18 years ago
8 hours ago

You can add yourself, or anyone you like, as a Newgen in Football Manager, which means that as you play the people you add will appear as new youth players somewhere in the game. Just follow these easy steps to get started.


Simple Setup


Step One

Open notepad or some other simple text editor.


Step Two

Add the following text changing “John” and “Doe” to the first and last name you want to add.


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "John" "" "Doe" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""


You can do this as many times as you like in the same file, each one on a new line.


Step Three

Now save the file as “support_staff.edt” in the following location:


Windows Steam: Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2024\data\database\db\2400\edt\permanent

Windows Epic Games: Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\FootballManager2024\data\database\db\2400\edt\permanent

Gamepass PC: Xboxgames\Football Manager 2024\data\database\db\2400\edt\permanent

Mac Steam:  ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2024/data/database/db/2400//edt/permanent


Step Four

Now start a new game and at some point the people you've added with appear in clubs Youth Intake.


Advanced Setup

You can actually customise the people you're adding in alot of ways. Here's a break down of what each bit means:


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "Birth date(dd/mm/yyyy)" "Nation (first nationality)" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height (in cm)" "Weight (in kg)" "Preferred Foot" "Preferred Position" "Favourite Number" "Birth City" "CA" "PA" "CLUB ID"


First Name, Common Name and Last Name

These should be self explanatory. But basically if you put a “Common Name” then this will override the First and Second when text is displayed on screen.


Birth Date

Self explanatory in dd/mm/yyyy format.


Nation and Favourite Team and Club ID

This must be the FM ID of the nation or team. You can find this easily by searching for what you want in our DB and copy and pasting the ID that's shown in the results.



Unknown/random = -1

Northern europe = 0

Mediterrean/hispanic = 1

North african/middle eastern = 2,

African/caribbean = 3,

Asian = 4,

South east asian = 5,

Pacific islander = 6,

Native american = 7,

Native australian = 8,

Mixed race white/black = 9

East asian = 10


Skin tone

A value of 1-20, with 1 being the lightest and 20 being the darkest.


Hair colour

Unknown/random = 0,

Blond = 1,

Light brown = 2,

Dark brown = 3,

Red = 4,

Black = 5,

Grey = 6,

Bald = 7


Height and Weight

Height must be in centimetres and weight must be in kilograms.


Preferred Foot

Right only = 0,

Left only = 1,

Right preferred = 2,

Left preferred = 3,

Both = 4



Must be one of the following: 




Favourite Number

The shirt number the player likes to wear.


CA and PA

This is the Current Ability and Potential Ability of the player from 1-200. So you can force the player to be 200 PA and be the best player in the world. For Potential Ability you can also enter a negative or dynamic potential (ranging from -1 to -10) which sets the potential ability within a 30 point range which changes with each save game; a -10 rating gives a range between 170-200 for example.


Club ID

As above this must be the FM ID of the club. You can find this easily by searching for what you want in our DB and copy and pasting the ID that's shown in the results.

18 years ago
1 month ago

Excellent guide @Footygamer but looking at what you say under Advanced Setup I think you may have put the last 3 the wrong way round. I believe that it is actually:

"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "Birth date(dd/mm/yyyy)" "Nation (first nationality)" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height (in cm)" "Weight (in kg)" "Preferred Foot" "Preferred Position" "Favourite Number" "Birth City" "CA" "PA" "CLUB ID" 


At least that's the way I have it in the .edt file which I've used for a number of years, and it works fine in my game (I have 3 regens and they all started at the correct clubs).


Also, I believe that for Birth City you need to put the city ID from the database (rather than typing the actual name) which you've not mentioned in your breakdown.


Hope you find this post constructive (which is the aim) as opposed to being unnecessarily critical (which is certainly not the intention).

9 years ago
2 months ago

Hello there; is there a way of setting defensive midfielders into the lines?


Thanks in advanced.

5 years ago
7 months ago

Been searching high and low for a way to set defensive midfielder as a preferred position for newgens (playing FM'20 fwiw).  This thread is the nearest I've come to it and my question is the same as ACP above.  Can defensive midfielder be set as a preferred position?  The tests I've run imply not (tried Defensive_Midfielder & Defensive_Midfielder_Central - italics due to underscores >< ) but was hoping there might be a non-indictive ID used seeing as defensive midfield - along with wing backs - can appear as newgens preferred positions.

Not as important for me but is it the same for wingbacks?  Again my tests (Defensive_Midfielder_Right/Left, Wingback_Right/Left and Wing-Back_Right/Left) suggest they can't be.

