15 years ago
1 week ago

I've downloaded a logo pack - no issues here.

I wanted to upload my own Manchester United club crest (one from the 1980s) and that loads up fine. 


What I'm having difficulty with is no matter what I do to resize the image, it remains quite small compared to other logos. I can only seem to get it so big. I've tried other club logos with the same issue.


I'm aware there's a man utd club badge you can download for FM but ideally, I wanted an old school united badge.


Any ideas on how to easily resize the logo in line with FM ones?

1 year ago
30 minutes ago

This likely comes down to the way your image is cropped. If you resize a file to 180x180 but it has loads of blank space around the outside, then the logo itself won't be that size, the entire file is. What you'd need to do is use an image editor to trim the file properly.


If you have already done this, then ignore everything I just said

15 years ago
1 week ago

I have removed the background of the image before I resize it.


It seemingly resizes but when I paste the image into the club logo folder, it remains smaller than the pre-loaded club logos.


At a loss here.

18 years ago
14 hours ago

I don't think you are using any of the packs we make but when resizing logos for our FMG packs we resize the 180x180 logo down to 36x36 and then change the canvas width to 50.


You then end up with 50x36 for the @2x small size. Then you can simply resize the logo to 25x18 for the smallest size. 


I'm not sure what other creators do in their packs but this might be helpful anyway. We have thousands of retro, alternative and fantasy options already resized including the one you are resizing.


I hope that's helpful.

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By redgriff 29 September 2024 - 20:27 PM UTC 

I have removed the background of the image before I resize it.


It seemingly resizes but when I paste the image into the club logo folder, it remains smaller than the pre-loaded club logos.


At a loss here.

You probably need to “trim” the canvas away after cutting the image. Try uploading both the source logo and resized logo here so we can see what we are dealing with 👍🙂 


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