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your con fig file is wrong mate it needs to be kits_textures instead of just kits but your work is very good
Se ponen como kits 2d no 3d
Updated config and renamed all files to lower case
link removed see above for latest
Updated config and renamed all files to lower case https://mega.nz/file/lF9XQaLS#fsgKN5ENi5MrFBowLyZYeKcP-Zg9Gpuj0cZfPnhoByQ
Really thanks, updated.
i followed all the tutorial steps but it didn´t work. I don´t know why.
is it 3d or 2d?
3D if you can also read the title and you're within the 3d kits forum
Hi, I just copy the folder in graphics but doesnt work. I have the 2D kits that works fine but this 3D kits dont. Can anyone help me?
Hi, I've had the same problem
I can see the resolution is 2024x2024 but all other 3d kits are in 1024x1024
don't know if the resolution is the problem
Same here, nothing
Anyone knows about 3d kits for 3 division
Same as above. A sincere request for Primera Division RFEF (Spanish Tier 3 League) 3d kits ?
Spain - LaLiga Hypermotion 3D'2023/24 Relink! (01/10/24)
(updated - change size from 2048 x 2048 to 1024 x 1024 and fixed config error)
if any kits for new update, let me know. 👍
Thanks for the great work! My Kits look like this, when I download them. Am I doing sth wrong here?
Thank you for the held in advance.
Thanks for the great work! My Kits look like this, when I download them. Am I doing sth wrong here?Thank you for the held in advance.Download
not sure….here replace it
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craig goodwin
your con fig file is wrong mate it needs to be kits_textures instead of just kits but your work is very good
Daniel Jorge mena
Se ponen como kits 2d no 3d
Updated config and renamed all files to lower case
link removed see above for latest
Really thanks, updated.
Alexis MB
i followed all the tutorial steps but it didn´t work. I don´t know why.
is it 3d or 2d?
3D if you can also read the title and you're within the 3d kits forum
Hi, I just copy the folder in graphics but doesnt work. I have the 2D kits that works fine but this 3D kits dont. Can anyone help me?
Hi, I've had the same problem
I can see the resolution is 2024x2024 but all other 3d kits are in 1024x1024
don't know if the resolution is the problem
Promise Micah
Same here, nothing
René Y
Anyone knows about 3d kits for 3 division
Same as above. A sincere request for Primera Division RFEF (Spanish Tier 3 League) 3d kits ?
Spain - LaLiga Hypermotion 3D'2023/24 Relink! (01/10/24)
(updated - change size from 2048 x 2048 to 1024 x 1024 and fixed config error)
if any kits for new update, let me know. 👍
Thanks for the great work! My Kits look like this, when I download them. Am I doing sth wrong here?
Thank you for the held in advance.
not sure….here replace it