Deleted Account #1094108

Transfermarkt has it set up like this as well, so we can just copy that


6 years ago
3 days ago
By BramNUFC 12 July 2022 - 07:05 AM UTC 

Transfermarkt has it set up like this as well, so we can just copy that


Cool, let's follow that example and I think we have to update a couple of top-tier transfers (like Coutinho and Chiesa) and try to comply to this for FM23, since backtracing is quite impossible for these cases. Although it is data original loan club equals current club with transfer in the data update as query.


I'll also think about a setup for the form on the data update page @Footygamer since there are a lot of ‘rules’ right now which I think can be streamlined a bit more, making it clear what should be filled in. Here comes the UX/UI'er in me 😛

18 years ago
9 hours ago
6 years ago
3 days ago

Great! Will take a look asap! Tagging @Robin Heart because of his interest in this too.

6 years ago
3 days ago



Players that leave on a free contract still seem to join their new club earlier than 01/07/22, in some cases it works (Mazraoui) since those are updated and have the correct dates ingame


Apart from those small details I feel this beta version is very stable - from testing a couple of clubs it seems like almost all transfers are correctly set. So starting a save is definitely possible now with this file.


Example free transfer where date is not updated somehow


Will you also set this up that it will run nightly just like the normal data update?

Deleted Account #1359833

Thanks Brothers 😊
@wfm18 + @Footygamer 

I will test that “beta” File now and i can give You some Feedback as soon as possible.  

Deleted Account #1359833

Edit: Fine File, 💕👍


but some Things i found: Example FC Barcelona

  • Raphinha from Leeds United to Barca in 12.07.2022 for free and not for 58 Million Euro
  • Lewandowski from Bayern München to Barca in 19.07.2022 for free and not for 45 Million Euro
  • Kessie and Christensen is right, Free Transfer to Barca 04.07.2022 


Example FC Bayern München

  • M. de Ligt from Juventus Turin to Barca in 19.07.2022 for free and not for 67 Million Euro
  • S. Mane from Liverpool to Barca in 01.07.2022 for free and not for 32 Million Euro


Result: it is amazing, to see so many future transfers to future date !!!

so, it is not possible to include the real Transfers Money/Prize?



6 years ago
3 days ago

@Robin Heart yes the fees are free, two reasons: data is not recorded but I think it would also massively influence the money system within the game, which impacts your save on the long-term. Like Bayern spending 80 million for De Ligt while they might not have it, transfer budgets going crazy. Maybe @Daveincid can back me up on this, as he works on finance fixes in his massive realism project 🙂

12 years ago
3 days ago


I mean the project is still a BETA. I don't know how the AI reacts if the fees need to be paid in 1 year. My guess would be that the AI could handle it. Worth a test? Maybe changing only Bayern and another team which spent a ton of money?

Test 1 with 1st transfer window disabled

Test 2 with 1st transfer window enabled


@kingrobbo ‘s comment below stopped the test before it even started 😀

15 years ago
24 minutes ago
By wfm18 21 July 2022 - 20:59 PM UTC 

@Robin Heart yes the fees are free, two reasons: data is not recorded but I think it would also massively influence the money system within the game, which impacts your save on the long-term. Like Bayern spending 80 million for De Ligt while they might not have it, transfer budgets going crazy. Maybe @Daveincid can back me up on this, as he works on finance fixes in his massive realism project 🙂


when you set up a future transfer  in the pre game editor with a fee set, no money actual changes hands between buying/selling clubs

 its a system that has always been broken and SI have been made aware many times 

so the fee is just to make it look ‘realistic’ it is superficial and has no bearing on the club's finances


[I havent checked if this is the case on latest patch BTW-But it has never worked previously]

18 years ago
9 hours ago

Our system would have to be completely rewritten to handle fees. One of the reasons this future transfer update is such a headache is because we don't record transfers we simply edit the player, so if David Unsworth moves from West Ham to Aston Villa and then a month later moves to Everton, we don't record the 2 transfers we just change his club from West Ham to Everton and his contract signed date.


I'm not interested in trying to record more information like transfer history and fees because the whole project is already alot of work for everyone involved and having people argue about what fee has been put in and spending ages editing fees would damage rather than benefit the overall project.

6 years ago
3 days ago
By kingrobbo 21 July 2022 - 21:08 PM UTC 

when you set up a future transfer  in the pre game editor with a fee set, no money actual changes hands between buying/selling clubs

 its a system that has always been broken and SI have been made aware many times 

so the fee is just to make it look ‘realistic’ it is superficial and has no bearing on the club's finances


[I havent checked if this is the case on latest patch BTW-But it has never worked previously]


Great comment, thanks for the clarification. Worthwile implementing this into the FM23 data update then for a little added realism

6 years ago
3 days ago
By Footygamer 22 July 2022 - 06:55 AM UTC 

I'm not interested in trying to record more information like transfer history and fees because the whole project is already alot of work for everyone involved and having people argue about what fee has been put in and spending ages editing fees would damage rather than benefit the overall project.


True, the data handling part is difficult. Like people can fake these fees, changing the record just for the fee 6 times. So with that in mind that would also be a good argument not to do it indeed.

