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where will we find the updated FMF file for every time a new kit is updated or released in this new complicated system? thanks
What is browse section?
At the top of the SS kit forum there is a browse button, if you click on that you can navigate through to different league and then see the kits for each team
Sorry mate, struggling to find the browse section for the 3D kits
The browse section is available through the browse button at the top of the SS Kit forum
It’s the 3d kit I’m asking/looking for? is that in the same place?
Yes Bolid added both the SS kit and the 3D kit the other day, once you get to Newcastle click on the team name and it will show the kits
Ahhh I wasn’t clicking on 2024 😅. Thank you mate
I see…
Concerning blue socks you can't respond ‘cause you’re just a robot.
OK, i'ts another danger of the artificial Intelligence…We have to do with now!
I'm still waiting for a response too.. 😅
Kecskeméti TE third kit
I see…Concerning blue socks you can't respond ‘cause you’re just a robot.OK, i'ts another danger of the artificial Intelligence…We have to do with now!
Slavie Prag has this season only with red socks for home games.
Hi, can someone get the new equipment from the Portuguese League or the main clubs?Thanks
Northampton third 23/24
Portsmouth away 23/24
Carlisle home & away 23/24
Shrewsbury home & away 23/24
Exeter H/A/T 23/24
Wigan H/A/T 23/24
France - Ligue 1 - Lille (Home) - Saison 2023 - 2024Download
France - Ligue 1 - Lille (Home) - Saison 2023 - 2024
Hi AckermannPlease could you to do kit 2023-24 for AS Saint-Etienne :https://www.boutiquedesverts.fr/840-saison-2023-2024
Thanks in advance.Regards
Cheltenham away 23/24
Blau-Weiß Linz H/A
SC Rheindorf Altach H/A
@priority76 will you make all Austria Bundesliga?
West Ham third 23/24
Rapid Wien H/A
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What is browse section?
At the top of the SS kit forum there is a browse button, if you click on that you can navigate through to different league and then see the kits for each team
The browse section is available through the browse button at the top of the SS Kit forum
It’s the 3d kit I’m asking/looking for? is that in the same place?
Yes Bolid added both the SS kit and the 3D kit the other day, once you get to Newcastle click on the team name and it will show the kits
Ahhh I wasn’t clicking on 2024 😅. Thank you mate
Laurent Czerwinski
I see…
Concerning blue socks you can't respond ‘cause you’re just a robot.
OK, i'ts another danger of the artificial Intelligence…We have to do with now!
I'm still waiting for a response too.. 😅
Kecskeméti TE third kit
Slavie Prag has this season only with red socks for home games.
Hi, can someone get the new equipment from the Portuguese League or the main clubs?
Northampton third 23/24
Portsmouth away 23/24
Carlisle home & away 23/24
Shrewsbury home & away 23/24
Exeter H/A/T 23/24
Wigan H/A/T 23/24
Hi Ackermann
Please could you to do kit 2023-24 for AS Saint-Etienne :
Thanks in advance.
Cheltenham away 23/24
Blau-Weiß Linz H/A
SC Rheindorf Altach H/A
Hajdučki sin
@priority76 will you make all Austria Bundesliga?
West Ham third 23/24
Rapid Wien H/A