14 years ago
1 week ago

Will the Newgen always be generated with the first youth intake or are there a way to delay/make them be generated in 2 or 3 intake ect.

12 years ago
4 months ago

Does this work on the beta? Previously been able to change your Player Liaison + Press officer using this but hasn't worked when I've tried.

Adam Steven Cook
3 years ago
22 hours ago
By STAAL 01 November 2023 - 13:50 PM UTC 

Will the Newgen always be generated with the first youth intake or are there a way to delay/make them be generated in 2 or 3 intake ect.


I believe it defpends on what year he was born. So if you put that the player was born in 2023 then he wont generate in game until hes 15 years old. You can also generate only 1 player per club per year. You can do as many players at different clubs in 1 year as you like though, just not all at one club.


I found this video helpgul


Federico Favero
10 years ago
11 months ago
By Fidney 15 April 2023 - 23:59 PM UTC 

Excellent guide @Footygamer but looking at what you say under Advanced Setup I think you may have put the last 3 the wrong way round. I believe that it is actually:

"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "Birth date(dd/mm/yyyy)" "Nation (first nationality)" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height (in cm)" "Weight (in kg)" "Preferred Foot" "Preferred Position" "Favourite Number" "Birth City" "CA" "PA" "CLUB ID" 


At least that's the way I have it in the .edt file which I've used for a number of years, and it works fine in my game (I have 3 regens and they all started at the correct clubs).


Also, I believe that for Birth City you need to put the city ID from the database (rather than typing the actual name) which you've not mentioned in your breakdown.


Hope you find this post constructive (which is the aim) as opposed to being unnecessarily critical (which is certainly not the intention).


Hola Fidney, segui tus instrucciones y genere estos 7 jugadores para probar, y se generaron 6 de 7, el unico que no salio fue “Zinedine Zidane” por que pudo haber sido? cual fue el error que cometi?

Otra pregunta, el nombre del pais/nacion debe ser si o si en ingles? o puede ser en español?

Desde y muchas gracias.-


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Alessandro" "" "Del Piero" "09/11/2007" "Italy" "Juventus Football Club S.P.A" "1" "9" "2" "173" "73" "2" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "10" "834878" "90" "182" "1139"      
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Paolo" "" "Maldini" "26/6/2007" "Italy" "AC Milan" "0" "2" "2" "186" "82" "2" "DEFENDER_LEFT_SIDE" "3" "509" "90" "193" "1099"         "DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Raúl" "Raúl" "González Blanco" "27/6/2007" "Spain" "R. Madrid" "1" "6" "5" "182" "75" "3" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "7" "341" "90" "190" "1736"                       
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Santiago" "" "Cañizares" "18/12/2007" "Spain" "R. Madrid" "1" "6" "2" "181" "81" "2" "GOALKEEPER" "" "341" "90" "173" "1736"           "DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Diego" "" "Maradona" "30/10/2007" "Argentina" "Asociación Atlética Argentinos Juniors" "1" "12" "5" "165" "70" "4" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "10" "108540" "90" "199" "78"   
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Ronaldo Luís" "Ronaldo" "Nazário de Lima" "18/9/2007" "Brazil" "PSV Eindhoven" "9" "8" "7" "183" "75" "2" "ATTACKER_CENTRAL" "9" "102498" "90" "194" "1028"                  
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Zinedine" "" "Zidane" "23/6/2007" "France" "Association Sportive Cannes Football" "2" "7" "7" "185" "80" "2" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "" "207" "90" "197" "825"

18 years ago
1 month ago
By Federico Favero 09 November 2023 - 10:44 AM UTC 

Hola Fidney, segui tus instrucciones y genere estos 7 jugadores para probar, y se generaron 6 de 7, el unico que no salio fue “Zinedine Zidane” por que pudo haber sido? cual fue el error que cometi?

Otra pregunta, el nombre del pais/nacion debe ser si o si en ingles? o puede ser en español?

