Dear all

This is FLUTSKIN FM24 

First of all I would like to give a great thank you to all FM fans who choose to play with FLUTSKIN and always keep me motivated to still editing the skin and gave me new ideas!!!

A special thank you to all of players who decided to distinguish my work with a donation!! Although just a small part of FM Players who use the skin made a donation (I edited the skin as a hobby and, as you know, completely free), I always feel honoured and happy when people recognize the work done and decide to contribute. So, I reinforce, I have to give a special thank you to that friends of FlutsKin!!!!!!

Also a thank you to all the skin makers who indirectly contribute to my work, and a special thank you to PATRES10, from fmslovakia for the 2D default kits (especially tailor-made for FlutSkin), to MICHAEL MURRAY since I started editing the match inbetween highlights panel based on his amazing work, to QVORDRUP, for the metallic “Round country flags” and his great collaboration in the “country locator maps”, to NUNO KOPIO for the “Square shiny flags” I included as alt files (for using as an alternative to the “Round country flags”) to PMPOU for his great contribution with many tickets to customize the skin, to DAZS8 for his great work in the addons for Flutskin. I also thank you for the contributes made by NOLEAFWILEN and RICHBELL. 
If you already know FLUTSKIN from the last seasons you already know what you wil find. It should be noted that if you expect to find a different style of the FLUTSKIN you will be disappointed. If you like it as it is last year you will be satisfied since the FLUTSKIN for FM24 is like FLUTSKIN for FM23 (there are just small things changed after the final version of FLUTSKIN for FM23). 

In FlutSkin you can find so many changes comparing to the default skin that I can’t present all of them here  (you can see a part in the screenshots) . I suggest you to go through the panels in order to see with your eyes all the changes!! For now, the pack doesn't include alt files. However, if you wantm you can use the alts for FM23 since I believe almost of them work properly in this version.


You can download the 2D packs prepared for Flutskin (titlebar and player overview panel) here in sourtitoutsi. FC style kits SS Kits style


If you prefer SS'kits as default kits, you can download this and replace the kits folder located here: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\skins\fm2022flutskin_dark\graphics\pictures\kits

However, if you prefer edit your own kits, I also included in the pack a .pdf file explaining how you can edit the kits for Flutskin.


The sortitoutsi Backgrounds Megapack includes player, competition and stadium backgrounds, as well as beautiful city images:


BETA 1 - VERSION - As the other FLUTSKINS this version includes: instant result (in tactics and during the match); citypics availability, home page, player page, club page, match inbetween highlights with many tabs for choosing, etc, etc.



All the reported bugs were fixed

A few teaks were done



  1. the citypics pack, the kits adapted for FLUTSKIN, Logos and "normal" 2D  kits are not included in the pack.



Important recognitions:

  • I would like to give a great thank you to all of you who give me the honour to use FLUTSKIN and keep helping me to improve the skin. For this version I thank you specially to DAZS8, NUNOKOPIO, DARKSIDE63 and QVORDRUP
  • A great thank you also to those who recognize my work with a donation. All the years just a few of users donate, but also all the years there are some of you who always make a donation. I can’t be more recognized my friends. And you know who you are! Thanks a lot!!


Now, the changes in this version:

  • New club banner (also new alt with other banners made by NUNOKOPIO are included)
  • New kit numbers (made by NUNOKOPIO)
  • New operation of the ticket panel (now the ticket for European Cups, EFL and Bundesliga are displayed without the need to choose them in the tab; new tickets were also included for choosing according the league you are playing – Betclic, La Liga, Premier League, Serie A, Ligue 1, Ekstraklasa)
  • New operation of the TV Logo during a match (now you have different TV Logos, according different competitions; I included an alt folder with many TV Logos for replacing the default TV Logos included by those you want; the alt folder included was made by DAZS8)
  • New tab with hidden attributes panels included in Human manager and staff (for the information could be displayed you have to use In Game Editor – IGE)
  • New option in the player pictures drop down arrow (Player Panel 1) with player hidden attributes (you must have IGE for displaying that information)
  • New button in titlebar for showing editable IDs (done with the help of DARKSIDE63; this addon was adapted from SAS Skin and the credits are for SASMAZ and FMS skin makers)



Important recognitions regarding this version:

  • I would like to express my special gratitude to Darkside63, who challenged me for most of the new stuff in the skin and helped me to implement them, and also to DasZ8, for the help regarding Social Feed and for the inclusion of the new Alt with Backgrounds Adds. I also reinforce my gratitude to all the skin makers and specially those I refer in the new changes of this FlutSkin version.


