3D Kits
3D Kits are special kits designed to make the match engine look even better, with the players wearing customised and improved kits on the pitch.
- 880 Downloadable Packs

England - English League Level 1-2 3D'22/23 by bolid74 New! (15/09/22)
See “Read Installation Instructions” below “Download” 👉👉
Enjoy 🙂
Any problem - please go to this thread - 3D Help/Discussion Thread or PM hammer9.
Or if kits not showing or not add third kit..please go to this thread -
Any problem - please go to this thread - SSKCC Thread for FM21 or SSKCC Thread for FM22 or PM hammer9.
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is this for use in fm22 and if so can u do a laliga one?
@warlordd These kits work correctly on Fm 22. They also work on Fm 20 and 21 as the model used to create the 3d kits is unchanged from Fm 20.
The author of the package, boldi74 makes the England 2D and 3D kits as well as the Croatian ones. I don't think he ever dealt with the Spanish kits.
Thanks .
A major update to this pack.
In order to complete this update and not drag it for 10 more days, I included several kits in simple version (logos only, in SI style). They will be eventually replaced with proper kits - Chelsea third, Reading third, Sheffield Utd third, Derby away, Ipswich third.
dale scooby blacknell
Awesome @bolid74! Hope you'll also update the PSD pack once the third kits are all done 😉
England - English League Level 1-3 3D'22/23 Relink! (05/10/22)
(Updated - see details here!)
then u need to go to an EYEDOCTOR
Make spain kits
Do them yourself!
Mr one post
Bielsa is a legend
This pack is now updated. New:
Hi, thank you for this pack, it looks amazing in-game. Will we by any chance get Ligue 1, Bundesliga, LaLiga and Serie A 3D kits?
Other people are working on those leagues, I'm only working on England and Croatia
A major update to this pack, National league is now available.
In order to speed up the release, I used original SI kits from FM23 beta to fill the missing kits. Some 10% of kits in this pack are SI originals, mostly in National league. I will replace them gradually in following weeks.
do these work on FM23
rocky wright
How did you dig them out?
Tommy Hughes
My guess: using the Resource archiver of FM22. 🙂
yes, FM22 resource archiver works with FM23
can someone explain to me why do we need to download kits that already have the licenses please ?
Why does it say Levels 1-6 but only has Premier League, Championship & League One?
It is not mandatory, but you can compare bolid's kits and the default SI ones to get the answer.
Kits for the missing lower leagues will be added in the coming weeks.
The kits work for me in game but are not displaying in the club info section. Anyone know a fix for this or experiencing a similar issue?
Tommy Hughes
The kits used in the match engine are 3D kits. The ones in club info page are 2D kits, so different pack of kits is needed there. (SS kits for example, which means short sleeved 2D kits)
You don't have to. Feel free not to use them. You can just grab Premier league from this pack and use only that.
I personally find original SI kits quite bad; they often lack design elements on the back (no stipes), wrong color for shorts and socks, and wide variety of colors where should be only one color. For example red teams colored from pink to dark claret. Blue teams ranging from skyblue to navy blue, and so on.
Now you might think that this is a waste of time for minor graphic reasons, and that time should be spent doing non licensed leagues. But the fact is that most of kit makers make kits that are relevant to their game, so I'm making England down to level 8. If I conclude tomorrow that levels 2-6 are ok, and I stop making those kits, I still wouldn't do other leagues. So you can consider levels 2-6 a gift that is not taking away from other content.
New update to this pack, National north league is now available.
In order to speed up the release together with SS pack I again used original SI kits to fill the gaps. I will gradually replace them with my own in following weeks.
Editor file that fixes color for FM22 has been removed as I won't sort colors in editor for level 6. FM22 users will have to fix colors by themselves.
For FM23 colors are mostly fine.
England - English League Level 1-6 3D'22/23 Relink! (01/11/22)
(updated - see details above)
Bicio Palla
hello, the sleeves folder, where do you put it ??? thanks
Mertcan Yürümez
mark falconbridge
Hi Mate, Great Kits, Love em! Just got FM23 will your kits work on full version and do I need a new FMF file? cheers and keep up up the good work! Shakey