16 years ago
7 months ago
By Bielsa is a Legend 24 November 2023 - 19:18 PM UTC 

No, you need those


try turning graphics upto high and hd


OK thanks bro, my imac is too slow to take on high graphics 

13 years ago
14 hours ago
By Bielsa is a Legend 24 November 2023 - 19:18 PM UTC 

No, you need those


try turning graphics upto high and hd


is there a big difference in SD or HD with the Ad boards? thanks

Bielsa is a Legend
10 years ago
10 hours ago
By fmilln7 26 November 2023 - 11:36 AM UTC 

is there a big difference in SD or HD with the Ad boards? thanks


Yes, hd work


over last 4 years fm is more demanding, you need graphics on highest level possible

13 years ago
14 hours ago
By Bielsa is a Legend 26 November 2023 - 11:41 AM UTC 

Yes, hd work


over last 4 years fm is more demanding, you need graphics on highest level possible


Thanks. Sadly im not technical enough, but I was wondering if anyone could kindly make the two attached logo's into ad boards in an ivf file.. Would be hugely hugely appreciated.. Many Thanks

4 years ago
19 hours ago

Hello, a friend of mine has also the problem of the black adboards. I sent my ads, pictures and simatchviewer_uncompressed files. For me it works perfect,, but not for him. What could be the problem? Thanks in advance!

West Walton
16 years ago
4 months ago

Hi guys! 

Is it possbile to switch to digital adboards ingame / an already started game? 

3 years ago
12 hours ago
By Jos1155875 21 December 2023 - 15:43 PM UTC 

Hello, a friend of mine has also the problem of the black adboards. I sent my ads, pictures and simatchviewer_uncompressed files. For me it works perfect,, but not for him. What could be the problem? Thanks in advance!


Are they using the Epic Games version? I've found a way for the adboard patch to work with the Epic version! The only change is to move the ‘simatchvieweruncompressed.fmf’ that is already within your data folder, and place it within your new ‘simmatchviewer_uncompressed’ folder below ‘font’ and ‘videos’.

3 years ago
12 hours ago
By Jos1155875 21 December 2023 - 15:43 PM UTC 

Hello, a friend of mine has also the problem of the black adboards. I sent my ads, pictures and simatchviewer_uncompressed files. For me it works perfect,, but not for him. What could be the problem? Thanks in advance!

Hey friend, are they using the Epic Games version? I got the adboards working with Epic Games! There is one extra step. After moving the 'simatchviewer_uncompressed' folder into ‘data’, you just need to move the existing ‘simatchviewer_uncomprerssed.fmf’ to within the new folder ‘simatchviewer_uncompressed’, alongside ‘font’ and ‘videos’. Hope this works for you! 🙂

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