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Hey guys,does the adboard pack which was used in fm22 work with this years fm23 at all?..
Yes it does work in FM23
Bielsa is a legend
works perfectly fine, both static and videos
can i have a link please?
then press the green download box on the right hand side,think theres a youtube install guide on that site too..
hariz zakwan
I hope @rabcp alive.
@PimpmyFM please don't post links to the adboard patch. SEGA/SI have and continue to threaten us with legal action and I just don't want the hassle
Bielsa is a legend
@Footygamer do you know if other sites are getting the same hassle?
it’s rather pathetic as neither sega or SI own the brands in question-if I wear an adidas polo shirt am I doing the same??
With the adboard patch it's more about the money they make from ingame advertising which i'm more okay with.
For example we don't allow people to post cracks of the game and if there was something else posted like “how to get the ingame editor for free” or something we would probably also block that from being posted.
It is still a mystery to me that SIgames tries to push their indifferent graphics over the heads of their users.
We don't want to use your crap graphics
Bielsa is a legend
point noted, but not sure they are the same, one is breaching legislation such as piracy, the SI point is money making-they dont have a good enough range of ads, in fact its pretty poor
over time i suspect the game will get more hard coded, and even real names will go, and we will be back to the original 1992 version
I've really seen no indication this'll happen tbh. I've been hearing variations of this same argument for years now, and I've been releasing the same structure of the real name fix for too many years to keep count and the structure of the various graphic files has been the same for many years as well. If SI intended to make it difficult for custom graphic creators, they're doing a pretty shitty job of it, frankly.
I agree that custom graphics are not the same as editing ads, to which there is a direct revenue-making element, so I can understand why SI might feel impacted about it.
Rellom Q
We lost good old Zebra, but now we got Parthenope. I believe that is a new one. Enjoy 😀
Anyhow, I'm leaning toward the same pessimistic view as Charlston. They did hide the physical json file in FM21, so at least, I think they are trying to keep the modding at a level that only change cosmetics things. Though, that have always almost been true, I could see them deny more cosmetically changes such as pictures, if they have legal issues, with anything modders can change.
My thoughts is going beyond SI or FM, even further then gaming. I think the internet as a whole, will be less …open, in the future. Hopefully, that is only a pessimistic mindset.
apologies never knew about the whole legal action stuff,just sounds really silly to me as its a great addition and they should take note
Yeh SI don't make enough from selling basically the same game every year. I read that they made 1.4 billion dollars (AUD for me) in the last 10 years alone. (edit it could be as a series not 10 years, i heard they are at 35 million sales, averaging $70 AUD a copy)
Literally threatening to sue people for making mods. Everyone turns off their targeted ads anyway. To think a game you pay for has fricken ads on adboards inside simulated pitches they think actually does anything is literally insane.
They should understand that if we are downloading adboard patches we are also not inclined to buy anything targeted to us to begin with and just want immersion. You shouldn't be controlling what people do with their game, on their computers. Controlling modders is just disgusting.
I honestly don't think they would have a leg to stand on if they sued and no one would be personally liable from your website. They don't even have grounds on a DMCA takedown or whatever it's called. Mods are transformative work and adboard patch doesn't even use any SI assets, unlike other mods for say Skyrim. That also means people are legally allowed to sell their mods for FM and many mod sites do, like some facepacks are sold for 5 quid.
Hi guys,
I have a problem.
I have been playing FM for 15 years, but since FM2020 I had put the game aside.
I decided this year to comeback, so I bought FM2023.
I had read that the Static and video Adboards we used before worked on FM2023.
but in my game, it doesn't work, everything is black, I don't have Adboards videos, or Adboards statics.
can you help me maybe? Does anyone else have this problem?
thank you in advance for your help
Almost all of what worked in FM20, also works in FM23, so I'm not sure why you're having a problem, providing you still have the relevant files. Obviously kits, logos and faces have been updated but the structure is the same now as it was back then. My static and video adboards still work fine, using the exact same setup as in previous versions of FM but are highly personalised due to create-a-club or pre-edited files. Also, I wouldn't upload data or files on here that might put the site at risk of censure or litigation.
Yes i don’t understand where can i have a problem. I didn’t update anything, i just took what i had from FM2020 regardind Adboards to FM2023. And i had put everything in the same place. But everything is still black, Adboards Statics and videos, for both, same results… What else could i do ?
Bielsa is a legend
Did you update the videos in steam folder?
what do you mean by "update"?
Yes of course, i did it as well… but it’s why i don’t understande why i don’t have my Adboards Videos and the adboards static … it always worked before.. they didn’t blocked anything ?
Yes i have exactly same than you… i transfered everything i needed for Adboards from FM2020 to FM2023…
Hi everyone,
I wanted to know if someone might have some advices to give me or a solution ? It’s so frustrating ..
thanks in advance.
Bielsa is a legend
Do a screenie of your file structures?
I will send you that! Because it still doesn’t work…
Hello everyone,
I’m coming back to you because i can’t put my screens on this page 😏.
But i checked, and all the files concerning static adboards and Videos adboards are put in the right place ( i always did the same since Adboards exists ). I don’t understand why my static adboards are always black, and my vodeos adboards are either also black, or there is something like « Lego Minecraft » instead of my video adboards. It’s super frustrating…
closing this as posts were still popping up with fixes etc, some people just dont get it, you have clearly stated not to do it