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Hi there,
I made a payment earlier this evening however I realised that it was a mistake and instantly cancelled it. Would it be possible to get this refunded? Any help would be greatly appreciated @Footygamer
Bielsa is a legend
How are you finding Bolids SS English kits you downloaded by mistake?
There is so much great content on this site, that for a notional annual payment we can keep it going
other sites charge for downloads, Susie doesnt, merely a contribution to keep it going
I appreciate you standing up for the site @Bielsa is a Legend but I think in this case your comment is not warranted, FloppyShrimp has only downloaded one file and did not use premium to do so (You can tell because it says “0 Direct Downloads” next to their downloads).
Incase you're confused FloppyShrimp, Bielsa is a legend thought you had signed up, downloaded lots of files and then immediately asked to cancel in order take them for free without giving back, but this was simply a misunderstanding.
Either way you've been refunded now so all should be good 🙂
Bielsa is a legend
Apologies floppyshrimp (great name btw)
All good (this is my other account cause I forgot the password to the other one 😂)