Now, the changes in this version:

  • New social feed panel (adapted from the work of DasZ8 and EVO).
  • New club overview panel (new staff pictures and information with rotating animation; new tab regarding “derbies”; layout tweaked).
  • New button in titlebar - “Skin Support”-  with quick links for FLUTSKIN forums, donation, FLUTSKIN Essentials and other useful downloads (adapted from the work of GROOT in his ELECTRIC PANTHER Skin).
  • Tactics Panel (right and left foot included in the pitch panel of tactics panel and match tactics panel) (adapted from the work of SASMAZ in his SAS Skin).
  • New top information bar in the squad view (adapted from the work of BEN in his STATMAN Skin).
  • Stadium Overview Panel (new information regarding the owner of the stadium).
  • New tab in Player Panel 4 (“matches played in the position”).
  • New hidden attributes button included in all drop down arrow options in Player Overview Panel and also in human, staff and player popups panels.
  • New alt folder with backgrounds included (credits: DasZ8).



  • “New” Home manager Tab 1
  • New news panel (now in dark style)
  • Deadline day panel tweaked
  • Game processing tweaked
  • Conversation with player included in Player Panel 4 and 5
  • Pink panels removed
  • Some tweaks here and there and, as in the previous versions, I included a pack with many alt files for customize the skin according your taste



  • Game processing tweaked (changed the stadium picture - from inside to outside)
  • Last eleven in Nation panel tweaked included - the front kits alternate with back kits)
  • “New” Match team news panel (stadium inside picture included on the top letf of the panel, behind the match information; changed inside stadium picture for outside stadium picture on the middle right of the panel)
  • IDs and DoB included in inbox panels, for those people which we have not access (for example, agents, press officer, etc)
  • Some tweaks here and there and, as in the previous versions, I included a pack with many alt files for customize the skin according your taste



  1. If the skin doesn’t have the same stuff as in the screenshots and you are playing with my recommended Resolution requirements, please consider to clear the cache, keep only this skin and this skin version in the skins folder of the game and reload the game.
  2. Before asking something, please look at the read me files. There are 7 read me files which I believe answer many questions regarding the skin.
  3. When you report bugs or present requests, please show screenshots showing what you are talking about.


As always FlutSkin is completely free to download and I hope you enjoy it. However, if you want, you can reward my work donating whatever amount you wish. Any small amount is really appreciated.


You can donate by clicking here:

THE SKIN IS TOTALLY COMPATIBLE WITH 1920x1080 SCREEN RESOLUTION AND 4k (windows display settings 200%; game 100%).

Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 3840x2160 (4K with windows display settings 200%) and also 1920x1080 (1080p) full screen mode, sidebar icons only. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions.


[b]How to add Flut Skin in FM24[/b]
Download and extract the .zip file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Place the "fm2024flutskin_dark" folder here: 
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\skins

[*] Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
[*] Start FM24 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
[*] You should see FM 2023 Flut Skin dark - 4.0 as an option in the skin drop down of the Overview box. 
[*] Hit the Confirm button.

Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.

15 years ago
1 day ago
By ElvisMan 12 November 2023 - 03:00 AM UTC 

Hello, I've been having a lot of fun using this skin, it's really elevated the game experience, I appreciate all of the time you spent on it.


I have 2 quick questions based on this image:



  1. How can I enlarge the panels to use this free space? On my PC with a slightly different resolution I can actually drag the edge of  Panel 1 over and all panels resize accordingly but on my laptop I can't drag it any bigger, the icon changes and lets me know I can't resize.
  2. Which file is that controls the spacing for these in game passing stats, the home/away passing information seems slightly crammed.



You also can do other thing in match inbetween highlights panel.xml

In the top of the panel you can see:

<integer id="TbWs" value="650"/> <!-- 0 - 1360 -->
<integer id="TbWm" value="1010"/> <!-- 1360 - 1920 -->
<integer id="TbWl" value="1573"/> <!-- 1920 up -->


Between code lines 89 and 96 you also can see the following

     <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
     <integer id="min_value" value="1920" />
     <integer id="max_value" value="10000" />
     <symbol id="set_property" value="width" />
     <integer id="true_value" value="1573" />
     <integer id="false_value" value="1573" />


  • You just have to change the values 1573 in both codes, increasing that value (you should use trial and error method). You should not forget to drag the right panel totally to the left after each change. 
14 years ago
3 weeks ago
By DazS8 11 November 2023 - 16:49 PM UTC 

I put them with my kits mate….as thats what they are after all……


Itś crazy I do that and in Premier league I have jerseys on the left side correct, but in Czech or Slovak League I donť have 😀 and I donť have the jerseyes as you next to the picture of the player in Czech and England to as the picture 1cz.png. Now I really don't know what might be wrong …


15 years ago
1 day ago
By gmyrek 11 November 2023 - 21:59 PM UTC 

Hi Flut!

