FC'12 Kits
The FC'12 Kits are a beautiful collection of kits made by the guys at FM Slovakia. A great alternative to the SS Kits.
- 1287 Downloadable Packs

FC'12 Style 2D Kits 23/25 Seasons for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview Pack v.69
Many people have asked me how should proceed in order to the FLUTSKIN for display the 2D club kit front in player overview panel.
Thus, with permission of PATRES10 (thanks, my friend!), I decided to do a pack already ready to use in the game.
It includes FC'12 Style Kits (Clubs, Nations & Defaults) made for season 2023/25 by https://fmslovakia.com/
Updated on 09/03/2025
Enjoy this pack with your Flutskin
I think this is an add on you will like since the kits are the same style I use as 2D default in FLUTSKIN
How to add the kits for Flut Skin in FM24
Download and extract the .rar file (using either WinRar for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Place the "2DKitsasleftlogos_23-25-HOME_25-03-09_V69" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\graphics\logos
1. Create the folder "graphics" if it doesn't exist.
2. Start FM24 with one of the versions of FLUTSKIN for FM
3. You should see the 2D kits front in titlebar and in the player overview panel
Extra Tip
If you use the Metallic logos pack (as I do) you will have to remove the Comps / back left / folder from the pack before using these kits.
This is because they use the same coding as this pack therefore creating issues with this pack working as it should.
External link
(Link to the folder containing all fm24 packs released so far)
Home Shirts Only pack from now on.
(Cuts down the size of the pack by removing the unused Away & Third Shirts)
Pack contains just the Home shirts of both Clubs & Nations
Pack & Config file created by Evil-Muffin7
Also available through the Mediafire folder link as always.
We have made the decision to scrap the Home, Away & Third kits pack from now on.
The away & third kits are a actually a waste of space for everyone really as they are not even used.
Big thanks must go firstly to @flut for putting this original pack together and secondly to @Evil-Muffin7 for his ingenious way of converting this original method into this new streamlined Home kits only pack.
All released pack so far will however remain accessible via the Mediafire link as always
+ At the moment you will not only have 23-24 Season Kits but you will have the gradual inclusion of 24-25 kits
Upon release of FM25 we will of course start again with pack v1 with just 24-25 Home Kits
Many people have asked me how should proceed in order to the FLUTSKIN for display the 2D club kit front in player overview panel.
Thus, with permission of PATRES10 (thanks, my friend!), I decided to do a pack already ready to use in the game.
It includes FC'12 Style Kits (Clubs, Nations & Defaults) made for season 2023/25 by https://fmslovakia.com/
Updated on 09/03/2025
Enjoy this pack with your Flutskin
I think this is an add on you will like since the kits are the same style I use as 2D default in FLUTSKIN
How to add the kits for Flut Skin in FM24
Download and extract the .rar file (using either WinRar for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Place the "2DKitsasleftlogos_23-25-HOME_25-03-09_V69" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\graphics\logos
1. Create the folder "graphics" if it doesn't exist.
2. Start FM24 with one of the versions of FLUTSKIN for FM
3. You should see the 2D kits front in titlebar and in the player overview panel
Extra Tip
If you use the Metallic logos pack (as I do) you will have to remove the Comps / back left / folder from the pack before using these kits.
This is because they use the same coding as this pack therefore creating issues with this pack working as it should.
External link
(Link to the folder containing all fm24 packs released so far)
Home Shirts Only pack from now on.
(Cuts down the size of the pack by removing the unused Away & Third Shirts)
Pack contains just the Home shirts of both Clubs & Nations
Pack & Config file created by Evil-Muffin7
Also available through the Mediafire folder link as always.
We have made the decision to scrap the Home, Away & Third kits pack from now on.
The away & third kits are a actually a waste of space for everyone really as they are not even used.
Big thanks must go firstly to @flut for putting this original pack together and secondly to @Evil-Muffin7 for his ingenious way of converting this original method into this new streamlined Home kits only pack.
All released pack so far will however remain accessible via the Mediafire link as always
+ At the moment you will not only have 23-24 Season Kits but you will have the gradual inclusion of 24-25 kits
Upon release of FM25 we will of course start again with pack v1 with just 24-25 Home Kits
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Many thanks!!!
Fabio Trip
HI FLUT! can you give me the link of the latest version 22-23?
Fabio Trip
HI FLUT! can you give me the link of the latest version 22-23 please?
Rich B
Absolute legend Paulo, been a while mate so i hope you are keeping well
Fabio Trip
HI flut, do you have the link for fm 23 version 6?
Hi Here is the link for v6
Hi flut,
Apologies if this has been covered over the years. I notice that if viewing a loan player from their parent club squad, you see the parent clubs kit in the profile, which makes sense. If viewing the same player from their loan clubs squad, you get their loan club kit (front) but the back still shows their parent club. Just thought to raise in case it is something that shouldn't happen, but understand there is probably good reason for it in terms of how the game sees the player in terms of which club to show.
Mark Patman
Firstly thanks for your skin!. I just downloaded it and this 2d kits and am running in full 3840x 2160 mode but the numbers are weird. Any suggestions?
This is because your resolution. You have to read the thread from flut skin in 2023 or read the pdf file in the skin folder. There you will find what to do.
Hi all
Now you can download the 2.0 version with all FC Kits untill today!
Hellow @flut !!! you are a very great person!! Thank you very much as always for your enormous work, legend. Thank you.
Hi all. Since I forgot to include some new kits produced today, DazS8 was, in meantime, did a new update.
Thank you Daz!!
Sean Ray Hunter
hi flut
how do i have your skin without background pics , id like it with a white background or black
This question should be directed on the actual skin page my friend and not the 2d kits page
Many thanks to @DazS8 for his effort in keeping this article updated. You are cracks!!!
Mark Patman
Hi sorry but I cannot locate either the solution in the 2023 thread or find a PDF in either the 2024 or 2023 Skin folders? Sorry but could you maybe link it for me?
Any chance of 2DKitsasleftlogosV6_22_23 (FM2023) link please?
Pack Updated folks
Pack itself has not been updated today, only the links shave been refreshed.
Boa tarde, antes de mais parabéns pelo trabalho desenvolvido. Não consigo fazer o download? Onde está o link da V3? Aguardo resposta. O brigado.
External Links added to main post.
Pack now updated folks….enjoy
EDIT (13.11.23)
Apparently I missed a few new packs which were added after initial upload, so I have added them now to create a new version of the pack. (v5)
(Included a new external link to all packs released so far, this link will remain the same throughout FM24
All new packs will be added to it when released)
Pack now updated folks….enjoy
16 NEW packs and 16 Updated packs from the great guys at FM Slovakia converted for Flut Skin
Many thanks DazS8!!!!!
No problem, I will keep it updated for you as I know you are a busy guy
Bielsa is a legend
Great work buddy
Do these 2D ‘mini kits’ work with other skins which display the kit right next to the player faces - like the sas skin I'm using - or would I have to change something in order to make it work?
Pack now updated folks….enjoy
22 NEW / Updated packs added from the great guys at FM Slovakia converted for Flut Skin
Had a look at the skin but these did not show, best to ask the skin maker themselves though.
Pack Updated to v9 10/12/23
In addition to this once again all packs for Season 23/24 can be found here..