Realistic USA file down to USL2. Includes USLC, USL1, NISA, and MLS Next Pro. Added graphics, rivalries, histories, etc (help is welcome).
Also see the Canadian Championship fix.
Graphics here. Leagues Cup file here (adds extra spot for San Diego FC from 2024).
More discussion here. Get CONCACAF teams in the Copa Libertadores here. TMC Megapack here. Thanks to Gum at the SI Games forum for work on stadiums and affiliations. Also see the transfer file and details.
If anyone has insight into unpublished stuff like USL roster rules and info, PLEASE let me know here or at the SI Games forums and we can make it even more realistic.
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Hi guys, is this going to include NCAA?
The Modelcitizen
No, it's a lot of work (my local school is D2 so I definitely wouldn't stop at D1), and that kind of amateur set-up doesn't really translate to FM to be honest (lots of unrealistic player movement). Meanwhile USL2 does the same thing (i.e., produce players for the draft) and is already there, just had to be set up and fleshed out. There's a lot of history there
@themodelcitizen Can you do portugal league database
The Modelcitizen
It's in the default game already?
George Rodgers
bump cheers tmc!
Good morning! You can have a look over https://fmportugal.net
Victor Cunha
Tem algum Downloads pra mudar a forma de transferência na MLS?
Hi guys its possible to add the new team San Diego for this update for FM24???
The Modelcitizen
I updated it so they're in USL now, the latest update gave them a full roster. There's an issue with contracts in USLC though (and only USLC), for some reason it thinks every team is broke and won't let you offer contracts. Working on a fix
So you recommend waiting for the USLC fix before starting a campaign with this db? Is there anything I can do to help out? I've got a hankering to play FM and I've always wanted to do a US journeyman.
Charles van Nes
What does the Canadian Championship fix do?
Also.. maybe offtopic, but is there a (almost) complete and realistic Canadian League mod for 24.3 or 24.4?
Sorry to bother you with that last question
Hello lovely work Mr. Citizen! Pretty selfish ask but is there plans to update St Charles FC / add SLSG FC in USL2?
The Modelcitizen
Fixed now @Grim759 sorry for the wait, new version will be up within the hour.
@Charles van Nes The CanChamp file cleans up a few dates etc in that competition, but it's not compatible with yellowsweatygorilla's Canadian megapack (he fixes that stuff himself).
@Bubbers probably not but I can think about it. Gonna add Carolina to MLS Next Pro as they gave them a roster in the last update
Hey The Modelcitizen. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the DB or with Football Manager as a whole. I was playing as Union Omaha and my board offered some extra cash. I opted to ask them to setup a youth squad and they made a Union Omaha II. The issue is that I'm unable to hire anyone to work for the club despite owning the responsibilities for said youth team and I can't place adverts for the jobs either. When offering them a job for the secondary the selection where you choose part time or full time is just a dash line and nothing else. Other than that, I really appreciate you working this database and making a quality product to share. You should add a “Buy me a coffee” link or something mate.
The Modelcitizen
That's weird. Maybe you can only hire guys if the II team plays in a league?? And obviously the US has its own crazy system and there's no “reserve” league for them to slot into (it would be cool if they could go into, like, USL2, but I can't imagine that's possible). So it sounds like it's just the game doing its normal thing that works everywhere else, but running into a brick wall because of the weird US system. I could try going in and checking the boxes for each team under “reserves” for “never create team” or whatever it is, but I'd worry that might have knock on effects elsewhere
You might be right. I didn't think about that. I don't believe they did participate in any leagues so that theory could make sense. I did find some USL Youth Rules linked here if that ends up being something you're interested in. I also found a separate academy version here. I hope you continue working on this database once FM25 comes out. It is by far my favorite database and I appreciate your work.
The Modelcitizen
Thanks so much for the comment! I just cleaned up the Open Cup rules so that starting in 2024, the new format takes hold with certain MLS teams missing out and others sending their MLS NEXT Pro teams instead.