Great skin, I use it every year.

On the stadium page, I have a aerial view of the stadium on the top and a inside stadium image on the bottom. When I click on “full screen image”, I get a full screen image of my aerial view, but with a black foreground. Is there a way to take away the black foreground? Thanks.


That is the opacity of all the normal panels of the skin. Thus, for make it less opaque you can do it changing the opacity % in the background selector.


15 years ago
1 day ago
By dastef 12 November 2023 - 09:23 AM UTC 

good day! is it intentional that only the stars are displayed and no longer the rating of the employee e.g. very good player in the 1st league, player of the extra class in the 2nd league and so on... thank you for the feedback


I didn't understanf what are you talking about. Sorry…Could you please show a screenshot?

15 years ago
1 day ago
By eno_97 12 November 2023 - 12:23 PM UTC 

I adjusted the sidebar according to the club color in the alternative section. How can I restore it?


If you used the alt files. Now you should return to those files you removed when you applied the alt. Other solution, if you don't have them anymore is download again the skin.

15 years ago
1 day ago
By knipser666 12 November 2023 - 12:30 PM UTC 

Why is the large panel with trainer pictures, jerseys and weather no longer displayed?
It still worked in FM23.


Because the skin uses the default view for licensed competitions. However, if you want, you can try the alt 17 - alt flutskin scoreboard,etc Licensed Comps - which is included in the pack.

15 years ago
1 week ago

Hi I'm loving the Fifa icons in the numbers but for some reason they don't show on numbers that are black and aren't showing fully for all players?


Is there a fix for this please 


6 years ago
10 months ago
Am i doing wrong something ? On clicking on the match statistics in the lower right corner the panel opens, but as you can see it's nearly totally transparent. Sometimes, when moving the mouse cursor all over the screen it changes to “normal” for a second but then it goes back to transparent. Any idea ? Thanks, Nobby
15 years ago
1 day ago
By Kinkladze10 12 November 2023 - 13:35 PM UTC 

Hi I'm loving the Fifa icons in the numbers but for some reason they don't show on numbers that are black and aren't showing fully for all players?


Is there a fix for this please 


The problem is that tottenham have the colour of the number and the color of the border line of the number as the same blue. If you have the Ingame Editor you just have to edit the number changing the blue used in the border of the number to white. Look at my screenshot after changed.

15 years ago
1 week ago
By flut 12 November 2023 - 14:19 PM UTC 

The problem is that tottenham have the colour of the number and the color of the border line of the number as the same blue. If you have the Ingame Editor you just have to edit the number changing the blue used in the border of the number to white. Look at my screenshot after changed.


oh thanks perfect, I don't have the editor as I have it on game pass, how do I get it? It's just Tottenham and Derby County I need changing

15 years ago
1 day ago
By Kinkladze10 12 November 2023 - 14:20 PM UTC 

oh thanks perfect, I don't have the editor as I have it on game pass, how do I get it? It's just Tottenham and Derby County I need changing

You have to buy it in steam or directly from the game in the FM menu, downloads, since the IGE is paid. 


12 years ago
14 hours ago
By flut 12 November 2023 - 13:16 PM UTC 

Because the skin uses the default view for licensed competitions. However, if you want, you can try the alt 17 - alt flutskin scoreboard,etc Licensed Comps - which is included in the pack.

it works…thank you FLUT and for your excellent work with the best skin for the FM series


15 years ago
1 week ago
By flut 12 November 2023 - 14:19 PM UTC 

The problem is that tottenham have the colour of the number and the color of the border line of the number as the same blue. If you have the Ingame Editor you just have to edit the number changing the blue used in the border of the number to white. Look at my screenshot after changed.


thanks I got the editor, will give it a go. I'm using some custom kit packs and they have fmf files in my editor data so do I need to edit those?

1 year ago
5 months ago
By flut 12 November 2023 - 13:05 PM UTC 

You also can do other thing in match inbetween highlights panel.xml



Thanks to all for pointing me in the right direction. I missed the previous post that @6scholl6 had referred to that @flut had originally posted the answer.


