18 years ago
3 weeks ago

Many years ago, I was invited by @Cleon  to this great website/forum. SortItOutSI was colloquially known amongst it's forum users as Susie. Through the years I kept thinking about this site as the Susie Forums. We had the Susie Real Name Fix, Susie Transfer Update and Susie Kits. Nowadays it is still one of my favorite places on the internet, though I don't post that often anymore. One thing thatI noticed was that the Susie name is not in use anymore, or at least, that I don't see it anymore. 


Do more people still think about Susie when you visit SortItOutSI? Do you use the name yourself when you mention SortItOutSI?

18 years ago
12 hours ago

I still call it Susie for sure 😀 But yes newer people do seem to not realise that, that's its nickname.

6 years ago
4 days ago

Happy that you are still here @Jorgen, even though I'm on the forums just recently (~4 years, ~2 years really active in modding).


Where did Susie come from @Footygamer? (I smell a nice blog post)

18 years ago
3 weeks ago
By wfm18 20 October 2022 - 12:07 PM UTC 

Happy that you are still here @Jorgen, even though I'm on the forums just recently (~4 years, ~2 years really active in modding).


Where did Susie come from @Footygamer? (I smell a nice blog post)


Sortitoutsi - SOISI - Susie.


Nothing more to it than that!


And yes, it's saved in my bookmarks as Susie still. Around 17-18 years after I originally joined…

18 years ago
12 hours ago

I just changed the signature from our newsletter to Susie from sortitoutsi 🙂

2 years ago
5 months ago
By Footygamer 20 October 2022 - 10:51 AM UTC 

I still call it Susie for sure 😀 But yes newer people do seem to not realise that, that's its nickname.


hello mate. sorry for jumping on this thread. id like to donate but for some reason my pc isn't registering my correct PayPal password -  do you have a sortitout addy i can send to ? 


edit for being unclear haha. I can then do it from phone which IS accepting the same password that my pc isn't 

18 years ago
12 hours ago

It needs to go through the site rather than being sent as a gift unfortunately.

2 years ago
5 months ago
By Footygamer 21 October 2022 - 07:59 AM UTC 

It needs to go through the site rather than being sent as a gift unfortunately.


No worries bud, Pc was tired last night it seemed (or i was haha) worked smoothly this morn - thanks for help

18 years ago
3 weeks ago

@Footygamer Nice to know that more people remember the Susie days and still call it that way. Those memories, those feelings about a shared past create a bond. Back then, my mother once asked “what kind of website is that ”Sorty Tootsy" ?" In my mind that is now its second nickname 😁 Nice that you changed the name in the newsletter!


@wfm18 Thanks very much! It doesn't matter if one is here for a long time, a few years,  or just started. We're all FM-family.


@Poe Great! I really thought most people forgot the name. I'm glad I asked 😁


I see Footygamer and Poe joined almost at the same moment as I did (may 6th and may 7th, 2006). And Mons joined a few weeks after. Does anyone know how old Susie is? When did it all start?

18 years ago
3 weeks ago
By Jorgen 21 October 2022 - 10:40 AM UTC 

@Footygamer Nice to know that more people remember the Susie days and still call it that way. Those memories, those feelings about a shared past create a bond. Back then, my mother once asked “what kind of website is that ”Sorty Tootsy" ?" In my mind that is now its second nickname 😁 Nice that you changed the name in the newsletter!


@wfm18 Thanks very much! It doesn't matter if one is here for a long time, a few years,  or just started. We're all FM-family.


@Poe Great! I really thought most people forgot the name. I'm glad I asked 😁


I see Footygamer and Poe joined almost at the same moment as I did (may 6th and may 7th, 2006). And Mons joined a few weeks after. Does anyone know how old Susie is? When did it all start?
In the terms and conditions I read about Footygamer Ltd. is Susie yours know, or is that just a coincidence?


@Footygamer recently penned an article on this exact subject - you can read it here:

6 years ago
4 days ago
By Jorgen 21 October 2022 - 10:40 AM UTC 

@Footygamer Nice to know that more people remember the Susie days and still call it that way. Those memories, those feelings about a shared past create a bond. Back then, my mother once asked “what kind of website is that ”Sorty Tootsy" ?" In my mind that is now its second nickname 😁 Nice that you changed the name in the newsletter!


@wfm18 Thanks very much! It doesn't matter if one is here for a long time, a few years,  or just started. We're all FM-family.


@Poe Great! I really thought most people forgot the name. I'm glad I asked 😁


I see Footygamer and Poe joined almost at the same moment as I did (may 6th and may 7th, 2006). And Mons joined a few weeks after. Does anyone know how old Susie is? When did it all start?
In the terms and conditions I read about Footygamer Ltd. is Susie yours know, or is that just a coincidence?


Hahaha I always call it sorti-tootsy just because I like it 😁 

Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
30 minutes ago

It will always  be SUSIE 

18 years ago
3 weeks ago

@Poe thanks for the link! That was a absolute great joy to read. I remember the time with Caley and Cleon, as the latter asked me to follow. It was at that moment that the SI Community forums where not that fun anymore. There were lots of people who complained. Not only about the game, but also about eachother. So Susie became my home for Football Manager. Nowadays the official SI forums are great again, luckily.


@wfm18 Hahaha, so I am even not the only one at that 🙂


@R Charlston : Yes!

14 years ago
1 year ago

I asked an older prominent YouTuber once if they used to be on Susie and they said ‘what the hell is susie?’ I think it was Loki Doki.  I joined originally I think back in 2004 or 2005 and have quit like 900 times and then came back.  Even was on “staff” for a while but it will always be susie to me. 


