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Sorry for the slow response, yes free agent is the only option.
Antonio La Magna
If I click on edit data it tells me that I am not authorized
Louis Hancke
Don't worry about it, my post was in no means meant as a “hurry up” 😉
Appreciate the feedback
Thank you
@Justsomeguy, I tagged you, so you know you're doing the right thing!
I'm new here.
Thanks you very much for this job.
Jean Louis Gasset, Ghislain Printant are new head and assistant coach in Montpellier (france). when i try to change the first men with editor, he stay assistant…
Can you add this change ?
Best regards
forza tromso senior
Hi. First of all, great job you guys are doing!
I've tried to submit an extra player in to the database, via the "teams page→add profile link" but I can't get it to work.
The player is one of this seasons best youngsters in Norwegian league; Mamadou Thierno Barry in Tromsø IL.
Any chance to get him added?
How do you add players who are totally missing???
Aziz Issah is missing from Barca Athletic
Jerry Afriyie is missing as well as his club Thoughts FC
These are Ghanas best u20 players… most others updated but these two seem to be missing?
How do you add a missing player? At moment this only looks like editing exisiting players? ghana U20 are missing their 2 beat players.
These players do not exist in the database so it is impossible to edit them on this data update, either you can make them yourself for your save or you can wait for the next game and hope they have been added
Hey guys, I can't suggest Predrag Mijatovic as Partizan Belgrade sports director because his last FM profile is from 2018. Partizan has a completely new board. Could you direct me how to get to suggest the change? Thanks a lot!
Link: https://www.partizan.rs/sr/ManagementClub
I've started an everton save with the updated database. My board are expecting me to get in the champions league (unrealistic) plus within 2 years challenge for the serie a title (not only unrealistic but impossible). Any one know how you change this?
Hey, how can I add players who are not yet available?
Example: I want to add Patrik Kristal, he is a great talent in the youth of 1. FC Köln and came in this winter to the club, but unfortunately hasn't been added yet
How can I submit changes to the club's name or update its status from semi-professional to professional?
Have a problem in Turkish teams
please elaborate, no point just saying that and not giving us the issue
How can I find old updates?