For me it was a matter of editing “match in between highlights panel.xml” and modifying lines 8, 94 and 95 to reflect my resolution of 1680.





15 years ago
1 week ago
By Kinkladze10 12 November 2023 - 14:20 PM UTC 

oh thanks perfect, I don't have the editor as I have it on game pass, how do I get it? It's just Tottenham and Derby County I need changing

So I'm in this screen on the editor but I cant see where to change just the number colour?

1 year ago
5 months ago
By bartdude 12 November 2023 - 12:34 PM UTC 

Monitor/Laptop screens will display differently, depending on the resolution and zoom level you play at. If you cannot drag any further to the left and fully align with the “notable events” panel, you need to go to your match folder and select “match in between highlights”, (save it first, I just right click it and make a zip file, making it easy to unzip and restore the original file if it goes wrong). Then scroll down to <!-- Notable Events, Match stats --> <container width="477"> and increase the value of the number displayed. It's somewhat experimental to get it spot on, so I'd suggest a number increase of around 100 above your current level, which should be a default of “342”. As you can see in my case it's quite a large number increase. Once you get it right, it will display a fully filled IBH screen every time you boot/reboot the game. As for your second issue are you aware that all the right hand screens are resizable, both vertically and horizontally ? Experiment to find a better compromise, although too much and you'll lose some detail in adjacent panels. Have fun !



Thanks @bartdude I appreciate your assistance again, in my case the Notable Events size was perfect. I was directed to a previous reply from @flut  and I ended up having to increase my resolution in lines 5, 94 and 95 and then I was able to stretch the panel all the way to the left. As you can see in this image it looks much better.


I'm  not sure if it's because I have TV logo in the way but I'm actually unable to make my right hand panels taller or shorter by dragging them. 


I just have to figure out how to reclaim this space, I don't mind not having any tv logo, I think I just need to find the correct <container> to remove from .xml




16 years ago
3 hours ago
By ElvisMan 12 November 2023 - 14:55 PM UTC 

Thanks @bartdude I appreciate your assistance again, in my case the Notable Events size was perfect. I was directed to a previous reply from @flut  and I ended up having to increase my resolution in lines 5, 94 and 95 and then I was able to stretch the panel all the way to the left. As you can see in this image it looks much better.


I'm  not sure if it's because I have TV logo in the way but I'm actually unable to make my right hand panels taller or shorter by dragging them. 


I just have to figure out how to reclaim this space, I don't mind not having any tv logo, I think I just need to find the correct <container> to remove from .xml



I'm not a skinner, so no doubt there's more than one answer to an issue and the man himself naturally knows just about all of them. My setting worked for me, I run at 4k with 125% zoom. Glad you got it sorted.


15 years ago
1 day ago
By bartdude 12 November 2023 - 16:57 PM UTC 

I'm not a skinner, so no doubt there's more than one answer to an issue and the man himself naturally knows just about all of them. My setting worked for me, I run at 4k with 125% zoom. Glad you got it sorted.

Your answer was also correct Bartdude! Is, in fact, other way to remove that empty space, And thanks for helping me with answering so many questions 🙂

cheers, and thank you, my friend.


15 years ago
1 day ago
By Kinkladze10 12 November 2023 - 14:51 PM UTC 

So I'm in this screen on the editor but I cant see where to change just the number colour?


Look at my screenshots.

The first shows the menus displayed when we click on IGE. I choose there “edit kit details”

The second one is the popup displayed as soon as we click on edit kit details. As you can see, now the number outline colour is white. In your game will be blu. You just have to change it.

15 years ago
1 week ago

Flut 2D kits for nations?

I've followed the instructions so have got my clubs kits showing but nations it won't work.



Can I check the instructions please as it's not clear.


For nations I have done what it says here FOR NATIONS DO THE SAME BUT IN STEP 1, nº 7, in the cell “replace/change with” type nation.



See screenshot but they still don't show?

Club kits are fine.


For nations I have done what it says here FOR NATIONS DO THE SAME BUT IN STEP 1, nº 7, in the cell “replace/change with” type nation.





15 years ago
1 week ago
By flut 12 November 2023 - 17:08 PM UTC 

Look at my screenshots.

The first shows the menus displayed when we click on IGE. I choose there “edit kit details”

The second one is the popup displayed as soon as we click on edit kit details. As you can see, now the number outline colour is white. In your game will be blu. You just have to change it.


