”


Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but that really isn't sufficient. Furthermore, your attempt to intimidate and silence people who raise concerns is rather childish. Everyone has time and resources which have varying levels of scarcity. You have created this pack for the public to use. The public has questions and concerns as to its efficacy.


If you cannot be bothered to address the concerns, that's your burden to carry. It's not my or anyone else's burden to sit silently because we might eat into your resources since you feel you have the market cornered on being busy.


Right now, the sponsorship income appears to be broken. You have have offered nothing of substance to suggest it isn't. Until you can behave like an adult and explain why the numbers do not add up the pack should be considered broken and should not be used or downloaded by anyone.

 If you say so.

Tom Lennox
8 years ago
1 week ago

It's a shame that what was once a very useful project by a once talented developer has devolved into a product that is no longer supported solely because vanity will not allow errors to be seen. 

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Tom Lennox 19 June 2022 - 14:51 PM UTC 

It's a shame that what was once a very useful project by a once talented developer has devolved into a product that is no longer supported solely because vanity will not allow errors to be seen. 


You wanna know if it works? There are test-saves available on Patreon which people can check themselfes. But I would guess you are that kind of person who get's offended because it would cost you €2. 

Just that you know: 

I'm getting feedback by several people and I'm very grateful for it and they know that. Either on Twitter, Discord, Patreon or via PM on all the forums. The slight difference is that they have a minimum level of respect and follow that route I provided to them to give feedback.

Anyways, I think I was clearly enough: I really don't care about people like you. So do me a favour and don't force me to spend more time for this *****.

Thank you.


Ryan Higginson
9 years ago
21 hours ago
By Tom Lennox 18 June 2022 - 21:23 PM UTC 

Dave gets a little sensitive for some reason. Delicate genius syndrome.


You're telling @Daveincid to act like an adult yet this is one of your responses. 


Dave is one of the very few people in the FM Community that I highly respect. 


He is very clear with his requests, send him a PM using one of the methods he lists (yes, I've been caught out by this and Dave told me). Once you actually PM him you'll actually realise how respectful he can be when you are respectful to him. 


It is not a matter of him dismissing concerns raised about the created content it is more so that he can manage any concern addressed directly. If he does find problems, he is always upfront about any updates either via Social Media, updating posts or via Patreon.

Tom Lennox
8 years ago
1 week ago
By Ryan Higginson 19 June 2022 - 15:37 PM UTC 

You're telling @Daveincid to act like an adult yet this is one of your responses. 


Dave is one of the very few people in the FM Community that I highly respect. 


He is very clear with his requests, send him a PM using one of the methods he lists (yes, I've been caught out by this and Dave told me). Once you actually PM him you'll actually realise how respectful he can be when you are respectful to him. 


It is not a matter of him dismissing concerns raised about the created content it is more so that he can manage any concern addressed directly. If he does find problems, he is always upfront about any updates either via Social Media, updating posts or via Patreon.


My hypocrisy knows no bounds.

12 years ago
5 days ago
By Tom Lennox 19 June 2022 - 16:13 PM UTC 

My hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Can you please stop? you're sounding very ungrateful, I am wanting an answer to my question which you have just hijacked with your pathetic childish behavior. Just move on and stop! simple as that. 

Tom Lennox
8 years ago
1 week ago
By DarkXess 19 June 2022 - 16:52 PM UTC 

Can you please stop? you're sounding very ungrateful, I am wanting an answer to my question which you have just hijacked with your pathetic childish behavior. Just move on and stop! simple as that. 


Ungrateful and childish in regards to what? Requesting that someone clarify a legitimate question about the pack and then bring told we're not worthy of an explanation? You defend that behaviour and yet you then expect the same person to give you an answer to your question. This is how things work in the Bizarro World.

12 years ago
1 day ago
By DarkXess 19 June 2022 - 13:31 PM UTC 

I am loving this, thank you so much, hope you will be porting it over to FM23 too. I have a question though, are you also able to do the affiliates of clubs? they are so messed up, I often manage Ajax and their affiliates are not true to what they are in real life. 


You can adjust affiliations of clubs. I do have added some missing affiliations or changed a few where the effect was different as I expected it. I don't change existing ones in general because this is something I trust the researches that they are correct. If you think there is something wrong with Ajax, make a bug report at the SI-forum. 




Ryan Higginson
9 years ago
21 hours ago
By Tom Lennox 19 June 2022 - 17:10 PM UTC 

Ungrateful and childish in regards to what? Requesting that someone clarify a legitimate question about the pack and then bring told we're not worthy of an explanation? You defend that behaviour and yet you then expect the same person to give you an answer to your question. This is how things work in the Bizarro World.


You are indeed coming across as an ungrateful child.

Your hypocrisy does in fact have absolutely no bounds. 


Where in any of the replies has @Daveincid given the impressing that “we're not worthy of an explanation”. If you took the time to PM him, you might get the explanation you desire. Alternatively, if Daveinvid finds a mistake, then I am confident that it will be rectified and mentioned in future updates. 

You don't have to be given an explanation straight away. If you know the detail that goes into these files, then you'd realise that mistakes can take some time to find. 

Have some patience, show some respect and decorum - it's not hard.