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By wfm18 21 July 2022 - 15:51 PM UTC 



Players that leave on a free contract still seem to join their new club earlier than 01/07/22, in some cases it works (Mazraoui) since those are updated and have the correct dates ingame


Apart from those small details I feel this beta version is very stable - from testing a couple of clubs it seems like almost all transfers are correctly set. So starting a save is definitely possible now with this file.


Example free transfer where date is not updated somehow


Will you also set this up that it will run nightly just like the normal data update?


It is impossible to automatically fix people like Nordin Musampa, people just have to make sure the submissions themselves are correct.


That example seems simple, this guy plays in Europe and has a date for April, people can't move in April therefore it should be July 1st.


But this guy moved in March if that was English Premier League that would be a mistake and it should be moved to July 1st, but because it's Brazil it's fine.


To know if that's right or wrong you would need to know the exact transfer windows for every single nation.


I don't think there's anything more I can do with this future update, it's always going to be a little buggy unfortunately.


In terms of running nightly it needs some work to recode things behind the scenes. The whole system is designed around having one update, so switching to two is not insignificant and will likely introduce alot of bugs around the site.

6 years ago
3 days ago
By Footygamer 22 July 2022 - 07:52 AM UTC 

(1) It is impossible to automatically fix people like Nordin Musampa, people just have to make sure the submissions themselves are correct.


That example seems simple, this guy plays in Europe and has a date for April, people can't move in April therefore it should be July 1st.


But this guy moved in March if that was English Premier League that would be a mistake and it should be moved to July 1st, but because it's Brazil it's fine.


(2) To know if that's right or wrong you would need to know the exact transfer windows for every single nation.


(3) I don't think there's anything more I can do with this future update, it's always going to be a little buggy unfortunately.


(4) In terms of running nightly it needs some work to recode things behind the scenes. The whole system is designed around having one update, so switching to two is not insignificant and will likely introduce alot of bugs around the site.


(1) Yes I guess for FM22 that is what it is, for FM23 the data will be cleaner for sure.


(2) Exactly, so if we have correct data we wouldn't have to do this anymore - I guess that will reduce a lot of complexity that we now face.


(3) Yeah I think it's fine this way, especially once we get clean data with the FM23 data update.


(4) Makes sense, will you be creating this Future Transfers file periodically or was this just a test? It's completely unique compared to other data update files, so it's really cool to have it around at least periodically. Either automated or manually. Just a shame I/we cannot help you out with this.

Deleted Account #1094108

Fyi @wfm18: all Eredivisie transfers are now updated to 01/07 (or later)

6 years ago
3 days ago
By BramNUFC 28 July 2022 - 21:20 PM UTC 

Fyi @wfm18: all Eredivisie transfers are now updated to 01/07 (or later)


Cool! But that requires a new version of this file right 😛


At least this is a great start, let's see where FM23 takes us with this 🙂

Deleted Account #1094108
By wfm18 29 July 2022 - 07:08 AM UTC 

Cool! But that requires a new version of this file right 😛


At least this is a great start, let's see where FM23 takes us with this 🙂


@Footygamer Do you have the time to create a new version? Last one was 8 days ago

15 years ago
24 minutes ago
By kingrobbo 21 July 2022 - 21:08 PM UTC 

when you set up a future transfer  in the pre game editor with a fee set, no money actual changes hands between buying/selling clubs

 its a system that has always been broken and SI have been made aware many times 

so the fee is just to make it look ‘realistic’ it is superficial and has no bearing on the club's finances


[I havent checked if this is the case on latest patch BTW-But it has never worked previously]




 saw your comment in this thread- 


just FYI regarding fees etc


18 years ago
9 hours ago
6 years ago
3 days ago
By Footygamer 15 August 2022 - 09:02 AM UTC 

Here is another update…


Will you create another version once the transfer window closes? 🙂

18 years ago
9 hours ago

Sure, I'm trying to find the time to setup it up so we have 3 updates everyday Future, with Start Date File and without Start Date File.


But I just can't find the time 😢

2 years ago
2 weeks ago
6 years ago
3 days ago
By Bolleederr 31 August 2022 - 22:42 PM UTC 

New one?


Literally one post up is the answer 🙂 wait a little until our maestro @Footygamer found some time to implement 😉

18 years ago
9 hours ago

Hopefully today 🙂

18 years ago
9 hours ago

This is now live and available under the “Alternative Updates” section and automatically built every night.

6 years ago
3 days ago
By Footygamer 05 September 2022 - 16:48 PM UTC 

This is now live and available under the “Alternative Updates” section and automatically built every night.


Insane work - many thanks for bringing this to the FM community!

14 years ago
3 weeks ago

Great work!


6 years ago
2 weeks ago

Hello. I want ask, if it could be an optional file, with the (real) subtitions rule with 5 players (in 3 stoppages) and 9-12 bench players?


Thank you forward.

12 years ago
3 days ago

Hello everyone,

is this feature working? I've download on the 5th January the data update, hoping that transers would be set just to the real time date, instead, they were done at the start of the save. Is it going to be fixed?

Cheers and good work!

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