Ah just realized I only have the pre game editor sadly so can't change it 😢

16 years ago
3 hours ago
By flut 12 November 2023 - 17:03 PM UTC 

Your answer was also correct Bartdude! Is, in fact, other way to remove that empty space, And thanks for helping me with answering so many questions 🙂

cheers, and thank you, my friend.

You're welcome buddy. It's only right we support and contribute to your great work and in understanding a little of what you do. If we can help others and take some of the load off you, post-creation, so to speak, then it's a pleasure. It's also a great self-learning process for me. Cheers ! 


Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
7 hours ago
By bartdude 12 November 2023 - 17:18 PM UTC 

You're welcome buddy. It's only right we support and contribute to your great work and in understanding a little of what you do. If we can help others and take some of the load off you, post-creation, so to speak, then it's a pleasure. It's also a great self-learning process for me. Cheers ! 

Really impressive how some guys are developing from the master


way beyond my capabilities 🙂


15 years ago
1 day ago
By Kinkladze10 12 November 2023 - 17:08 PM UTC 

Flut 2D kits for nations?

I've followed the instructions so have got my clubs kits showing but nations it won't work.



Can I check the instructions please as it's not clear.


For nations I have done what it says here FOR NATIONS DO THE SAME BUT IN STEP 1, nº 7, in the cell “replace/change with” type nation.



See screenshot but they still don't show?

Club kits are fine.


For nations I have done what it says here FOR NATIONS DO THE SAME BUT IN STEP 1, nº 7, in the cell “replace/change with” type nation.



For nations, the config of the kits should be

<record from="albania1" to="graphics/pictures/nation/752/logo/background/left"/>
 <record from="albania2" to="graphics/pictures/nation/752/"/>
 <record from="albania3" to="graphics/pictures/nation/752/"/>

15 years ago
1 week ago
By flut 12 November 2023 - 17:22 PM UTC 

For nations, the config of the kits should be

<record from="albania1" to="graphics/pictures/nation/752/logo/background/left"/>
 <record from="albania2" to="graphics/pictures/nation/752/"/>
 <record from="albania3" to="graphics/pictures/nation/752/"/>


Thanks is there a way to edit them using the tool in the instructions though?

15 years ago
1 day ago
By Kinkladze10 12 November 2023 - 17:33 PM UTC 

Thanks is there a way to edit them using the tool in the instructions though?


You can do exactly the same as for clubs but, instead of change team for club, you should change team for nation. 

15 years ago
1 week ago
By flut 12 November 2023 - 17:37 PM UTC 

You can do exactly the same as for clubs but, instead of change team for club, you should change team for nation. 


Thank you so if I have understood correctly it should be entered like this?


6. In the cell named “Folder”, browse to the new 2D kits you created 

7. In the cell “find/search what” type team 

8. In the cell “replace/change with” type nation 

9. Click on “replace on files” 


Step 2 1. In the cell “find/search what” type kits/nation

 2. In the cell “replace/change with” type logo/background/left 3. Click on “replace on files”

1 year ago
5 months ago
By flut 12 November 2023 - 17:03 PM UTC 

Your answer was also correct Bartdude! Is, in fact, other way to remove that empty space, And thanks for helping me with answering so many questions 🙂

cheers, and thank you, my friend.


@flut again, I appreciate the time you have spent and continue to spend developing this skin and answering all of these questions.


How can I remove the TV logo and reclaim that little space between the title bar and the in match panels?













15 years ago
1 day ago
By ElvisMan 12 November 2023 - 17:59 PM UTC 

@flut again, I appreciate the time you have spent and continue to spend developing this skin and answering all of these questions.


How can I remove the TV logo and reclaim that little space between the title bar and the in match panels?











Go to match titlebar.xml and remove the follwing code


<!-- Logo Options-->
 <widget class="icon_button" id="inst" icon="icons/tv logos/tv logo" label_disabled="true" alignment="right" icon_alignment="right" height="26"  appearance="">
 <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="5"/>
  <animation class="translate_animation" start_value="1, 0" end_value="0, 0" duration="0.5" delay="0.8" end_mode="hold_end" tween="ease_out" coord_mode="relative_to_target" />


2 years ago
1 day ago
By bartdude 09 November 2023 - 08:03 AM UTC 

That has nothing to do with the flutskin, so why post it here ?


Sorry, bro I use flutskin and I thought the problem was caused by the skin, so I asked the question here. Sorry

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