Metallic Logos Pack

Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.

  • 432,610
  • 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
Metallic Logos Pack

18 years ago
5 hours ago
By anthony buttaci 28 July 2023 - 06:55 AM UTC 

Hi There 


Can you update a few logos as you have the old ones still?


thank you 



We had summer break, update will be released soon (no exact date).


17 years ago
1 hour ago
By anthony buttaci 28 July 2023 - 06:55 AM UTC 

Hi There 


Can you update a few logos as you have the old ones still?


thank you 



This NOT how it is done at all. You probably mean well, but we would really rather not have this type of comments. We have a submission system where you can submit sources for any logo that you think is outdated, and then we make updates in our own pace 🤔


Submit sources pictures here:

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Chris93 26 July 2023 - 09:35 AM UTC 

@Qvordrup Is it possible to add the option to submit national flags as well with this system? There are a few flags in the game that are either old (the first ones that come to mind are that of Portugal, Martinique or the Virgin Islands), or of a very low quality.

Done 👍you can now submit sources pictures for national flags in the submissions system 🙂


marian andrioaie
6 years ago
1 year ago
By Qvordrup 13 July 2023 - 23:18 PM UTC 

Well somethings gone wrong. Please try removing everything related to logos once again (also any other packs than metallics including any flags pack) and be sure that no configs have been moved to other folders by accident. Then download the complete pack (not update), using chrome this time so you can resume any interruptions in your download making sure you get the full file.



Judging by your screenshot there are several problems: your missing small logos suggest there are a config somewhere in your graphics that point to no images. The default normal logos suggest you are missing a config and possibly also the images (but I cant tell that from the screenshot). only thing that is working is your small flags. 


So best solution is to delete everything and start again. When a fresh start doesn't work is usually because something from the old/previous install is left behind (possible accidentally moved/copied to another folder, or another logopack is messing up the configs setup or you somehow did not download the full file and is missing stuff (configs or images).   


Hello, I have a fresh install of FM23, have downloaded all of the metallic logo packs (including latest updates), pasted everything into the “graphics” folder (I had to create it since it did not exist prior). In my Graphics folder I have this



and in the logos folder I have all of these with Config files



yet it is not working in game, I have standard/default logos & icons. Appreciate any help..

By sclim 30 July 2023 - 15:28 PM UTC 



How do you make the metallic ones for the Soccer shields? For which application do you do it thanks


17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Jesus David Fonseca Cerpa 30 July 2023 - 21:45 PM UTC 

How do you make the metallic ones for the Soccer shields? For which application do you do it thanks

There is of course a Thread in the forum for this :


Please read around the forum before asking questions please 👍


17 years ago
1 hour ago
By marian andrioaie 30 July 2023 - 01:35 AM UTC 

Hello, I have a fresh install of FM23, have downloaded all of the metallic logo packs (including latest updates), pasted everything into the “graphics” folder (I had to create it since it did not exist prior). In my Graphics folder I have this



and in the logos folder I have all of these with Config files



yet it is not working in game, I have standard/default logos & icons. Appreciate any help..

Delete what you have and start again. You only need the complete file it has all the updates. Download the complete file using  chrome so you can resume any interruptions in your download, making sure you get the full file. When downloaded make sure all the files are in the same folder before extracting. Then extract it to your graphics folder, the files are bundled together and will all extract at once in one go if kept in the same folder. That should solve your problem 👍

marian andrioaie
6 years ago
1 year ago
By Qvordrup 30 July 2023 - 22:23 PM UTC 

Delete what you have and start again. You only need the complete file it has all the updates. Download the complete file using  chrome so you can resume any interruptions in your download, making sure you get the full file. When downloaded make sure all the files are in the same folder before extracting. Then extract it to your graphics folder, the files are bundled together and will all extract at once in one go if kept in the same folder. That should solve your problem 👍


Thanks but that's what I'm saying, that's exactly what I did, twice now!


