6 years ago
2 hours ago

The Real World Feature is not working is not working with the Live Football Manager Database Update.

No matter what I do: 

If I start the game in June 2024 all the loans are ending June 30th 2024, not 2025 as the Live Editor say that they should. 


When I open the file in the pre-game editor all dates have been changed from 2024 on the website to 2023.

Is there a way to prevent this happening?



Douglas Bryan
5 years ago
1 day ago

I am also having this issue sadly

18 years ago
2 hours ago

On the download page there's big red text saying it won't work and pointing you to this forum topic as you can see it hasn't had much activity so no progress has been made.


Our update is also not compatible with future start date files.

1 year ago
4 hours ago

Hi, can you update the Champions League rules in the new format as shown in this post?

14 years ago
3 minutes ago
By flaaxoo 04 September 2024 - 03:36 AM UTC 

Hi, can you update the Champions League rules in the new format as shown in this post?


this has nothing to do with this thread please dont do this again, wait for a reply 


I will close this as footygamer has answered the OP

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