15 years ago
5 hours ago

To those complaining-

The author/file creator @Daveincid  has politely and clearly posted this in the opening post-


6. If you have questions, critics or you found a bug, please send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE. Do not spam the comment section with those things, as it might confuse or upset other people. I probably won't answer every question, please respect that.


It is up to him how and when he deals with any issues users need to respect his policy, if anyone is unhappy with this then do not use this Mod or create your own




Tom Lennox
8 years ago
1 week ago
By Ryan Higginson 19 June 2022 - 17:49 PM UTC 

You are indeed coming across as an ungrateful child.

Your hypocrisy does in fact have absolutely no bounds. 


Where in any of the replies has @Daveincid given the impressing that “we're not worthy of an explanation”. If you took the time to PM him, you might get the explanation you desire. Alternatively, if Daveinvid finds a mistake, then I am confident that it will be rectified and mentioned in future updates. 

You don't have to be given an explanation straight away. If you know the detail that goes into these files, then you'd realise that mistakes can take some time to find. 

Have some patience, show some respect and decorum - it's not hard.


The site rules actually request that you not send private messages for help and that you should post questions and concerns publicly. Click on someone to send them a message. The disclaimer is right there and you must click to acknowledge. So there's a bit of mixed information going on here. Do we follow the rules of the website or the rules someone invents on their own even though the website is being used as a clearinghouse for their files?

15 years ago
5 hours ago
By Tom Lennox 19 June 2022 - 20:35 PM UTC 

The site rules actually request that you not send private messages for help and that you should post questions and concerns publicly. Click on someone to send them a message. The disclaimer is right there and you must click to acknowledge. So there's a bit of mixed information going on here. Do we follow the rules of the website or the rules someone invents on their own even though the website is being used as a clearinghouse for their files?




but the author is asking users to PM him directly so no issue at all 

 stop the nonsense  and stop quoting users and attempting to continue arguing and take the thread into a rant/argument session, it stops now 


there is no need to reply to this post


my earlier post is clear if anyone is unhappy DO NOT use the Mod


any further posts from any user not on topic will be removed 

11 years ago
4 months ago

Good evening !


first of all, thanks for the huge job. It's great.


Secondly, question about the installation : do I have to leave the old folder “Daveincid's Increase Realism Megapack December Update” with the update, or do I have to erase it. There are some files which are not present in the update (like Austrian taxes fix for example), so, I prefere to check before.


Thank you !

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Lancelot59 20 June 2022 - 20:52 PM UTC 

Good evening !


first of all, thanks for the huge job. It's great.


Secondly, question about the installation : do I have to leave the old folder “Daveincid's Increase Realism Megapack December Update” with the update, or do I have to erase it. There are some files which are not present in the update (like Austrian taxes fix for example), so, I prefere to check before.


Thank you !


Thank you.

The answer is in the main post:

1.Follow me on Twitter and Youtube to be "up-to-date"😉
2. Delete all previous files of my megapack in the editor-data-folder
3. Ensure that you do not use other mods which may conflict with my megapack like:
 Youth Ratings, Market Values, Transfer Preferences, Sponsorship, Finances,
 Languages, League Reputations, Awards, Derbies Injuries or Club Data
4. The whole megapack is almost always compatible with all league files (especially @davie77's Arround the World Megapack) , transfer updates and all kind of graphic mods.
5. I do not answer questions if my files are working with X or Y. If the general information above isn't enough for you, there is a List of files I recommend which are tested for compatibility on https://www.patreon.com/daveincid.
6. If you have questions, critics or you found a bug, please send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE. Do not spam the comment section with those things, as it might confuse or upset other people. I probably won't answer every question, please respect that.
7. Please check first if the question is already answered. I already have limited ressources and my answer probably won't be that friendly if it turns out that you haven't read the text😉

11 years ago
4 months ago
By Daveincid 21 June 2022 - 10:42 AM UTC 

Thank you.

The answer is in the main post:

1.Follow me on Twitter and Youtube to be "up-to-date"😉
2. Delete all previous files of my megapack in the editor-data-folder
3. Ensure that you do not use other mods which may conflict with my megapack like:
 Youth Ratings, Market Values, Transfer Preferences, Sponsorship, Finances,
 Languages, League Reputations, Awards, Derbies Injuries or Club Data
4. The whole megapack is almost always compatible with all league files (especially @davie77's Arround the World Megapack) , transfer updates and all kind of graphic mods.
5. I do not answer questions if my files are working with X or Y. If the general information above isn't enough for you, there is a List of files I recommend which are tested for compatibility on https://www.patreon.com/daveincid.
6. If you have questions, critics or you found a bug, please send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE. Do not spam the comment section with those things, as it might confuse or upset other people. I probably won't answer every question, please respect that.
7. Please check first if the question is already answered. I already have limited ressources and my answer probably won't be that friendly if it turns out that you haven't read the text😉


Oh, so sorry ! I seem to be blind  :-)


Thank you again for your work and have a nice day !


12 years ago
1 day ago

FM22 "Increase Realism Megapack" JULY Early-Access is now released on Patreon
- Faster simulation-speed (about 10%+ depending on the setup) due to database-optimization

- Awards/market value improvements
- Manager attribute improvements & more!


2 years ago
1 year ago

Hello! Can this be used for fm21?

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Snazzy491 26 June 2022 - 13:37 PM UTC 

Hello! Can this be used for fm21?


No I'm sorry. It won't work properly.

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