Desde y muchas gracias.-


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Alessandro" "" "Del Piero" "09/11/2007" "Italy" "Juventus Football Club S.P.A" "1" "9" "2" "173" "73" "2" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "10" "834878" "90" "182" "1139"      
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Paolo" "" "Maldini" "26/6/2007" "Italy" "AC Milan" "0" "2" "2" "186" "82" "2" "DEFENDER_LEFT_SIDE" "3" "509" "90" "193" "1099"         "DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Raúl" "Raúl" "González Blanco" "27/6/2007" "Spain" "R. Madrid" "1" "6" "5" "182" "75" "3" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "7" "341" "90" "190" "1736"                       
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Santiago" "" "Cañizares" "18/12/2007" "Spain" "R. Madrid" "1" "6" "2" "181" "81" "2" "GOALKEEPER" "" "341" "90" "173" "1736"           "DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Diego" "" "Maradona" "30/10/2007" "Argentina" "Asociación Atlética Argentinos Juniors" "1" "12" "5" "165" "70" "4" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "10" "108540" "90" "199" "78"   
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Ronaldo Luís" "Ronaldo" "Nazário de Lima" "18/9/2007" "Brazil" "PSV Eindhoven" "9" "8" "7" "183" "75" "2" "ATTACKER_CENTRAL" "9" "102498" "90" "194" "1028"                  
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Zinedine" "" "Zidane" "23/6/2007" "France" "Association Sportive Cannes Football" "2" "7" "7" "185" "80" "2" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "" "207" "90" "197" "825"


No hablo español en absoluto y traduje mi respuesta usando el traductor de Google. Disculpas si no tiene sentido, ¡pero es culpa de Google, no mía! (Versión en inglés a continuación, ya que estoy seguro de que tu inglés es mejor que mi español).


No sé si todas las regeneraciones futuras aparecen en el juego al mismo tiempo (aunque las mías siempre lo hacen), así que tal vez Zidane aparezca en las regeneraciones del próximo año de juego. ¡O tal vez no! La línea de Zinedine Zidane parece correcta hasta donde yo sé. El nombre de su club favorito es bastante largo; intente usar el ID 825 allí y vea si eso hace alguna diferencia (yo mismo uso los ID allí).


No sé si funcionaría si pusieras el nombre del país en español, yo solo he usado inglés. Pruébelo y vea qué sucede. Sin embargo, no creo que cambie nada en tu juego: si estás jugando en español, debería mostrar el país en español incluso si usas inglés en el archivo .edt.



I do not speak Spanish at all and have translated my reply using Google translate. Apologies if it makes no sense - but that's Google's fault not mine!


I do not know if all future regens appear in the game at the same time (though mine always have), so maybe Zidane will appear in the regens for your next game year. Or maybe not! The line for Zinedine Zidane looks correct as far as I can tell. The name of his favourite club is quite long - try using the ID 825 there instead and see if that makes any difference (I use IDs there myself).


I do not know if it would work if you put the name of the country in Spanish - I have only ever used English. Just try it and see what happens. However I don't think it would change anything in your game - if you are playing the game in Spanish language it should show the country in Spanish language even if you use English in the .edt file.

Federico Favero
10 years ago
11 months ago
By Fidney 09 November 2023 - 20:51 PM UTC 

No hablo español en absoluto y traduje mi respuesta usando el traductor de Google. Disculpas si no tiene sentido, ¡pero es culpa de Google, no mía! (Versión en inglés a continuación, ya que estoy seguro de que tu inglés es mejor que mi español).


No sé si todas las regeneraciones futuras aparecen en el juego al mismo tiempo (aunque las mías siempre lo hacen), así que tal vez Zidane aparezca en las regeneraciones del próximo año de juego. ¡O tal vez no! La línea de Zinedine Zidane parece correcta hasta donde yo sé. El nombre de su club favorito es bastante largo; intente usar el ID 825 allí y vea si eso hace alguna diferencia (yo mismo uso los ID allí).


No sé si funcionaría si pusieras el nombre del país en español, yo solo he usado inglés. Pruébelo y vea qué sucede. Sin embargo, no creo que cambie nada en tu juego: si estás jugando en español, debería mostrar el país en español incluso si usas inglés en el archivo .edt.



I do not speak Spanish at all and have translated my reply using Google translate. Apologies if it makes no sense - but that's Google's fault not mine!


I do not know if all future regens appear in the game at the same time (though mine always have), so maybe Zidane will appear in the regens for your next game year. Or maybe not! The line for Zinedine Zidane looks correct as far as I can tell. The name of his favourite club is quite long - try using the ID 825 there instead and see if that makes any difference (I use IDs there myself).


I do not know if it would work if you put the name of the country in Spanish - I have only ever used English. Just try it and see what happens. However I don't think it would change anything in your game - if you are playing the game in Spanish language it should show the country in Spanish language even if you use English in the .edt file.


