FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 30 Apr 2024
  • 10,073 Changes
  • 141 Contributors
  • FM24.3

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This page is here as a historical reference only.

View Latest Version (24.3)

Deleted Account #1094108
By McG84 31 January 2023 - 11:29 AM UTC 

No worries at all. I actually noticed it in another save but the players weren't that good and the clubs didn't bother signing them. So wasn't an issue

I am actually going to start a new save tomorrow or Thurs because today is deadline day so makes more sense I guess. So if there's option fee for this player then so be it. 


You can always adjust changes in the update file yourself if you open it in the editor, in this case just untick that ‘fee to buy' option and it should be removed in-game.


The editor will appear if you enable ‘tools' here

8 years ago
36 seconds ago
By Drafter 31 January 2023 - 10:40 AM UTC 

That bug for loan players has been in for some time unfortunately, we are looking at it




No worries at all. I actually noticed it in another save but the players weren't that good and the clubs didn't bother signing them. So wasn't an issue

I am actually going to start a new save tomorrow or Thurs because today is deadline day so makes more sense I guess. So if there's option fee for this player then so be it. 

Deleted Account #1094108

This is how it shows up in the editor

Deleted Account #1094108
By McG84 31 January 2023 - 10:11 AM UTC 

I've started a new save with Benfica and this player has a loan option future fee of £6.75 million. 

There's no clause at all for this player to stay with Watford after his loan spell. He's to spend the rest of the season at Watford and then returns to Benfica for the start of next season 


That bug for loan players has been in for some time unfortunately, we are looking at it



8 years ago
36 seconds ago

I've started a new save with Benfica and this player has a loan option future fee of £6.75 million. 

There's no clause at all for this player to stay with Watford after his loan spell. He's to spend the rest of the season at Watford and then returns to Benfica for the start of next season 

Henrique AraújoHenrique Araújo is now on loan to WatfordWatford until 30th June 2023.
Submitted by Zangor 24 Jan 2023 20:10:26 (Zangor Submissions)
Enabled by Zangor on 24 Jan 2023 20:10:26
Henrique AraújoHenrique Araújo is now on loan to WatfordWatford until 31st May 2023.
Submitted by Simon Yaffe 23 Jan 2023 19:08:16 (Simon Yaffe Submissions)
Enabled by Simon Yaffe on 23 Jan 2023 19:08:16
Disabled by Zangor on 24 Jan 2023 20:10:26