Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 489,095
- 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025

I've disabled Avast, but still nothing. With the new file, same story. Both of the hosts this time. So, I've missing the last two updates… Is it possible to have an alternative mirror?
Hey, love the cut out player faces and monthly updates. Make the game far more enjoyable.
Just wondering, when do the new Ipswich town faces come out? Thought they may be included in the recent December launch.
Thank you.
@Bryan Cheetham the file should not be password protected, what size is the file?
@masmoudi @Rimmshot1973 there is more than one mirror, can you be clear more about which mirror you're having issues with and if it's more than one can you be specific about which one and the exact error?
Please try and give as much information as possible guys, that helps us help you alot quicker otherwise we have to do alot of back and forth.
Bryan Cheetham
I managed to download it on incognito and it let me unzip okay then. Not sure what the issue was unless my virus software was being difficult.
What do you mean by same story if avast is disabled? Avast is still popping up even though it's disabled?
Is it blocking the website or the saving of the rar file?
I'm looking into alternatives. Most of them wind up blocking us eventually due the popularity of the megapack.
Were the files the same size, i.e. 155.9 MB ?
Bryan Cheetham
Yeah, 149MB,
Once the community (including you possibly, hint hint 😉 ) provides sources for our cutters to work on, then I'm sure it won't be long until they're updated.
However, keep in mind that the images on the Premier League site aren't really large enough to provide improvements in most cases, especially in cases where the previous image is only a few months old, looks essentially identical and is of a very good quality anyway. In cases like this, it's hardly worth the time and effort to cut sources which aren't really any better than the current cut.
Concrètement je ne peux pas accéder au téléchargement , la page est bloqué .
La connexion du site n’est pas sécurisée.
Il m’est impossible de les télécharger alors q’avant sur d’autres site je pouvais . c’est dommage.
Good afternoon, the same thing happens to me, it is impossible to download the antivirus, it detects it as a threat on both servers
La connexion du site n’est pas sécurisée.
Il m’est impossible de les télécharger alors qu’avant sur d’autres site je pouvais
I have the FM 24 file already for this faces. Do i still need to download FM 24/25 whole file again or can continue from updates ?
can anyone help me remove the scarf in the photo ? please
Thank you
@masmoudi, this is an English-language forum, please post in English.
There is more than one mirror, can you be clear more about which mirror you're having issues with and if it's more than one can you be specific about which one and the exact error?
Please try and give as much information as possible guys, that helps us help you a lot quicker otherwise we have to do a lot of back and forth.
What update packs have you downloaded for the FM24 pack? If you kept up-to-date, you need to download the update packs released since that point, otherwise just download the 2025.00 torrent file and the subsequent update packs.
What is the URL of this player so we can add him to the megapack please?
good afternoon, I just tried again with the second server and now it will let me download it, thank you
Update 2025.02 is now available for download.
It contains 5,211 new or improved images and takes the total amount of cut-outs in the megapack to 484,734 👏
Kirukato Kashiarikutomorukimi
Thanks for the effort and work on this so far, but I have to ask when the new update for the new wonderkid face pictures will be.
An update pack will be out soon. What wonderkid(s) in particular would you be referring to?
If it's players who are not in the default database, they never have been included in this pack and never will be due to the impossibility of mapping them to the right person due to the non-fixed ID. If there's a player that you think should have his image in-game, then you should find one and request it in the submission forum. 👍
Kirukato Kashiarikutomorukimi
I'm thinking about classic fm premium update wonderkid and new players
Then my previous comment applies 👍
Update 2025.03 is now available for download.
It contains a massive 8,073 new or improved images and takes the total amount of cut-outs in the megapack to 488,663 👏
Where is face for Karetsas from KRC Genk?
He is not in the default database, because he was under 16 years of age in the August of the year when FM24 was released.
If you have him in your game, it's because you're using a custom database. We only add images for people in the default database, and not created ones since their UID is variable and not fixed like for those in the default database.
Hi. Two Bologna youngsters have the same pic.
Francesco Raffaelli 2000140361 and Davide Baroncioni 2000102260.
Good spot - can you tell us which is the correct one, and perchance provided a source image for the other so that the wrong cut can be replaced?
It seems to be Baroncioni picture.
Hello all FM Addicts!
There is any possibility to the new players from the sortitout update to have facepack too? Are you thinking about doing that? Cheers! Good games to all!
We only add images for people in the default database, and not created ones since their UID is variable and not fixed like for those in the default database.