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European qualified may take some work, for some reason it doesn't seem to like 3 English teams in the Europa League or register the Europa Conference winner as a legitimate registered team (I suspect this is because last year Roma qualified through the league so it's just not registering the winner this year as a result). When I get a file that is largely accurate I will upload it, I may have to be selective on which English teams I place in the extra file (WHU most likely to miss out).
Lebohang Mokoena
Still three teams in Spain have pending matches:
Other promotions and relegations on all tiers are decided yet, although the composition of the groups has not been announced yet:
Federation Third has 18 groups. Each group is for each of the 17 spanish autonomous communities, (Andalucia has two groups) so the composition of groups is already decided. Some teams along these may be promoted additionally because groups next year will have 18 teams instead of 16. These are confirmed.
¹ Not in FM
Jan verhoeven
When will the dutch promotion/relegation be done?
Germany (Updated), Netherlands, Portugal (Top 2 divisions) and Serbia all uploaded.
Relegation/Promotions in the 2nd level of Poland are already known. ŁKS Łódź, Ruch Chorzow and Puszcza Niepołomice will advance. Skra Częstochowa, Chojniczanka and Sandecja are relegated to Polonia Warszawa, Znicz Pruszków and Motor Lublin. I really hope for an update 🙂
Poland has been uploaded and should be included in the download shortly.
Slovakia now uploaded, minus a promotion for OFK Malzenice who do not currently exist in the game.
Croatia now added, top division completed but awaiting results of relegation play off on 17/06/2023 for the second division.
Temporary working file for Europe added, bare in mind some qualifiers are NOT completed yet. When coefficients change and nations gets more or less spots, enter in different rounds you need to be very careful with how you get this into the game, the Euro qualifiers are notoriously fussy with what they will and will not accept (for example, early tests this year put almost the entire Turkish premier league into the champions league during attempts to reduce their number of teams from 5 to 4).
The final version therefore may not be 100% accurate, some compromises will have to be made to get as many teams accurately in there, some may start in wrong round and others like West Ham may not be there at all (you can easily fix this by swapping Liverpool or Brighton yourselves, but bare in mind from test so far you cannot have all 3).
Full working European qualifiers file now added and available ready to be play tested. Please be aware it is not guaranteed to work, I am releasing this so you can help report any bugs in the first or second seasons for Euro qualifiers, it may just work perfectly.
Caveats are that some teams do not enter the correct stage so far (for example Red Star in the CL group stage) but the file does include West Ham in the Europa League at the expense of Cypriots (they now get one in CL, two in ECL) due to Serbia, Greece and Denmark (the other potential nations to lose a spot) are all playable.
IF this one has any issues, I will revert back to a file with full Cypriot qualifiers and without WHU.
Will the 49ers purchase of Leeds be included at some point? Thanks for all your work!
Yes takeovers will be in a separate Club file.
Another Europe file added after some tweaks, teams should largely enter in the correct rounds now. the ECL First and Second may not be 100% perfect as there were some slight number changes to accommodate WHU winning ECL and qualifying for EL but they are largely accurate and from my initial playtests they are stable.
Great! Separate from the data update files? Where will I find the Club file?
It'll be included in the same download just under England (Club) rather than England (League).
He actualizado con el editor externo todos los equipos participantes en competición europea(Champions,Europa League y Conference) para la 23/24, pero al comenzar la partida no me salen la mayoría.
Cuál podría ser el problema?
I am afraid I only speak English but if the question is about the European qualified teams they should all be in the latest download.
When the download will be available
How do you start from 2023?
Will Italy be updated as well? Last game is Lecco-Foggia I think, which will be played in 2 days
I agree. Can you update too Playoff's Serie B pls? Thank you…
can you update to turkish league's promotions and relegations
Yes, once all fixtures are completed I'll upload a file, same for when divisions with sub-divisions like Serie C are finally finalised an updated file will be provided.
A file has been uploaded that includes some of them, the changing structure of the leagues in terms of numbers means a fully accurate version isn't currently available.
Italy (Serie A to B) added.
Jakob Roland Kjærsgaard
Is it possible the danish leagues will be updated?
Last time I did some updates to the extra file there were some matches to be decided but it will be uploaded absolutely 🙂
Jakob Roland Kjærsgaard
Great work. Played the last round on saturday. It wont come as a separate file os the other league updates? Just to be sure what I´m looking for? 😉
It'll be included as an extra file in the data update download, it was just waiting to see whether Roskilde's abandoned home game as going to be played but it seems both teams have asked for the result to stand as a win to Roskilde so I just need to try and get the game to recognise a tweak back to 12 teams for 2. Division.
Seems I managed to get it working, extra file will be uploaded now, let me know how it's working for you to make sure there are no bugs but it should all work 🙂