Is there potential interference from database files with graphics? I have several database files loaded at the same time…

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By marian andrioaie 31 July 2023 - 00:53 AM UTC 

Thanks but that's what I'm saying, that's exactly what I did, twice now!


Is there potential interference from database files with graphics? I have several database files loaded at the same time…

No that is not the problem. If you have done exactly that then I really can't help you. Because if done right the pack is for sure working 🤷‍♂️ So if you have watched the video(s) and followed the instructions exactly and it is still not working you're left on your own because then it is something at your end not working. Last thing I can tell you is that if the default logos are showing then you have no configs, because you can also have the configs in the wrong place but then there is an empty space where the logos should have been. So the most common errors are: not getting the complete file but only downloading a update file. Not getting the full complete file. Editing the file structure so the config files are not in the right place. Applying updates wrong. Not ticked the right boxes in the game so the logos don't load. Remember that you have to reload skin to get the logos in your game. 

If I were you I would just extract the “sortitoutsi Metallic Logos” folder straight in to your graphics folder and not edit the folder structure 👍


13 years ago
3 days ago

Does 2023.08 work for everyone? I can't see logos from this update

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Yarik89 14 August 2023 - 11:01 AM UTC 

Does 2023.08 work for everyone? I can't see logos from this update

Yes sure it works for everybody 👍🙂 take a look at this for installation and updating packs:






13 years ago
3 days ago
By Qvordrup 14 August 2023 - 11:14 AM UTC 

Yes sure it works for everybody 👍🙂 take a look at this for installation and updating packs:





I know the order of installation. Since installing 2023.07 nothing has changed. New kits added now for one of the leagues, they are displayed correctly, but the logos are not. I thought maybe it's in the config



4 years ago
1 week ago

I'm sorry, but I've been downloading logos for 4 years and I've never had any problems. I just downloaded it and it doesn't recognize them in the game. I'm sure the config file is causing problems.

once updated I see the logos that the game itself brings by default.

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By telu 14 August 2023 - 17:14 PM UTC 

I'm sorry, but I've been downloading logos for 4 years and I've never had any problems. I just downloaded it and it doesn't recognize them in the game. I'm sure the config file is causing problems.

once updated I see the logos that the game itself brings by default.

That is very strange, because the fact that you have default logos showing indicates that you have no configs at all. Have you checked that there is in fact any configs in your folders and that you have not somehow deleted the configs by accident? 


4 years ago
1 week ago

I have done what I have been doing for the last few years. Copy and paste folders and I've never had a problem. What has surprised me that he has not told me to overwrite the logos ..

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Yarik89 14 August 2023 - 12:20 PM UTC 

I know the order of installation. Since installing 2023.07 nothing has changed. New kits added now for one of the leagues, they are displayed correctly, but the logos are not. I thought maybe it's in the config

If the process of updating the pack has somehow gone wrong, my best advice is to delete what you have and download the complete file again with chrome so you can resume any interruptions in the download making sure you have the full file. Then just extract it to your graphics folder and you are good to go 👍


17 years ago
1 hour ago
By telu 14 August 2023 - 19:05 PM UTC 

I have done what I have been doing for the last few years. Copy and paste folders and I've never had a problem. What has surprised me that he has not told me to overwrite the logos ..

Here is some of the answer to why it is not working. There are a lot of new logos that should replace the old ones by saying yes to overwriting them.

When the updating process have gone wrong like this, my best advice is to delete what you have and download the complete file again using chrome so you can resume the download if interrupted, making sure you have the full file. It has everything you need so just extract it to your graphics folder and you are good to go 👍🙂 


4 years ago
1 week ago
By Qvordrup 14 August 2023 - 19:17 PM UTC 

Here is some of the answer to why it is not working. There are a lot of new logos that should replace the old ones by saying yes to overwriting them.

When the updating process have gone wrong like this, my best advice is to delete what you have and download the complete file again using chrome so you can resume the download if interrupted, making sure you have the full file. It has everything you need so just extract it to your graphics folder and you are good to go 👍🙂 


start with the mega pack and then the updates one by one.

