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Hi guys please where can I find the Wolfsburg Bundesliga “orange” third jersey??
VfL Wolfsburg (Germany) - ID 961 - Season 23/24
SV Wehen Wiesbaden (Germany) - ID 121208 - Season 23/24
away & third
FC Erzgebirge Aue (Germany) - ID 121183 - Season 23/24
Hi Guys.
Does anyone have the 24/25 Barcelona Home, Away and Third 3D kits?
Bournemouth third 24/25
Brentford third 24/25
Újpest FC kits
Ipswich third 24/25
Manchester City home and alternative home 24/25
Great work as always! Is it possible to get these Man City jerseys with the club world cup badges?
Sunderland third 24/25
West Brom third 24/25
Bro you forgot to put WBA logo
New Juve kits?
Fixed now
yes! i have Update this 😉
you also have the 3rd one?
Stoke third 24/25
FC Slovan Liberec away 24/25 1.Czech Chance liga
Plymouth Argyle third 24/25
Swansea third 24/25
Portsmouth third 24/25
Mezőkövesd Zsóry FC kits
Shakhtar Donetsk home/away/third
Sheffield United third 24/25
Sheffield Wednesday third 24/25
Leeds United third 24/25
Coventry third 24/25
Great work again @bolid74 -Thanks
Great work as always Bolid
Great work but awfull kit, as more and more in England!
It's probably because of Brexit: there's no more money to pay designer!!???!!…
FC Bayern München 24/25 - BundesligaHome Away
FC Bayern München 24/25 - BundesligaHome
I just watched the game Eisbären - Pardubice in CHL and I heard in the stands:
It brought a little tear to my eyes...
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VfL Wolfsburg (Germany) - ID 961 - Season 23/24
SV Wehen Wiesbaden (Germany) - ID 121208 - Season 23/24
away & third
FC Erzgebirge Aue (Germany) - ID 121183 - Season 23/24
Colin Deiner
Hi Guys.
Does anyone have the 24/25 Barcelona Home, Away and Third 3D kits?
Bournemouth third 24/25
Brentford third 24/25
Újpest FC kits
Ipswich third 24/25
Harris Muhindi
Great work as always! Is it possible to get these Man City jerseys with the club world cup badges?
Sunderland third 24/25
West Brom third 24/25
Hajdučki sin
Bro you forgot to put WBA logo
New Juve kits?
Fixed now
you also have the 3rd one?
Stoke third 24/25
FC Slovan Liberec away 24/25 1.Czech Chance liga
Plymouth Argyle third 24/25
Swansea third 24/25
Portsmouth third 24/25
Mezőkövesd Zsóry FC kits
Shakhtar Donetsk home/away/third
Sheffield United third 24/25
Sheffield Wednesday third 24/25
Leeds United third 24/25
Coventry third 24/25
Bielsa is a legend
Great work again @bolid74 -Thanks
Great work as always Bolid
Laurent Czerwinski
Great work but awfull kit, as more and more in England!
It's probably because of Brexit: there's no more money to pay designer!!???!!…
Laurent Czerwinski
I just watched the game Eisbären - Pardubice in CHL and I heard in the stands:
It brought a little tear to my eyes...