Dear all

This is FLUTSKIN Version 8.0 for FM23!!

First of all I would like to give a great thank you to all FM fans who choose to play with FLUTSKIN and always keep me motivated to still editing the skin and gave me new ideas!!!

A special thank you to all of players who decided to distinguish my work with a donation!! Although just a small part of FM Players who use the skin made a donation (I edited the skin as a hobby and, as you know, completely free), I always feel honoured and happy when people recognize the work done and decide to contribute. So, I reinforce, I have to give a special thank you to that friends of FlutsKin!!!!!!

Also a thank you to all the skin makers who indirectly contribute to my work, and a special thank you to PATRES10, from fmslovakia for the 2D default kits (especially tailor-made for FlutSkin), to MICHAEL MURRAY since I started editing the match inbetween highlights panel based on his amazing work, to QVORDRUP, for the metallic “Round country flags” and his great collaboration in the “country locator maps”, to NUNO KOPIO for the “Square shiny flags” I included as alt files (for using as an alternative to the “Round country flags”) to PMPOU for his great contribution with many tickets to customize the skin, to DAZS8 for his great work in the addons for Flutskin. I also thank you for the contributes made by NOLEAFWILEN and RICHBELL. 

In FlutSkin you can find so many changes comparing to the default skin that I can’t present all of them here. I suggest you to go through the panels in order to see with your eyes all the changes!!

Main Changes in Version 8.0

  • Tactics Overview Panel (now the subs bench includes the player pictures)
  • Inbox panel (the height of the head bar was increased and tweaked)
  • Match Inbetween highlights (now all the panels can be resized with the mouse, in height and width, for a better customization)
  • Data hub → next opposition tweaked
  • Player popup panel tweaked (pros and cons panel included in the drop down arrow)
  • New alts included (tickets alts - thank you PMPOU!; alt for black sidebar)
  • Some other tweaks here and there


Main Changes in Version 7.0

  • Club Overview Panel (now 5 tabs, new information and tweaks)
  • Player Overview Panel (new information and the panels arrangement tweaked)
  • Tactics Overview Panel (bigger pitch, subs bench on the left and information about previous matches with the opponent tweaked)
  • Home panel (more results included in the results panel)


Main Changes in Version 6.0

-Home panel 

  • New tab included with more information

-Player Overview Panel

  • Now you can use 6 (!) different tabs full of information


  • Team full names included in the match scoreboard of UEFA competitions

-Match Team News panel

  • Now you can choose among several tickets (I included tickets regarding UEFA competitions, BWIN Portuguese League, Bundesliga and a generic ticket, but, of course, you can customize your skin with the tickets you want)

-Calendar tweaked

-Reported bugs fixed


“Main Changes” in Version 5.0

  • “New” Club overview panel

        - now includes 3 different tabs including much more informations: club details, club history and key information (this tab full of club information). In the             first tab the “followers in social networks” was included in the top middle panel.

  • “New” stadium overview panel

        - now includes much more stadium information 

  • “New” Nation overview panel and general panel

        - Now include new information about each nation

  • Player overview panel tweaked

        - colours of attributes boxes and analysers tweaked

  • Non player (staff) panel tweaked

       - Current and Potential ability included


Please note that many of the screenshots above are not corresponding to the current version of the skin. As soon as possible I will try ti update the screenshots.


“Main Changes” in Version 4.0

  • Player overview panel

         - new set of tabs in the top middle box. Some of those tabs include new ring graphs of attribute analysis profile (physical, mental, technical, goalkeeping,  defensive and offensive) which were created based on the great work of GROOT in his Electric Panther Skin. Thank you my friend!!; The other tabs include persoal details, biography and player stats full of data.

  • Player attributes panel

        - New tabs included in the middle boxes of the panel; stats box tweaked (with more data)

  • Individual training panel

       - New 5 tabs included

  • New Bookmarks button included (now you can easily bookmark your favourite panels and have quickly acess to all of them)
  • Lots of tweaks in player/staff list displayed in inbox panel (with much more information)
  • Other tweaks here and there
  • A few new alts (now you have a total of 24 alts for customize your Flutskin. However, please note that some of them could not entirely correspond to the current version of the skin)
  • Finally, I would like to thank you Robin Heart who challenge me to do new things in the skin and gave me a new background picture for including in the background selector. Thank you, my friend!


