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Bergantinos (Spa) 22/23 ID: 7441045
LDU Quito - ID: 5270338 DownloadAwayDownloadHomeDownloadThird
LDU Quito - ID: 5270338
Proud on you bro!
It's thanks to you my friend!
Delfin SC (EQU) 2023 - ID: 5270169
Mushuc Runa (EQU) - ID: 86018286
Delfin SC (EQU) 2023 - ID: 5270169 DownloadAwayDownloadHome
Bro i sent you pm. Delfin have new kits. All info you have in DM
You're right but say that they are fun…no?
How do you mean? Last season kits Delfin?
They sure are fun!
Independiente Santa Fe home/away
Bergantinos (Spa) 22/23 ID: 7441045 DownloadDownload
Hi Gianni,, thanks for your work, but could you to do kits Kis Cordoba CF and for Deportivo de La Coruña please, thanks in advance.Greetings
I will do the Primera, at the moment I am looking for the images.
Independiente del Valle (EQU) - ID: 80001277
Unversidad Catolica (EQU) - ID: 5270423
A very, very basic take on Moreirense 3rd kit, still some stuff missing, will try my best
A very, very basic take on Moreirense 3rd kit, still some stuff missing, will try my bestDownload
Good 👍
Club deportivo El nacional de Quito - ID: 109178
Caudal (Spa) 22/23 ID: 109001
Thank you Humberto, Iam waiting. for you it helps youDeportivo de La Coruña
Cordoba CFhttps://tienda.cordobacf.com/es/10-equipaciones-oficiales
Thansk for you work, I will wait. Thans again HumbertoRegards
Good 👍Download
Still learning and doing basic templates and help of fmkit creator
Ceares (Spa) 22/23 ID: 7452059
Thank you Humberto, Iam waiting. for you it helps youDeportivo de La Coruñahttps://deportienda.es/es/177-equipaciones-22-23 Cordoba CFhttps://tienda.cordobacf.com/es/10-equipaciones-oficiales Fuenlabradahttps://ticketing.cffuenlabrada.es/es/tienda/categoria/1-equipaciones-oficiales-2223.htmlhttps://www.cffuenlabrada.es/ Thansk for you work, I will wait. Thans again HumbertoRegards
Thanks, for Group 1 I have everything I need, now I'm more or less halfway through Group 2.
Very good 😉 I've never used fmkit creator, but in any case for these complicated kits the result (in-game) is more than good 👍
Guayaquil city - ID: 80000716
Deportivo Cuenca - ID: 120979
Main problem was aligning the pattern, that's why i used it to do it, the rest was the old fashioned way, layers, and FM 3D kit Vierwer
Tecnico Universitad (EQU) - ID: 5270339
Chalahorra (Spain) ID 4200572
Orense SC (EQU) - ID: 86047634
Libertad FC (EQU) - ID: Have to verify
Chalahorra (Spain) ID 4200572DownloadhomeDownloadawayDownloadthird
Bonjour je vois que vous travaillez sur les équipes espagnol. Auriez vous du temps pour faire l'equipe du CD Guadalajara en 4eme div espagnol pour ma carrière ?
Bonne journée
I'll be grateful if someone could make Fatima kits for meThe away shirt should have the colors reversed but I couldn't find any photos
You'll need to Login to comment
Bergantinos (Spa) 22/23 ID: 7441045
Hajdučki sin
Proud on you bro!
Laurent Czerwinski
It's thanks to you my friend!
Laurent Czerwinski
Delfin SC (EQU) 2023 - ID: 5270169
Laurent Czerwinski
Mushuc Runa (EQU) - ID: 86018286
Hajdučki sin
Bro i sent you pm. Delfin have new kits. All info you have in DM
Laurent Czerwinski
You're right but say that they are fun…no?
Hajdučki sin
How do you mean? Last season kits Delfin?
They sure are fun!
Independiente Santa Fe home/away
Hi Gianni,, thanks for your work, but could you to do kits Kis Cordoba CF and for Deportivo de La Coruña please, thanks in advance.
I will do the Primera, at the moment I am looking for the images.
Laurent Czerwinski
Independiente del Valle (EQU) - ID: 80001277
Laurent Czerwinski
Unversidad Catolica (EQU) - ID: 5270423
A very, very basic take on Moreirense 3rd kit, still some stuff missing, will try my best
Good 👍
Laurent Czerwinski
Club deportivo El nacional de Quito - ID: 109178
Caudal (Spa) 22/23 ID: 109001
Thank you Humberto, Iam waiting. for you it helps you
Deportivo de La Coruña
Cordoba CF
Thansk for you work, I will wait. Thans again Humberto
Still learning and doing basic templates and help of fmkit creator
Ceares (Spa) 22/23 ID: 7452059
Thanks, for Group 1 I have everything I need, now I'm more or less halfway through Group 2.
Very good 😉 I've never used fmkit creator, but in any case for these complicated kits the result (in-game) is more than good 👍
Laurent Czerwinski
Guayaquil city - ID: 80000716
Deportivo Cuenca - ID: 120979
Main problem was aligning the pattern, that's why i used it to do it, the rest was the old fashioned way, layers, and FM 3D kit Vierwer
Laurent Czerwinski
Tecnico Universitad (EQU) - ID: 5270339
Chalahorra (Spain) ID 4200572
Laurent Czerwinski
Orense SC (EQU) - ID: 86047634
Libertad FC (EQU) - ID: Have to verify
Bonjour je vois que vous travaillez sur les équipes espagnol. Auriez vous du temps pour faire l'equipe du CD Guadalajara en 4eme div espagnol pour ma carrière ?
Bonne journée
I'll be grateful if someone could make Fatima kits for me
The away shirt should have the colors reversed but I couldn't find any photos