I've updated the nation agreements based on existing national agreements and relationship groupings

This can be used as a resource when creating editor projects.

10 years ago
6 hours ago

In my Al-Palestino project I used existing agreements to establish players to be listed as non foreign and similiar to EU in Palestine and it has worked out well for me.


By renskay 05 February 2024 - 13:20 PM UTC 

So the way the agreements are being used is to have a list of nations that can be assigned to the “Treated as EU” section for Palestine and “Treated as Non Foreign” section for Palestine.

Levantine Teams will be Treated as Non Foreign for Palestine
Treated as Non Foreign
Council of Arab Unity
League of Arab States
Treated as EU



10 years ago
6 hours ago

If there are any missing just let me know and I can update the file

10 years ago
6 hours ago

I've added a few more official and geographic regions and also some more defined by cultural/linguistic terms. 

Although some may not be official international agreements the agreements can function in FM to group nations with a strong cultural connection that would otherwise be missed. 

10 years ago
6 hours ago

Added some agreements 

How the agreement can be used to easily add multiple nations to non foreign
Brazil had Syria, Haiti and Afghanistan as non foreign and I realized the reason why is because they are all refugee nations so I made an agreement to replace this
10 years ago
6 hours ago

Update: Added more agreements


An update SI could make for the new game is to include the option to add regions to agreements as well as nations for cases where regions within nations have different agreements than the nation as a whole.

1 year ago
17 hours ago

@renskay I love seeing stuff like this. One of the projects I am working on is to help the realism. It's taking me a while to do unfortunately but seeing projects like this helps a lot. I definitely agree we need even more customisation in the game instead of having stuff hard-coded. I personally change all of the inactive nations anyway, apart from Crimea that you can't really do a lot with. Thanks to @themodelcitizen I learnt about the Island Games so that gave me something to do with those nations instead of just leaving them there to waste data.


It would be handy to have more control over adding and removing nations and regions even for the people who like to do historical databases. I guess we can hope. I just feel right now there's a lot of untapped potential.

16 years ago
1 month ago

this is great work, but does it have much affect on actual game play? do more transfers happen? do newgens appear more in different nations with 2nd nationalities?

10 years ago
6 hours ago
By AmazinJ11 22 March 2024 - 15:29 PM UTC 

this is great work, but does it have much affect on actual game play? do more transfers happen? do newgens appear more in different nations with 2nd nationalities?


To alter the transfers it's required to individually alter the the relationships and transfer preferences of each nation. 

The agreements in the game serve as a simple way to add a grouping of nations to the relationships of other nations.



10 years ago
6 hours ago

In the latest update I added 3 agreements of first, second and third world and grouped them by their current status.

I have changed quite a few nation's status of development to fit to their current ranking.

Many eastern European nations were classified as developing nations when they are classified as developed nations for example.

10 years ago
6 hours ago

Update: I noticed some errors with the groupings of the existing agreements. for some reason the EU, EEA, etc had random nations included probably due to some glitch in the editor.


I've corrected it now.

1 year ago
3 hours ago
By renskay 24 March 2024 - 02:34 AM UTC 

Update: I noticed some errors with the groupings of the existing agreements. for some reason the EU, EEA, etc had random nations included probably due to some glitch in the editor.


I've corrected it now.


There is one question I definitely want to ask. After adding these to the editor folder, they will not be automatically displayed in the game, so how can they be used effectively?

10 years ago
6 hours ago
By zyf66623 24 March 2024 - 03:57 AM UTC 

There is one question I definitely want to ask. After adding these to the editor folder, they will not be automatically displayed in the game, so how can they be used effectively?


The agreements are more of a resource to be used in the editor to make projects or alter transfer policies of nations.

In game the only way to see them is by the overview page of each nation.

10 years ago
6 hours ago

Update: In latest update I've added agreements to the relationships of some major nations in the game.

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