Fidney, I listened to you by putting ID in favorite club and it worked, even instead of writing the nationality, I also put the ID of the nation and it also works. This time I tried with more players and not all of them are generated, not because of an error, but because generating youth players is not 100% effective, it always fails 1 or 2. Maybe you are right that it is generated the following year or not, I also understand that the line command for FM24 changes, it is never the same to create players, I hope it is not complicated for FM24. Anyway, your help was useful to me and I thank you for answering me, thank you very much again (I hope the English is understood hahaha)

6 years ago
2 months ago

nice guide! have any way to add custom staff, coach, etc. regen ?

8 years ago
5 days ago

Has anybody successfully tested with FM24? I tried and holidayed but my regen hasnt appeared. Unsure if its user error or FM24 change/bug. Helpful if anyone can confirm so I'm not wasting time if its bugged currently for '24 Thanks

2 years ago
1 year ago

Thanks, I have one further question. Are there other options for the "DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" box? Like creating a manager, scout or others? 

Alfred Haavik Dretvik
1 year ago
1 month ago
By Fidney 15 April 2023 - 23:59 PM UTC 

Excellent guide @Footygamer but looking at what you say under Advanced Setup I think you may have put the last 3 the wrong way round. I believe that it is actually:

"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "Birth date(dd/mm/yyyy)" "Nation (first nationality)" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height (in cm)" "Weight (in kg)" "Preferred Foot" "Preferred Position" "Favourite Number" "Birth City" "CA" "PA" "CLUB ID" 


At least that's the way I have it in the .edt file which I've used for a number of years, and it works fine in my game (I have 3 regens and they all started at the correct clubs).


Also, I believe that for Birth City you need to put the city ID from the database (rather than typing the actual name) which you've not mentioned in your breakdown.


Hope you find this post constructive (which is the aim) as opposed to being unnecessarily critical (which is certainly not the intention).

Do you need to use id for everything, or just the team they spawn in, city of birth, and fav team? Do i need it for nation aswell?

18 years ago
1 month ago

I use ID for the teams and birth city but the name for the nation. I'm sure ID would work just as well for that. This is the line I have to add myself. Favourite team Leeds United, born in Keighley and spawn in Leeds United (my playing abilities are greatly exaggerated 😁).


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Andy" "" "Fielding" "31.01.2007" "England" "671" "0" "7" "3" "180" "72" "2" "MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "31" "29044758" "" "-9" "671"


This worked in FM23 (and earleir) and definitely still works in FM24 as I have spawned in my own game at the start of season 2.

18 years ago
1 month ago
By giglet13 16 November 2023 - 22:16 PM UTC 

Has anybody successfully tested with FM24? I tried and holidayed but my regen hasnt appeared. Unsure if its user error or FM24 change/bug. Helpful if anyone can confirm so I'm not wasting time if its bugged currently for '24 Thanks


Hi mate, this defintely works in FM24. I've added myself and a 2 others and all three spawned at the start of season 2.

18 years ago
1 month ago
By tilo.overbeck 17 January 2024 - 00:24 AM UTC 

Thanks, I have one further question. Are there other options for the "DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" box? Like creating a manager, scout or others? 


By wolf_gt 13 November 2023 - 22:36 PM UTC 

nice guide! have any way to add custom staff, coach, etc. regen ?


@tilo.overbeck , @wolf_gt I don't know any specific way to add custom staff, sorry. You could try putting a DoB that makes the newgen in their 40s and see what happens, or maybe try adding COACH, MANAGER etc as the preferred position. I don't hold out a lot of hope though.

13 years ago
8 minutes ago

Great post!!! Is there any way to set every specific attribute for the newgen player?

17 years ago
16 minutes ago

So i have a question related to this.

I was considering to have go on a older title, lets say fm16. Is it possible to use this in purpose to have todays young gems coming through in various academys in an older version? For example Saka popping up at Arsenal, Garnacho, Haaland and other youngsters born in the early 2000:s? 


If this would be possible it really would crank up the playability of the older versions!


3 years ago
9 months ago
By Fidney 17 January 2024 - 20:40 PM UTC 

I use ID for the teams and birth city but the name for the nation. I'm sure ID would work just as well for that. This is the line I have to add myself. Favourite team Leeds United, born in Keighley and spawn in Leeds United (my playing abilities are greatly exaggerated 😁).


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Andy" "" "Fielding" "31.01.2007" "England" "671" "0" "7" "3" "180" "72" "2" "MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "31" "29044758" "" "-9" "671"


This worked in FM23 (and earleir) and definitely still works in FM24 as I have spawned in my own game at the start of season 2.



Can i please ask which notepad are you using? Is this notepad +++? If so, where on earth do you find it? I can only find notepad++?