“Main Changes” in Version 3.0

  • Match inbetween highlights panel tweaked (now includes new information – pass map and match momentum – and four tabs for easily choose the information we want to see during the match)
  • Ingame editor included in match day header panel
  • Club affiliates panel tweaked
  • Club overview panel tweaked (club details tweaked)
  • Some other tweaks here and there
  • Reported bugs fixed
  • New Alts added:
    • 1. grey titlebar and sidebar
    • 2. player attributes not displayed (since I didn’t test all the panels, if you find a panel including player attributes yet, please let me know)
    • 3. club details in club overview panel as it was in the last version of the skin


“Main Changes” in Version 2.0


  • New Intro panel, now with 4 backgrounds rotating with each other
  • New ticket picture in the pre-match panel (thank you, NunoKopio, for the new image)
  • A few panels in news panel tweaked


Bugs fixed

  • Competition Team stats panel and competition player stats panel
  • Shorlist panel
  • Player coach report for contract negotiations
  • Player coach report for contract promises
  • Tactics set pieces panel
  • Team report scout report panel
  • Scouting centre assignment card for recruitment focus panel
  • Coach summary report boxes (player profile panel and player attributes panel)


“Main Changes” in Version 1.0

  • Intro panel (new background included)
  • Social news (size of the panels increased)
  • New alt for match titlebar/scoreboard, including clock, teams (only the team logos) and score
  • Reported bugs fixed
  • Note 1: I also decided to keep the panels of the Uefa Cups, Bundesliga and EFL as default. However, I included a new alt for those who prefer using the match titlebar of the FlutSkin, in all competitions.


The pack includes many alt files for customize the skin (please read the read me file included in the pack) and several tutorials: 1) how should be the configs for the stadiums packs; 2) how can you adjust the size and the place of the kit number in player overview panel; 3) how can you do the 2D kits adapted for Flutskin. BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS OR REQUESTS, PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE ALT FOLDERS AND ALSO AT THE READ ME AND TUTORIAL FILES!!


You can download the 2D packs prepared for Flutskin (titlebar and player overview panel) here in sourtitoutsi. FC style kits SS Kits style


If you prefer SS'kits as default kits, you can download this and replace the kits folder located here: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\skins\fm2022flutskin_dark\graphics\pictures\kits

However, if you prefer edit your own kits, I also included in the pack a .pdf file explaining how you can edit the kits for Flutskin.


The sortitoutsi Backgrounds Megapack includes player, competition and stadium backgrounds, as well as beautiful city images:


As always FlutSkin is completely free to download and I hope you enjoy it. However, if you want, you can reward my work donating whatever amount you wish. Any small amount is really appreciated.


You can donate by clicking here:

THE SKIN IS TOTALLY COMPATIBLE WITH 1920x1080 SCREEN RESOLUTION AND 4k (windows display settings 200%; game 100%).


Important note regarding TV LOGOS:
Although the default tv logo is the one I use, of course you can easily change it; for that you just have to go to skin/graphics/icons/tv logos. In that folder there is a alt folder with many TV logos. You just have to replace the tv logo.png and the tv [email protected] for that one you want. Of course you should rename the new logos as tv logo and tv logo@2x. You also can use other logos made by you. The procedure to use them is exactly the same. However, I should remember that yo should use logos with the right height. For tv logo you should use 25px and for the @2x you should use 50px.

Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 3840x2160 (4K with windows display settings 200%) and also 1920x1080 (1080p) full screen mode, sidebar icons only. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions.


[b]How to add Flut Skin in FM23[/b]
Download and extract the .zip file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Place the "fm2023flutskin_dark" folder here: 
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\skins

[*] Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
[*] Start FM23 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
[*] You should see FM 2023 Flut Skin dark - 8.0 as an option in the skin drop down of the Overview box. 
[*] Hit the Confirm button.

Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.

15 years ago
1 day ago
By Humberto21 11 June 2023 - 18:56 PM UTC 

I confirm that it works! And what I was hoping for 👍 In fact I thought it was "strange" that you hadn't entered the opposing club, but it depends on the resolution. My resolution is 1920x1080. Thank you very much

Maybe it wasn't fully visible because I use this full bar instead of the "narrow" one.



Yes,1920x1080 is the “right” resolution. In order to have all the skin stuff working well you should play with icons only in the sidebar.

3 years ago
10 months ago
By flut 10 June 2023 - 13:50 PM UTC 

Hi all


First of all I apologize for my absence. However I am very busy on these days. 

Here are your questions with my comments (for some of the questions I don't know the answers or I can't positively satisfy your requests. Sorry…) in blue.





Regarding your questions:


Firstly, how do I have to interpret the CA and PA attributes in the player overview? Since it seems those don't match the hidden CA/PA numbers or the star ratings.

I've installed alt 10 for now since I don't understand it, but would like to understand it. – I believe they correspond. However, the CA/PA is in a 0-20 scale and the other information in 0-200 scale.


