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Bielsa is a legend
It’s on fmscout 2020 add ons
Unfortunately it doesn't shows in fm24 😢
I've try the fm22 one but some glitches make the game harder.
It works fine for me. Granted, there are a few panels where you cannot see text, but it is still a whole lot better than all of the dark skins.
Atlético Mineiro Videos
Guys, any new light skin that works good? I have keratoconus, a non-curable disease in the eye that is waaaay worse than astigmatism, the dark skin does not hurt my eye, but i can't see some things, i see the pictures and text 4x time bigger than normal in the right eye because of the blurry effect, and 1.5x bigger in the left eye. Glasses wont work, and already done one cirurgy. If anyone knows any other new skin, please post here. Thanks!
I don't understand why you have problems finding light skins. after SI stopped supporting light skins in 2020 or 2021, at least 1-2 light skin appear every year
e.g. FM24 Light
Bielsa is a legend
Only Flut light skin was worth it in my opinion
fluts skins have so much more content than others (look at the MB level of the file)
Atlético Mineiro Videos
Actually, there are only a few good light skins, some of them don't work propperly on FM24, some buttons disappear and weird colors on some parts.
However, FM24 Light seems a good one to try, Thx.
Did anybody solved coach attributes not showing bug?
Is there a solution for this?