Latrell yard man
5 years ago
2 hours ago

When are you gonna release Aston Villa new badge your pack is the only one i use so just inquiring thank you

14 years ago
26 minutes ago
By Latrell yard man 23 June 2023 - 06:39 AM UTC 

When are you gonna release Aston Villa new badge your pack is the only one i use so just inquiring thank you


I think you should go to his FMG homepage

Latrell yard man
5 years ago
2 hours ago
By Copywriter 24 June 2023 - 19:55 PM UTC 

I think you should go to his FMG homepage


you got a link mate

14 years ago
26 minutes ago
18 years ago
1 hour ago

@Latrell yard man the individual in question is @Derek 


@Copywriter why did you need to take it to PM? We try and discourage people from using PM unless it really needs to be private, it seems like this could have been posted publicly?

14 years ago
26 minutes ago

@Footygamer  i thought that it not was allowed to mention other FM Homepages. A lot of other FM websites gives there for a sanction. 

18 years ago
1 week ago

@Latrell yard man The new circular Aston Villa logo was first updated in Update 2 and then improved in Update 5. Hope that helps.


Thanks @Copywriter and @Footygamer .

Latrell yard man
5 years ago
2 hours ago
By Derek 28 June 2023 - 17:00 PM UTC 

@Latrell yard man The new circular Aston Villa logo was first updated in Update 2 and then improved in Update 5. Hope that helps.


Thanks @Copywriter and @Footygamer .


Cheers Derek i signed up to your site and i am fully up to date now.

18 years ago
1 hour ago

@Latrell yard man did you have an issue updating from our site? You're a premium member it should have been easy. If you could share what issue you were having i'd appreciate it.

Latrell yard man
5 years ago
2 hours ago
By Footygamer 30 June 2023 - 20:29 PM UTC 

@Latrell yard man did you have an issue updating from our site? You're a premium member it should have been easy. If you could share what issue you were having i'd appreciate it.


Hi @Footygamer  it was the way i was trying to get the badge i was typing Aston villa into search fm database and there old badge is there, when i went on fmc site it was just easier i saw a download picture with the villa badge on it. n hey nothing personnel i love your site.       

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