Secondly, is there a way to use your skin with attributes, but without the hidden attributes (including hidden CA/PA numbers). – yes, is possible, but you should remove and change many pieces of code in various xml. Thus, I can’t explain you how should you do. However, if you want you can just remove a few of that information, removing the files abilityinformation.xml and abilityinformation1.xml yacs information.xml and yacs information3.xml (in the case of these last two files you also will remove other player information…). And don’t forget that you will have an empty space in the place of that information…





Regarding your question: use the attached file named player training attirbute changes.xml (place it it player folder of the skin and reload the game)




For adjust the kit number/name in your first screenshot, please read the pdf file I included in the skin pack. There, I explain how should you proceed.

Regarding the second screenshot, you can adjust the numbers in generic/kit icon53.xml (the steps for adjust the size of the numbers are the same I explain in the pdf tutorial for the other cases)






For staff members, is there a possibility to remove the textual information and restore the colored bar to indicate the level of knowledge of a country? _ I couldn’t do it. It seems is hardcoded.


Is it possible to ensure that the color of the shirts of the players called up for the national team is not changed on the main page of the club and to ensure that it remains unchanged? – unfortunately I don’t know why this happen and how to fix it. Sorry. When this happens in my game I reload it if I want to solve the “problem”.


The number of followers, which I imagine is in any case a fantasy value, what does it refer to? What determines this number? The club's reputation perhaps? or what other data? I don’t know answer your question. Sorry. However, I tend to agree with you. I believe this number maybe is related to the reputation of the club.




Regarding your questions….you did so many requests…In fact for trying to answer all of them I need to look at many many xmls and as you can imagine I have no time to do it (overall you almost require a “new” version of the skin, adjusted for 1080, 85% ZOOM 😊). Sorry but I can’t do it. 


Also, if it's not a problem you mention in the original post somewhere that you personally use the Metalic country flags and competition trophies because they are shown on the screenshots but are not included. – Yes the metallic logos pack is not included in the skin (you can find it here in sourtitoutsi), except for the “country locator” since each country locator (specially made for the skin) contains the flag and the country logo.


And one suggestion, to have the player card consistent on all panels. It makes no sense to be able to choose if it is not persistent across them all. – Could you please explain a little bit more these questions? 


I'm also attaching my fix for player kits' numbers and names on player profiles. It's good for Windowed mode at 1080p resolution with 85% zoom. If someone wants to use it, just unpack it in the skin folder and allow overwriting of the files when prompted. – Thanks!!




Yes you are right. Please try the file attached named player attributes comparison panel.xml (place it in player folder of the skin). And please let me know if it works.




@flut not working, now this happens if i click to compare: 

3 years ago
10 months ago

@flut and looking now like this 😕

15 years ago
1 day ago
By DobarMatheo 11 June 2023 - 19:24 PM UTC 

@flut and looking now like this 😕

Try this one and let me know if is okay.


14 years ago
3 weeks ago

Hi mate firstly thank you for the skin just got a 4k monitor and it’s magnificent just have one question it’s probably already been answered but can’t find anything on it.


is there any way I can remove the kits from the player profile pic section so I just see player face and background pic. Thank you 

10 years ago
32 minutes ago

@flut I promise, it's the last one.. (at least I hope 😂) 

During the match, it seems that the skin can't remember to enter the "home" and "away" lineup under the correct column.

Now, I know that I can manually change the formations, but I was wondering if it was possible to make the skin be set to remember that in the "formation" in the lower left is the club that plays at home, and equally in the "formation" at the bottom right there is both the club and the away games.

Indeed, the skin seems to have the team playing at home as the first selection, and the team playing away as the second, but unfortunately it seems that this choice is unable to "remember" it in subsequent games.

15 years ago
1 day ago
By Humberto21 11 June 2023 - 20:39 PM UTC 

@flut I promise, it's the last one.. (at least I hope 😂) 

During the match, it seems that the skin can't remember to enter the "home" and "away" lineup under the correct column.

Now, I know that I can manually change the formations, but I was wondering if it was possible to make the skin be set to remember that in the "formation" in the lower left is the club that plays at home, and equally in the "formation" at the bottom right there is both the club and the away games.

Indeed, the skin seems to have the team playing at home as the first selection, and the team playing away as the second, but unfortunately it seems that this choice is unable to "remember" it in subsequent games.


Hi. Once, a few months ago it also happened in my game. Suddenly those panels started to not remember the “home” and “away”. I can´t explain why. I have not a solution since the code for “save current state” is there. However, in my case, I'm not sure, but I believe I chose the correct boxes and left the game. Then I cleared the cache and loaded the game again. As I remember it worked.

