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Hi all. I think it is a known issue that the adboards are causing lag in the match engine. I've tried multiple supposed fixes and nothing has improved the issue for me. So I have two questions:
1. Is there an easy way to turn the adboards off?
2. When can we expect a hotfix for this? It was working fine before the patch but games are now borderline unwatchable in big stadiums.
Bielsa is a legend
I use the full adboards pack in HD and dont see any lag at all
could be your system-how much free ram do you have?
It definitely isn't an issue with my laptop - never had issues with previous versions of FM and this version worked perfectly until the recent patch. I know Mods on the SI forum have acknowledged the issue so hopefully a fix will be out soon.
Don't have lagging issues either.
But I do seem to have issues with the “adboards” in the stands - they are all blue. - Anyone have this problem too ?
The pitch adboards are working
Can anyone help me?
I have the Adboard Patch FM 22 and have done everything according to the instructions. The integration of the normal bands has worked. However, the video bands remain black. I have already tried to change the folder from hd to sd. Unfortunately this did not help.
I hope someone can help me.
Anybody here for an idea and help?
you have pm
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