18 years ago
1 day ago

You may have noticed over the weekend that you received a new Weekly Newsletter from the site in your email inbox.


If you didn't receive it, please check your spam and mark as not spam or add to your address book.


You can also view the newsletter anytime online here and easily click back through previous weeks.


All feedback and suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated, if there's specific content you'd like to see included.


If you don't want to receive the newsletter or any other emails, use this link to manage your preferences.


If you want to receive the newsletter, you just need to be registered and have Weekly Newsletter checked in your email preferences.


18 years ago
1 day ago

The newsletter now includes how many kit packs have been released for SS, FC'12 and Standard kits.


It also has better branding to align with the rest of the website.


11 years ago
2 months ago

This was a welcome addition to my inbox. It reminded me to update a number of packs, and encouraged me to contribute to a few I had never before as I looked at the discussions around them a bit more (such as a backgrounds megapack).

Great stuff!

17 years ago
5 hours ago

@Footygamer I think the newsletter should also mention something about the carrier section 👍

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