15 years ago
1 day ago
By smurfybaby 11 June 2023 - 20:13 PM UTC 

Hi mate firstly thank you for the skin just got a 4k monitor and it’s magnificent just have one question it’s probably already been answered but can’t find anything on it.


is there any way I can remove the kits from the player profile pic section so I just see player face and background pic. Thank you 



What is the option you use? Could you please show me a screenshot?

3 years ago
10 months ago
By flut 11 June 2023 - 19:49 PM UTC 

Try this one and let me know if is okay.


@flut Thank you very much! Now it is, how it should be 🙂 

1 year ago
4 months ago
16 years ago
1 year ago
By Bielsa is a Legend 07 June 2023 - 11:48 AM UTC 

click the white arrow under history

Thanks, but with the functions I can't get delete the two jerseys. Probably, a graphic or config setting must delete somewhere in the flood folder. But I don't find that.




OK, that's done. Found the relevant panel kits.

12 years ago
2 months ago

Hey @flut - came across another issue in the in-game engine that I was hoping you could help me with. I had the same issues in FM22 and you told me which code to alter. I have tried the same here, but to no success.


The match in between highlights panel - the panels are not lined up properly. I need to make main / middle panel with player name bigger, stretch across to left of screen. I have tried playing around with some values, but only seem to alter the furthest left panel. I have tried dragging it in game, but that is max. See pic.


10 years ago
32 minutes ago
By flut 11 June 2023 - 20:51 PM UTC 

Hi. Once, a few months ago it also happened in my game. Suddenly those panels started to not remember the “home” and “away”. I can´t explain why. I have not a solution since the code for “save current state” is there. However, in my case, I'm not sure, but I believe I chose the correct boxes and left the game. Then I cleared the cache and loaded the game again. As I remember it worked.


Your suggestion doesn't seem to work at the moment, maybe it will "fix" itself 😂 Luckily that's something that can be fixed in-game 👍

in any case, thanks 🙂 

15 years ago
1 day ago
By shenryo 12 June 2023 - 11:33 AM UTC 

Hey @flut - came across another issue in the in-game engine that I was hoping you could help me with. I had the same issues in FM22 and you told me which code to alter. I have tried the same here, but to no success.


The match in between highlights panel - the panels are not lined up properly. I need to make main / middle panel with player name bigger, stretch across to left of screen. I have tried playing around with some values, but only seem to alter the furthest left panel. I have tried dragging it in game, but that is max. See pic.


In the match in between highlights panel try to increase the value 1573 in lines 8, 94 and 95. Reload the game.


15 years ago
1 day ago
By Humberto21 12 June 2023 - 12:42 PM UTC 

Your suggestion doesn't seem to work at the moment, maybe it will "fix" itself 😂 Luckily that's something that can be fixed in-game 👍

in any case, thanks 🙂 


Yes it can be fixed in-game. However, that “bug” is annoying…Sorry for not helping you 😢

10 years ago
32 minutes ago
By flut 12 June 2023 - 18:33 PM UTC 

Yes it can be fixed in-game. However, that “bug” is annoying…Sorry for not helping you 😢


Never mind, I will very fondly remember the work you created for the home panel "calendar" 👍 (I really appreciated!) And then that "bug" is the least "annoying" due to the fact that during a game I often pause to make changes to tactics etc etc 🙂 

12 years ago
2 months ago
By flut 12 June 2023 - 18:26 PM UTC 

In the match in between highlights panel try to increase the value 1573 in lines 8, 94 and 95. Reload the game.

Legend. Thank you.


4 years ago
3 days ago

Hola, lo primero darte la enhorabuena porque es una skin increíble. Si me permites me gustaría hacerte unas consultas.

  1. Se podría aplicar el color predominante de cada club a las barras laterales grises?
  2. He adjuntado fotos de un par de problemas que he tenido para ver si puedo hacer algo para solucionarlo. Las banderas tapando los datos del jugador, la dimensión de la foto en la pantalla de atributos del jugador y la falta de atributos en los empleados. Muchas gracias y un saludo


15 years ago
1 day ago
By Vitinho10 16 June 2023 - 02:58 AM UTC 

Hola, lo primero darte la enhorabuena porque es una skin increíble. Si me permites me gustaría hacerte unas consultas.