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By telu 14 August 2023 - 19:25 PM UTC 

start with the mega pack and then the updates one by one.

If you download the complete file it has all the updates included (it is updated every time a new update is released), and you will only have to apply any future updates 👍🙂 


17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Yarik89 14 August 2023 - 12:20 PM UTC 

I know the order of installation. Since installing 2023.07 nothing has changed. New kits added now for one of the leagues, they are displayed correctly, but the logos are not. I thought maybe it's in the config

I've tested it and nothing is is wrong with the configs in either the last update or the complete file. When updating the pack has gone wrong somehow my best advice is to delete what you have and download ( using chrome so you can resume any interruptions in your download) and install the complete file again. It has everything you need ( it is updated every time a new update is released ) and all you have to do is to extract it to your graphics folder 🙂👍


3 years ago
3 months ago

Hi, I've downloaded the Metallic Logos and Trophies Megapack in parts, should I extract the each rar file (part 1, part 2 etc.) or when you extract part 1 it automatically extract the other parts as well?

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By prideofkazakhs 23 August 2023 - 01:25 AM UTC 

Hi, I've downloaded the Metallic Logos and Trophies Megapack in parts, should I extract the each rar file (part 1, part 2 etc.) or when you extract part 1 it automatically extract the other parts as well?

They all extract automatically if you have them in the same folder 🙂👍


3 years ago
3 months ago
By Qvordrup 23 August 2023 - 01:58 AM UTC 

They all extract automatically if you have them in the same folder 🙂👍


Thank you very much!

Alberto Giann
1 year ago
1 year ago

Good evening everyone, as an inexperienced on the subject I have a question for you, can I download only the pack of one nation? Like for example the English pack with all the logos of the English teams, the German pack with all the logos of the German teams...

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Alberto Giann 27 August 2023 - 23:13 PM UTC 

Good evening everyone, as an inexperienced on the subject I have a question for you, can I download only the pack of one nation? Like for example the English pack with all the logos of the English teams, the German pack with all the logos of the German teams...

No that is not possible 👍


13 years ago
4 months ago

iv got sortitoutsi Metallic Logos 2022.9 working but i updated to 2023.8 not working so i did 2022.9 again worked add one change 2023.01 not work help plz

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By nigelk9 30 August 2023 - 09:03 AM UTC 

iv got sortitoutsi Metallic Logos 2022.9 working but i updated to 2023.8 not working so i did 2022.9 again worked add one change 2023.01 not work help plz

Just download the complete pack from here it has everything you need (the file is always up to date with thew newest updates included)

use chrome so you can resume any interruption and keep all the downloaded file in the same folder, as they will all extract in one go if kept in the same folder. extract everything to your graphics folder and you are good to go 👍 then you only need to apply any future updates (and this where you have a problem)


When updating the pack you put the update in the exact same folder as you did with the complete pack. No new folders must appear after the update process and importantly you will have to say yes to a lot of overwrites (say yes to all) otherwise you have done something wrong 👍


Take a look at this:



13 years ago
4 months ago

so the older version with update did not work so i downloaded this years one it worked

3 years ago
1 day ago


Hello, I wanted to ask if it is possible to display the one Salzburg logo as it is in reality only in international competitions and the normal one in the league or cup

international comeptions
17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Benji_hro 04 September 2023 - 18:32 PM UTC 

Hello, I wanted to ask if it is possible to display the one Salzburg logo as it is in reality only in international competitions and the normal one in the league or cup

international comeptions

Well I'm not sure I fully understand your question. You can only have one at the time and we have chosen the normal logo used i league and cup in the pack:


The logo used in European competitions are because of the rule that there can't be two clubs in the same competition with the same owner (RB Leipzig)


But if I understand your question right: no to my knowledge you can not have the other logo show in European competitions 👍 


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