An editor data file to give fixes and improvements to many of the stadiums in Football Manager.
Which Stadiums have been altered?
Too many to mention, changes in every league in Europe plus many in Asia, South America, Africa, USA and Australia.
If you feel a stadium which hasn't been changed could be improved, then do request as I may update this.
You will need to start a new game.
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does this really work on 24? says file is not compatible
Tommy Hughes
It needs to be loaded into FM 24 Pre-game Editor (not the in game editor) and then saved into a FM 24 compatible file that's placed in the \editor files\ folder.
Bielsa is a legend
verify in the 24 editor, it does
Bielsa is a legend
its a merged one from the previous pack done by RabCP, i have 2 files in my ED
How do you verify in the editor? could you kindly explain how to do it! many thanks
Just use this:
Bielsa is a legend
As Priority 76 below, or if you have an adapted version, as I do
load the editor 24, load in your editor data that you have moved from 23 to 24, load the particular fmf file, then you will get an error msg, simply save into the editor and job done
whick skin u use mate? thanks
Damien 14
Custom made, doesn't really have a name haha
Damn thats a shame, it looks a really nice one
Any change in Latvia ? ( Skonto stadium )
Hello mate, was just wondering if you are going to be doing a new patch for new stadiums that have been built since this last update?
carry on with the good work your doing pal