18 years ago
1 month ago
By Matt198 28 March 2024 - 17:24 PM UTC 


Can i please ask which notepad are you using? Is this notepad +++? If so, where on earth do you find it? I can only find notepad++?



I use Notepad++ (never heard of Notepad+++) but you can do this in any text editor. Standard Notepad will work just as well.

3 years ago
9 months ago

Thanks. Am using ++ now. May have misread. Thanks

Rob Henry
6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Fidney 21 January 2024 - 14:53 PM UTC 

Hi mate, this defintely works in FM24. I've added myself and a 2 others and all three spawned at the start of season 2.


Hi mate, i used this and it worked, but since the latest update it doesnt seem to function anymore? Any ideas?

18 years ago
1 month ago
By Rob Henry 18 April 2024 - 13:18 PM UTC 

Hi mate, i used this and it worked, but since the latest update it doesnt seem to function anymore? Any ideas?


It should work as it did before unless SI have nerfed it in the update. If not, the only things that immediately springs to mind is if you applied the latest version of mons's real name fix after the update could you have forgotten to copy your lnc file across into it?


I started a new save myself after the update but I've not quite got to the point where the regens appear yet. I should be able to let you know in a few days whether it is working for me or not.

Rob Henry
6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Fidney 18 April 2024 - 19:13 PM UTC 

It should work as it did before unless SI have nerfed it in the update. If not, the only things that immediately springs to mind is if you applied the latest version of mons's real name fix after the update could you have forgotten to copy your lnc file across into it?


I started a new save myself after the update but I've not quite got to the point where the regens appear yet. I should be able to let you know in a few days whether it is working for me or not.

Please do, i dont use any updates in my games, shirt kits or names etc, this is the only major edit i do, i have tried 2 saves since the update and it doesnt work for me, also since the update there is a 2430 file  as well as a 2400, i have edited both of those as i wasnt sure which one i should change.


Rob Henry
6 years ago
2 weeks ago

Also i noticed the EDT files contain some staff updates but i cannot see those staff names in the game either, do you see those?

18 years ago
1 month ago
By Rob Henry 18 April 2024 - 22:52 PM UTC 

Please do, i dont use any updates in my games, shirt kits or names etc, this is the only major edit i do, i have tried 2 saves since the update and it doesnt work for me, also since the update there is a 2430 file  as well as a 2400, i have edited both of those as i wasnt sure which one i should change.


Bad news. Just gone through my first close season in a new game started after the 24.4 update and my newgen's have not appeared, which is disappointing.


The file definitely worked before the update.


I use the real name fix and the only .edt file I have with additional staff is support_staff.edt which has the names of player liaison officers for a dozen clubs. You can only see the player liaison officer for the club you actually manage. Added an additional manager and took over one of those (Leeds) and that file is not working either - the player liaison officer should be Peter Lockwood (per that file) but I get some random bloke in game.


So does seem like they have either accidently or deliberately nerfed the ability to add custom newgens, and the suppot staff file in the update. Way to go SI!!!

Rob Henry
6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Fidney 20 April 2024 - 21:14 PM UTC 

Bad news. Just gone through my first close season in a new game started after the 24.4 update and my newgen's have not appeared, which is disappointing.


The file definitely worked before the update.


I use the real name fix and the only .edt file I have with additional staff is support_staff.edt which has the names of player liaison officers for a dozen clubs. You can only see the player liaison officer for the club you actually manage. Added an additional manager and took over one of those (Leeds) and that file is not working either - the player liaison officer should be Peter Lockwood (per that file) but I get some random bloke in game.


So does seem like they have either accidently or deliberately nerfed the ability to add custom newgens, and the suppot staff file in the update. Way to go SI!!!




18 years ago
1 month ago

@Rob Henry, sorry mate I'm telling porkies! The custom newgen file DOES work after the latest update, must have been a case of fat fingers (either that or I had forgotten how to spell my own name!! 😂) when I was looking earlier.


Which is good news for me but makes it a mystery why it hasn't worked for you.

Rob Henry
6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Fidney 21 April 2024 - 01:21 AM UTC 

@Rob Henry, sorry mate I'm telling porkies! The custom newgen file DOES work after the latest update, must have been a case of fat fingers (either that or I had forgotten how to spell my own name!! 😂) when I was looking earlier.


Which is good news for me but makes it a mystery why it hasn't worked for you.


Ok, in which case i recant my rant, but the set pieces and Int Management are still a shambles. Did you see the 2430 file? Are you still just editing the 2400, or both?

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