  1. Se podría aplicar el color predominante de cada club a las barras laterales grises?
  2. He adjuntado fotos de un par de problemas que he tenido para ver si puedo hacer algo para solucionarlo. Las banderas tapando los datos del jugador, la dimensión de la foto en la pantalla de atributos del jugador y la falta de atributos en los empleados. Muchas gracias y un saludo



  1. Se podría aplicar el color predominante de cada club a las barras laterales grises? – yes. You can use the “1 alt sidebar match club colour - FM23”
  2. Las banderas tapando los datos del jugador, la dimensión de la foto en la pantalla de atributos del jugador – Try to use the sidebar icons only and not the wide sidebar.
  3. la falta de atributos en los empleados.  this is weird. If you are not using the alts for playing without attributes everything should work well. Thus, if is the case, try to clear the cache, keep only this skin and this skin version in the skins folder of the game and reoload the game.
4 years ago
3 days ago

Me podrías mandar una captura de cómo tienes colocadas las carpetas de logos y banderas para que salgan los iconos de país, selección y competición en la pantalla

Gracias 🙏

6 years ago
1 year ago

Hey guys, does anybody know how to get this skin work with a 3440x1440 screen. Tried out a few options but didnt get it to work properly. Thanks in Advance and Greetings! 

17 years ago
1 year ago



Love your skin


I installed a stadium pack, and it rotates my stadium pictures with your placeholder.


I found the folder with you placeholders in, and deleted them. now it rotates my stadiums with a black screen


Any idea of how to resolve this please.


It think there is a similar problem with the city picture, but  Ihave not installed those yet.


<edit> I tried to work this out for myself…


is this because you have 


<record from="98040407" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/98040407/stadium"/>

<record from="98040407" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/98040407/background"/>


 and it is rotating the two images?


Do I need a separate image pack for stadium “background”?


I downloaded a stadium minipack (as it was significantly smaller)… Do the 3GB packs have both?


Sorry… I only bought the game last night, and I am still working it all out



Many thanks in advance

Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
1 hour ago
By Charly0309 04 July 2023 - 22:32 PM UTC 



Love your skin


I installed a stadium pack, and it rotates my stadium pictures with your placeholder.


I found the folder with you placeholders in, and deleted them. now it rotates my stadiums with a black screen


Any idea of how to resolve this please.


It think there is a similar problem with the city picture, but  Ihave not installed those yet.


<edit> I tried to work this out for myself…


is this because you have 


<record from="98040407" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/98040407/stadium"/>

<record from="98040407" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/98040407/background"/>


 and it is rotating the two images?


Do I need a separate image pack for stadium “background”?


I downloaded a stadium minipack (as it was significantly smaller)… Do the 3GB packs have both?


Sorry… I only bought the game last night, and I am still working it all out



Many thanks in advance


You need 2 packs


backgrounds and stadium insides-both are in the backgrounds pack on this great site

17 years ago
1 year ago

OK… I was hoping to avoid another 3gb download.


Thanks mate!

Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
1 hour ago
By Charly0309 05 July 2023 - 13:44 PM UTC 

OK… I was hoping to avoid another 3gb download.


Thanks mate!


become a Premium member, well worth the tenner

3 years ago
6 months ago


Hello and thanks for the skin! I'm having an issue with the kits assigned to players in some panels after somehow interacting with them in the scouting window. The skin is showing my team's default skin instead of the player's current team kit. Here is an an example:

3 years ago
6 months ago

To add to my last post, i would also like to know if it's possible to remove those kits showing next to player pic on their profile, or show only the front kit. Thanks!

17 years ago
1 year ago



A simple question (I hope)


During a match, Id like to add in a “condition” column to the stats.


At the moment, the only way to see everyones condition is to look along horizontally across the bottom. I fnd this really hard to do at a glance, so I need to keep checking “subs” to get this info.


Is there a way for me to edit the xml file for the stats (panel 2) under “general info”.


Or perhaps I am missing a tab that already has that (I couldnt see one…)


Many thanks, dude!

Spursssss Fan!
3 years ago
4 months ago
By flut 29 October 2022 - 17:15 PM UTC 

Hi all


You can now download the Flutskin for FM23.

Please, I will appreciate if you report bugs you find (please, bugs and not requests).


I hope you enjoy the skin!!

Thanks and cheers


Love the skin although when I check a player the number is bigger than the shirt… sorry if this has been asked before!

15 years ago
1 day ago
By Yavin 06 July 2023 - 17:03 PM UTC 

Hello and thanks for the skin! I'm having an issue with the kits assigned to players in some panels after somehow interacting with them in the scouting window. The skin is showing my team's default skin instead of the player's current team kit. Here is an an example:




you should use the front kits adapted for flutskin.

You can download the pack here in sourtitoutsi:


2D Kits 22/23 for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview v.6.0 - FC 12 Kits Forum - FM23 - Football Manager 2023 (

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