Jamaicaman90 Activity
That's what a community is for, I've done my own fair share of troubleshooting over the years! A tip for you. You're putting those kits directly into a ‘kits’ folder, which is fine. However, with your config files I would recommend you make a sub-fol...
Your filenames are not matched with your config file. The ‘record from="home"’ for example is looking for exactly what is in the speech marks, no more and no less. Rename the graphic files to ‘home’, ‘away’ and ‘third’ (so get rid of the number and unders...
Hi all,Did anyone manage to extract the 3D Home, Away and Third kits for Inter and Milan from before the update with the Resource Archiver, or otherwise would someone be able to create them from the 23/24 season?I'm a bit annoyed we're all geting punished...
Hello! They're the same file but with different names. You can remove one if you hit the capacity for editor data files if needed (if you're running a lot of extra leagues that aren't playable in the base game for example) however if you are within the li...
That's a skin issue rather than a graphics pack issue. I don't know if there are any skins that use front of kit graphics for the tactic screen personally (the default one certianly doesn't nor do the handful I've tried this year), but if one exists that...
The expert! Yeah, you're right. In this case, as Czech B teams don't have their own overview page there's no nickname to lose so I just brute forced it with a .lnc edit as for some reason I wasn't having much joy with with editor data. I am sur...
If the files feature the same nations of clubs and you can't pick and choose, then yes they will. The editor data files for this pack will have one file per nation of clubs included (and one for international sides). If Bolid has done the same, then I'd r...
Sorry mons, just realised I've given you only senior team UIDs when the B teams actually have their own. Here is an amendment for you to make life easier:"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 136174 "AC Sparta Praha B" """CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 136174 "Sparta Praha B"...
Hi mons, do you have an estimate on your next update date? About to start my main save for the game, and I'm deciding whether I add my own editor data file with the Czech changes for a Dukla Praha save, or wait a little for your next update. Please d...
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\viewsYou will need to extract the .rar using software such as WinRAR, which will give you a large set of .fmf files that need to be in the above folder.
Hi everyone!For those of you waiting for the editor data files before starting your main saves to get the most out of this pack, myself and @wfm18 are working hard on it at the moment and we've set ourselves the goal of getting them all completed by Decem...
I would just download the FM24 pack. If you know what you're doing, by all means mix in the FM23 pack, but be warned that if you don't know what you're doing with it you do run the risk of conflicts that will mean the FM24 pack will not work entirely corr...
Fair enough!In that case, I've done the sweep. Here are the B teams that need a fix to both the Name and Short Name to match their main teams:476 - AC Sparta Praha B1300301 - FC Baník Ostrava B468 - FK Jablonec B463 - Bohemians Praha 1905 B465 - FC Zbrojo...
Cheers @mons. It says a lot about the quality of the work that I have to dive so deep to find something wrong!I think a handful of other Czech teams have similar naming inconsistencies in their B teams, but I haven't identified them all - I was flying thr...
Bit of feedback from me - there's a bit of inconsistency with the Prague clubs' B teams. For example:SK Slavia Praha (474) has SK Slavia Praha B.However:AC Sparta Praha (476) has Sparta Prague B.Bohemians Praha 1905 (462) has FC Bohemians 1905 B.FK D...
The pack doesn't impact the interface - it purely only changes the images that show up for kits. It doesn't have any ability to alter options in the preferences.This sounds like it might be an issue relating to your skin. However, do make sure you've trie...
To add to this - the colourfix editor files are a tedious but straightforward task. I am going to try to help put something together mainly because I want to give back to the community that's helped make my gaming experience so much richer, but I don't ha...
Try extracting them and removing the .zip files. It's unlikely to be the cause but it's possible.
I think I revert to my previous suggestion - flag it on the bug reporting forum on the SI website. I'm certainly at a loss to explain it, sorry.
This doesn't cause a problem for me - everything is in one ‘Kits’ folder, then split by nation, then split by league, then within that a folder for 2D and a folder for 3D. @Womaz can you check that you don't have 2D and 3D graphics in the exact same folde...
Have you tried copying 1. SS kits and 3. FC'2 kits to your desktop and deleting them from your kit folder so ONLY 2. Standard kits is in there?Your folder infrastructure looks correct, so if that doesn't work it might be a bug to raise with SI. However, i...
This was a welcome addition to my inbox. It reminded me to update a number of packs, and encouraged me to contribute to a few I had never before as I looked at the discussions around them a bit more (such as a backgrounds megapack).Great stuff!
The skin ‘OPZ Elite 2022 Blackout’ will add this in as an option for you, if you are using this background pack.
That sounds unusual - graphics packs shouldn't cause crashes. Is this during an existing save or when starting a new one? My advice first of all would be to cut your kits folder and paste it into your desktop as a backup. Then, open the game with no...
Seems to be working OK for me with a test download. See if you can see Chilean clubs in the pack - if you can, it's V2.
Are you checking here? https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/7/standard-kitsI can see version 2022.02 on the right.
Full applause to you @wfm18 for keeping up with this to such a level, well above and beyond what could be expected of anyone. Also credit to everyone who has and continues to contribute - I've taken a large step back for the tail end and I'm impressed wit...
Excellent kits! But I think you've uploaded in the wrong section. These look like FC'12 style kits which live here: https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/15/fc-kits
This looks like an excellent plan! You're definitely right that there will be some growing pains (especially as people adapt to change), but I can see it being the start of a ‘golden generation’ of user-created content when people have the opportunity to...
Can you show a screenshot of the folder where you've placed the files, so I can see the file location?
West Wales Premier League 2000027271
Cymru North - 29236869 Cymru South - 29236870
Check the FAQ above, the part titled 'I'm missing league X or club X in the pack, will this be added?' You can use any national team packs you may find alongside this pack and there shouldn't be an issue 👌
Thank you @wfm18 – you've dished out gratitude to others, and deserve it back. You've done excellent work both in terms of your contributions to the pack as well as your organisation and commitment to getting this to such a good standard.
I'm having a bug where, every time a hover over one of the options on the top line (e.g. Overview, News, Players etc.) a gap appears and widens between the city picture and city name. It continues to expand indefinitely as you move between hovering over e...
@hammer9 @wfm18 @Footygamer heads up on the above.
Advice to everyone - don't download it unless staff accounts give it the thumbs up. .zip files could be anything, including viruses.
For anyone not using the SSKCC, attached to this comment is an editor data file (non-save game compatible) that will allow you to start a save with the game correctly identifying all of the kits.
That's a shame!But it does give me an idea for a feature request on the SI forums…
Hi all,Excellent pack!For the files found in the team city backgrounds folder, would it not be possible to tie them to the city database entries rather than the clubs, and advise skin creators to also tie those graphic elements to the same? As they are ti...
It looks like the .fmf file mentioned above doesn't appear in the download - I've attached it to this comment for anyone who needs it.I don't think the Regionalliga Sud was ever meant to be included in this pack and it's a title error as I haven't been pr...
If only there was a public place where registered kits were listed, right? Life would be so much easier!
Just a heads up to you - I spent ages trying to work out Las Palmas myself, and from everything I can see that third kit you added is actually from last season and doesn't seem to have been registered for use this season, unless you've seen that they've u...
Hello again!I can see that Real Sociedad have picked up a shirt sponsor at some point after the season started. You can see it both home and away.Thanks!
Delighted for this!A few extra kits I've found:Amorebieta ThirdBurgos ThirdCartagena ThirdEibar ThirdThe Ponferradina Away kit uses white shorts as a primary and black shorts as a secondary, never orangeGirona ThirdLugo ThirdPonferradina ThirdReal Sportin...