Thanks for the links, I may have seen those when making some of the youth tournaments. I haven't fleshed out too much of the USL Academy/youth stuff because of the fact they don't tend to have newgens anyway so it would mostly be greyed out players? And they have weird rules that are hard to replicate so they almost work better as being imagined in the background (same as MLS NEXT regular season games)
Will think about FM25 when it comes out. Cheers
Do you think when FM 25 comes you'd be interested in adding the sponsorship finances in? I've been manually adding it for each of the USL1 teams as Lexington us the only USL1 team with any actual sponsorship income ($750k compared to everyone else's 0). I've personally gone in and just given everyone two year renewing details that breakout to this:
Individual TV Deal: $50k
Other Income: $50k
Shirt Sleeve: $75k
Back of Jersey: $100k
Uniform Sponsor: $250k
I don't know how this will workout in the long haul but I noticed in my first run through that I had zero income as one team and it sucked. Will see how this edit plays out.
Edit: I'll post some results for you after a couple years of clubs before and after with these income adjustments.
The Modelcitizen
For a bunch of teams I set it to $0 which in previous games would come up with some kind of number itself, but maybe not here. Let me know how it looks with your tests, in the meantime I might do something similar. I just gave them some TV money too (100K each a season) to reflect that big CBS/ESPN deal which should help
The Modelcitizen
Adding some of those finances now
Thank you so much!! I'm so excited. What have the updates the last couple days been?
The Modelcitizen
Lots of little tweaks, nothing gamebreaking. Made NISA's schedule slightly more realistic, added the National Amateur Cup from the semis onward so that some NPSL teams would get extra games (idea being they won't be at constant low morale from losing in Open Cup, Independent Cup, or in some cases, Oregon Open Cup/Minnesota Super Cup games). Going to upload a newer version shortly that should fix the Steinbrecher cup semis not being at the same location consistently
Hi guys, I want to start a new career, I want to know when is coming your last update for this.
Thanks a lot!!!
The Modelcitizen
The last one was just changing the USL Cup knockout rounds to no extra-time (straight to PKs), because they finally played them IRL (for the first time) and there was no extra-time. There is no “last update” in that sense, if it becomes apparent something can use a slight fix like that, I'll do it when I have time. You can start your career anytime, the database is already far more complete than most default ones in the game
perfect, I will start the career later, THANKS A LOT!!
still works if i play with sortitoutsi database too?
The Modelcitizen
I don't see why not, if they haven't touched competition structures or done things like made clubs extinct, it should work fine. Although all of the transfer/contract changes will likely mean some MLS teams are over the cap now
I really appreciate you adding in the income! I'm currently trying to figure out the editor and learning right now. Want to add future stadium moves. Once I figure it out, would you like me to share a list of my changes with you and/or share the editor file? Currently I've only added Union Omaha's mid 2026 stadium move but will be looking online to see what other teams are planning stadiums if any.
This is my current list of stuff to add:
Indy Eleven - Eleven Park - (Early 2026, 20,000 all seater, state of the art)
New Mexico United - ??? (Mid 2026, 9600 seating 1400 standing, very good)
Detroit City FC - ??? (Early 2027, 14000 seats, standing room?, very good?)
Rhode Island FC - Tidewater Landing Stadium - (Early 2025, 10,500 all seater, very good)
Union Omaha - Alliance Sports Stadium - (Mid 2026, 7,000 all seater, very good)
The Modelcitizen
Nice!! The user Gum at the SI forums did most of the awesome work with stadiums on the file, including with the stadium editor, but that was nearly a year ago now so the more recent news wouldn't have been included. I think I recently added Detroit's planned stadium move, and NYC using Citi Field for 6 games last year. Will take a look at those other moves, I generally go with ones that look, like, 95% done given how frequently the IRL plans fall apart with this kind of thing