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Hey guys first forum post I'm going to do a new Palace save for Fm 2022 , just wondering any ideas to increase my transfer budget please. I like to do this without cheating or using mods.
Also any ideas on how to improve my strikers for scoring goals brutal thanks all.
Bielsa is a legend
sell some players?
Thanks for the reply have some aged player on the Market like Ward and Tomkins but getting offer way under value .
Bielsa is a legend
when i manage :Leeds i always brought the best kids in then sell high
No surprise that I have a Palace save and my focus is on developing the youth programme, where there is a lot of potential talent that has proved to be successful. I have had to let some older players go on a free after their contracts expired but that's football.
Cheers dude they do have a very good youth system looking forward to Fm 2023. Just another point when ever I sell players that don't meet the transfer value the board get pissed off. Is there anyway I could entice a club to pay a little bit more .
Try to play around with adding installment payments. For example they might not be willing to pay 20 million up front, but if you propose 10 mil + 10 in installments, they accept it (you can even get higher fees like that most times)
Thank you just tried that with Kouyate sold him on deal came into about 9million which I thought was ok. But the board agare pissed with me over the deal.