xbenjaminx Activity

6 days ago
If you're not sure, then download the entire megapack and install again - otherwise you were probably overwriting a face with the same UID or a config.xml file.
3 weeks ago
Well I am sure eventually someone will be able to shed some light on the situation. Hell given the wholesale changes in FM25 the entire structure will probably change anyway
3 weeks ago
Maybe it goes for the most common names as opposed to specifics? I mean you wouldn't expect to see many Alexander-Arnolds for example but you might expect to see a few Davies and Davis.
3 weeks ago
Yeah I agree with you. I mean to be honest unless they're dead or formally retired from all things football, I wish they'd stop removing people from the database in general anyway. It's a pain having to re-add them all the time. One thing I do wish, is th...
3 weeks ago
I have noticed some has been converted to a spreadsheet and uploaded to statista. You can download an archive of them. It's still tedious, but you have them in a format you can play around with. You could use software like Genie Scout or FMRTE to get a fi...
1 month ago
Well a lot of the players and stuff will already be in the new database. The easiest thing I could maybe recommend trying is making a small change to all the players (e.g. make all the players free agents) and then import them, once imported, delete that...
1 month ago
Apologies if this is either the incorrect forum or inappropriate to ask -Just wondering if you guys have API access or something like that that connects to your database as it would be very useful for numerous Football Manager related projects I am workin...
1 month ago
When you say all of the data? Do you mean like your saves and custom graphics or did you mean players, clubs, leagues etc. that aren't in the current version of the game?Exporting customised data could probably be done, but it would likely require re-veri...
1 month ago
Just a stab in the dark really. Does anyone have an up-to-date list of the in-game (FM24) stadiums and the nations they're in in a spreadsheet or text file? With there being just shy of 48500 I really don't want to have to copy these manually.
1 month ago
Yeah kind of. Basically one of the other games I played (Trainz) has an index website that allows you to look up missing files (trainzkuidindex) and basically it allows me to put in whatever KUIDs I want and it will bring me up any results if there are an...
1 month ago
This is pretty good. Just out of interest, is there a way to bulk search for UIDs? I am working on python scripts to sort my graphics folders out but when I can find the occasional list of UIDs I need, there are often some that aren't on there, so be...
1 month ago
I'll have a play around and see what I can find. @TheModelCitizen has an Island Games Database and they are the main reason I got into the whole thing but I plan on slowly working through each of the countries and adding what I can. Problem with some of t...
1 month ago
Ironically Shetland is one of the databases I am/will be working on myself. Currently doing the Isle of Wight at the moment. I have great interest in the Island Games so I am working through all of the nations there as well as all the others in the databa...
2 months ago
The dropbox link doesn't work, just so you're aware.
2 months ago
Potentially it could be one of two things:1) The config is not set up to point to the files correctly.2) The clubs you have jerseys for don't have kits set up in the Pre-Game Editor.
2 months ago
@pires120013  thanks for these, but double check a few of your logos. Where you've removed the backgrounds on some of them you've stripped away the white in the logos.
3 months ago
https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/579267-fm24-editormod-customize-editor/Download this. Depending on how familiar you are with the game files and modifying stuff you can do all sorts
3 months ago
I like this a lot, not meaning to be rude when I ask this, but will there ever be an update to this app?
3 months ago
This looks pretty impressive. I've signed up so will check it out
3 months ago
Have you reloaded the skin in football manager itself?This is an option under preferencesCheck this out to: 
3 months ago
Well that's the difference. With nations it crashes the PGE when you add a new one, with this it just adds a new entry successfully and you can change the exchange rate you just can't do anything with the name. I thought .lnc files might be the way forwar...
3 months ago
Defo don't feel bad about it. It just gives me a tendency to come off as pedantic lol.
3 months ago
I don't see how hard it would be? Create currency make sure there's an exchange rate. I suppose the confusion might come in if people use a ridiculously high exchange rate that ends up being economy breaking. Alas keep me posted.
3 months ago
You're right about that unfortunately. Same with your transfer values. I see how often you whack updates out. That being said, this only came about because I was trying everything I could possibly think of to rename currencies. I can add new currencies bu...
4 months ago
Don't worry chief, I rename them anyway as I have my kit files sorted by UID as opposed to name. Easier for me to find what I need that way. Just wanted to bring it to your attention for your next update.
4 months ago
Hey bro, Went through the config and you have a couple of errors in there. If I remember correctly one of the Barbados' was spelt wrong and there was another with an error too. Secondly, double check some of the Confederation memberships (admittedly...
4 months ago
Just going through the config and noticed Gioiese_3 is under the wrong UID (Serie D, Group I)43345403 is what's given when it should be 43315403
4 months ago
Sure so in the attached screenshot, I've circled the back of the shirt. That is a plain blue shirt. From what I can see (and it could simply be I've not installed something right) the back of the shirt seems to be generic and I am guessing based off what...
4 months ago
Probably a bit of a stupid question, but is there any way to get the actual back of the shirt showing as the back of shirt graphic? (i.e. in the player profile)
4 months ago
Reading also got a further two points deducted if anyone is keeping track lol
5 months ago
@DazS8 , I'm well aware of that. I know how most of the inner workings of this game work and that's not what I was asking (though I appreciate the response) - The graphical request I was asking about was the map with the target on it, as I thought th...
5 months ago
Hey @flut I appreciate you getting back to me. So in terms of the questions. I don't mean the metallic logos, as I know there's a request thread for those but I mean the map bit you use on your skin: (Like below) As I have repurposed all the inactive...
5 months ago
@renskay I love seeing stuff like this. One of the projects I am working on is to help the realism. It's taking me a while to do unfortunately but seeing projects like this helps a lot. I definitely agree we need even more customisation in the game instea...
5 months ago
Hey Flut, Absolutely love this skin and finally have the graphics working the way I want for the most part. I do just have a quick question, the graphics you use for the flags that have the nations location with the target, do you or whoever contribu...
6 months ago
Yeah I downloaded it now. Having some trouble connecting the templates but it looks promising
6 months ago
Oh nice, does it require a separate sub to FMRTE?
6 months ago
Well anything that adds to the realism gets a thumbs up in my book. I am working on a large scale excel project myself, so I'd be curious to hear about some of the stuff you've done for this file, especially in relation to context and balancing. Obviously...
6 months ago
Open up your documents folder, there will be a folder called Sports Interactive, follow that through to FM24 and then you should have a folder called “editor data” - drop the file in there
6 months ago
3D Kit editor?As for FMRTE it stands for Real Time Editor so no I wouldn't expect you to have to start a new save, should be able to edit as you go
6 months ago
I'll explore some possibilities for the various allocation in subsequent seasons, but the first part seems relatively easy to take care of. Like I said, I am working on a couple of other projects but I'm happy to give this a go.
6 months ago
Ok how well do you know the editor? Only because then I can know what level of explanation it needs. From what I remember it's under advanced rules editing and also continental rules editing. Only reason I ask for your knowledge base is I don't want to pa...
6 months ago
Feel free to drop me a message. I am working on some side projects too but should be possible depending on what you have in mind?
7 months ago
Also as for the workaround to the comp editor issue (sorry I only skimread before) just visit this link:https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/579267-fm24-editormod-customize-editor/
7 months ago
You can't add new nations directly, but you can reactivate and repurpose the inactive nations with a bit of work. There's 24 inactive nations you can work with but you'll have to go through each section of the database with a fine tooth comb to remove his...