PS - nice seeing names I recognize like Poe still hanging about. Cheers to all. 


This might be my first post in years 😀



18 years ago
3 weeks ago

Hi @gunnerfan69 another one who still knows Susie! 🙂 Before I started this topic, I really thought the Susie nickname just vanished from memory, but it looks like I was wrong. Good to see we all know these times. 


Just read a post from Cleon on SI forums where he wanted to create a new tactic Bible. I guess FM really stays “inside” us (don't know how to phrase that in English) and even after about 25 years of FM gaming (started when Henry and Trezeguet were still at Monaco) and all these time on the forums (18 at SI, 16 at Susie) it still is my favorite game.


As you said too, lots of names ring a bell and bring back memories.



18 years ago
3 weeks ago
By gunnerfan69 21 October 2022 - 22:46 PM UTC 

I asked an older prominent YouTuber once if they used to be on Susie and they said ‘what the hell is susie?’ I think it was Loki Doki.  I joined originally I think back in 2004 or 2005 and have quit like 900 times and then came back.  Even was on “staff” for a while but it will always be susie to me. 


PS - nice seeing names I recognize like Poe still hanging about. Cheers to all. 


This might be my first post in years 😀




Good afternoon Sir - I still remember the Mazilu days!


14 years ago
1 year ago
By Poe 22 October 2022 - 14:20 PM UTC 

Good afternoon Sir - I still remember the Mazilu days!


Oh Maziuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu - what an epic scoring machine on FM SomethingSomethingALongTimeAgo.  I think that's actually an Eagles song. Good to see ya mate even if it's just a forum 🙂 

18 years ago
3 weeks ago

Now I am confused. Who is Mazilu? Never heard of him. Was he an overpowered player like Cherno Samba?

18 years ago
1 year ago
By Poe 21 October 2022 - 11:02 AM UTC 

@Footygamer recently penned an article on this exact subject - you can read it here:


That free hosted forum was wild. 

18 years ago
3 weeks ago
By Flash. 25 October 2022 - 13:47 PM UTC 

That free hosted forum was wild. 


Halcyon days

18 years ago
1 year ago
By Poe 25 October 2022 - 17:40 PM UTC 

Halcyon days


The fact that there's probably thousands of people on this forum who weren't born when we spending our evenings fighting with Stan Petrov on here is bizarre.


Good times.

18 years ago
3 weeks ago

There are probably a lot of people who've never seen a CM/FM with only a possession bar and text. 🙂


One thing I miss from older FM's is that you could specify where all players were on the pitch in relation with the ball; when in possession and when not.


@Footygamer Is it just a coincidence that a bunch of people in this topic all have registered at may 6th or 7th 2006; or has there been a forum reset around that time?

18 years ago
12 hours ago

The site had a reset once in May 2006. The original site started in 2003.


I can't remember why it had a reset, there were issues with paying the bills and the site closed at one point. There were also forum software moves which were more hazardous back in those days. Could have been either.

14 years ago
1 year ago
By Jorgen 22 October 2022 - 21:47 PM UTC 

Now I am confused. Who is Mazilu? Never heard of him. Was he an overpowered player like Cherno Samba?


He was a Romanian striker who had like 19 finishing on FM2004 or somewhere in that era.  You could buy him for around a million quid and he scored for fun. It was kind of interesting because FM unearthed a bunch of good Romanian players that subsequently moved to Italy, France, across Europe, and the UK - there was a defender (can't remember his name) who signed for West Brom (?) that was Romanian and he was a favorite of mine around that time in FM.  


Mazilu was special.

18 years ago
3 weeks ago

@Footygamer At first I thought it were the 2 starting days of Susie, but after reading your blog I knew Susie was already 2 year older than that, so it made me curious. Both could be the reason for those similar dates indeed. I'm glad the forum stayed alive since then 


@gunnerfan69 Can't remember having him in any of my teams, so I might not have heard of him before starting this topic. Though we now have the Šeško's and Moukoko's of this generation, I think those kind of players are becoming less and less part of the game. 

Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
1 week ago
By Poe 20 October 2022 - 12:26 PM UTC 

Sortitoutsi - SOISI - Susie.


Nothing more to it than that!


And yes, it's saved in my bookmarks as Susie still. Around 17-18 years after I originally joined…


Yeah. I used to date someone called Susie around the time I stopped posting and I had a bookmark on the bookmarks bar thing on Chrome that was just her name. It would've been there until I got a new PC so maybe the first year of our relationship. I wonder if she ever clicked on it when I was at work or something.


And Mazilu was FM2005 iirc.

18 years ago
3 weeks ago

Always called it Susie, seems weird not to. 

I'm not here as much as I was in the noughties, because life and work, but Susie is Susie 

12 years ago
9 months ago
By Flash. 25 October 2022 - 18:33 PM UTC 

The fact that there's probably thousands of people on this forum who weren't born when we spending our evenings fighting with Stan Petrov on here is bizarre.


Good times.


Was that the guy that kept posting the o rly owl memes? memory isn't what it used to be these days!

Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
1 month ago
By Phoenix Arrow 05 November 2022 - 14:21 PM UTC

Yeah. I used to date someone called Susie around the time I stopped posting and I had a bookmark on the bookmarks bar thing on Chrome that was just her name. It would've been there until I got a new PC so maybe the first year of our relationship. I wonder if she ever clicked on it when I was at work or something.


And Mazilu was FM2005 iirc.

My god, Phoenix Arrow

Blast from the past
18 years ago
1 month ago

It'll always be Susie to me.

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