Rob Henry
6 years ago
2 weeks ago

"DETAILED FUTURE REGEN" "Mark" "Matt" "Baker" "31/1/2007" "1435" "2000337293" "0" "1" "4" "196" "85" "4" "MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "11" "104445" "130" "200" "2000337295"


Does this look correct to you? Am i doing something wrong. The team is a Red Bull Mod, otherwise fairly standard.

18 years ago
1 month ago

@Rob Henry  DETAILED FUTURE REGEN should be DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN (with underscores between each word) and in my file I use a period as the date seperator rather than a slash, but I'm not sure if that matters. I also have the country name for nationalily rather than the ID, but I think you can use either.


This is the line I have in my file:


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Fred" "" "Bloggs" "31.01.2007" "England" "671" "0" "7" "3" "180" "72" "2" "MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "31" "29044758" "" "-9" "671"


I do have it in the 2430 database - see the screengrab below with my .edt file highlighted.

I  place a copy of my .edt file (it's not .lnc as I mentioned a few posts back) in the same place in each and every database just to be on the safe side, but I think that technically you only need it in the latest (or the one you have selected for your game).


The whole of the dbc, edt and lnc folders are replaced when you use the real name fix, which I do, so the contents of my permanent might be slightly different to yours but that doesn't matter at all - as long as you have your newgen edt file in that place it should work fine.

7 years ago
7 months ago
By Fidney 21 April 2024 - 11:12 AM UTC 

@Rob Henry  DETAILED FUTURE REGEN should be DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN (with underscores between each word) and in my file I use a period as the date seperator rather than a slash, but I'm not sure if that matters. I also have the country name for nationalily rather than the ID, but I think you can use either.


This is the line I have in my file:


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Fred" "" "Bloggs" "31.01.2007" "England" "671" "0" "7" "3" "180" "72" "2" "MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "31" "29044758" "" "-9" "671"


I do have it in the 2430 database - see the screengrab below with my .edt file highlighted.

I  place a copy of my .edt file (it's not .lnc as I mentioned a few posts back) in the same place in each and every database just to be on the safe side, but I think that technically you only need it in the latest (or the one you have selected for your game).


The whole of the dbc, edt and lnc folders are replaced when you use the real name fix, which I do, so the contents of my permanent might be slightly different to yours but that doesn't matter at all - as long as you have your newgen edt file in that place it should work fine.


possible to make your newgen24 file available? 

Rob Henry
6 years ago
2 weeks ago

I think the missing underscore in the title would be enough to throw it off, well spotted, i will do a simple save and holiday until newgen date and let you know, thank you 🙂 

18 years ago
1 month ago
By jeremydk1 21 April 2024 - 16:05 PM UTC 

possible to make your newgen24 file available? 


Here you go.  Each of the 3 lines beginning "DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" are my actual newgens - all the other lines prefixed with # are ignored by the game and are there just for info.


Hope you find it useful.

7 years ago
21 hours ago

i wonder if this guide will be relevent for fm25

7 years ago
21 hours ago

Is it possible to set the newgen to show up in random team?

18 years ago
1 month ago
By bosco8179 24 April 2024 - 01:35 AM UTC 

Is it possible to set the newgen to show up in random team?


I guess so. Not tried it myself, but the last number is the club so if you just leave it blank, by that I mean put “”, then I would expect (but I don't know for certain) the newgen to either appear at a random club or as unemployed. Try it in a test save and see what happens.

7 years ago
21 hours ago
By Fidney 24 April 2024 - 19:04 PM UTC 

I guess so. Not tried it myself, but the last number is the club so if you just leave it blank, by that I mean put “”, then I would expect (but I don't know for certain) the newgen to either appear at a random club or as unemployed. Try it in a test save and see what happens.


I have test it and it won't generate any newgen
Maybe i am missing something but you would like to test it by yourself

1 year ago
1 hour ago

Easy and well explained. I translated it with Google, no problem.

18 years ago
1 month ago
By bosco8179 25 April 2024 - 00:58 AM UTC 

I have test it and it won't generate any newgen
Maybe i am missing something but you would like to test it by yourself


Had a little mess about and it doesn't work for me either you don't put a club at the end. Ah well, something learned I guess, so not a total waste of time! 😂


I even tried putting a birth dates that would make them in their 40s, 50s or 60s to see if they would appear as staff and that doesn't work either - if you try to make a newgen too old they simply do not appear.

8 months ago
5 days ago

I have figured out a way to generate 3 players a season on average at any club,in my experiments i used Scunthorpe United and i have tested this method from players born between 2008-2039,i don't recommend going beyond that because it is untested and it really isnt necessary.


Ok so this is for England and for FM24 ONLY,for older games adjust the date of births according to what year game you are playing so if you want to do this on fm20 for example then take away 4 years from the examples i show in England where we start in 2008 for every generation


Ok so here are some rules,players born between the 1st of January to the 13th of march are considered EARLY

DO NOT have any birthdays between the 14th of march-31st of March(these are the dates the youths generate in England,avoid them because players will not generate or generate the wrong year)

And players born between the 1st of April to the 31st of December are considered LATE


ok so here we go and i recommend keeping the same amount of players per generation except for gen 4 because only the first player will generate


1st generation must be born EARLY in consecutive years 2008-2018 (11 players per generation)

2nd generation must be born LATE in the same consecutive years 2008-2018(11 players)

3rd generation must be born EARLY in the same consecutive years 2008-2018(11 players)

4th generation must be a single player born LATE in the year 2008 (1 player max)


In my experiment from the first generation everyone has their first name as First and their surname as One-Eleven,second generation everyone has their first name as Second and their surname as One-Eleven,the pattern repeats for the third gen and the single player in the fourth gen is named Fourth One


and here is the order they will generate at the club

-first season-first one-third one =2 players
-second season-first two--second one-third two-fourth one =4 players
-third season-first three-second two-third three= 3 players
-fourth season-first four-second three-third four=3 players

and so on it will generate 3 players every season after that until all players have generated,so if you want to put 100 players in your club put 33 players in gen1-3 and 1 player in gen 4




8 months ago
5 days ago

I did some more tests to try to generate wingbacks and dms but I couldn't successfully generate them because the code was wrong so it seemed to generate random positions and many of them were dms and wingbacks by coincidence so the wrong code for preferred position seems to be the same as no code so then i did the test again with no preferred position and all the players generated again in random positions and many of them were dms,so I think if you generate 50 players with no preferred position about 15-20 or them will be dms and maybe 5-10 of them would be wingbacks but I haven't tested it with so many players

11 years ago
3 days ago

I have a similar question to the one of the previous posting users:
What are all the mandatory things I need to include for the entries to work?
Unfortunately, I haven't seen any of my entries ingame in 5 simulations so far. 😢
The background to my question is that I would like to have a few players created for saves in exotic countries, with more names than the FM name pool provides. If you have 3 players in the squad with the same first and last name and meet other players in the league who have exactly the same name, this is very annoying in the long run. That's why I wanted to “fix” this.
Ideally, I would like to have only entries that contain a ehtnicity, a first name OR a surname and the corresponding nation. That doesn't seem to work. I read here that apparently a club in which they spawn is also mandatory, but even that was apparently not enough for my newgens to be created.
Does anyone have experience with the mandatory fields?
And are the names used for other newgens at all or only for this 1?

Thanks for replies in advance.

10 years ago
5 months ago
By screenname? 21 August 2023 - 18:31 PM UTC 

Been searching high and low for a way to set defensive midfielder as a preferred position for newgens (playing FM'20 fwiw).  This thread is the nearest I've come to it and my question is the same as ACP above.  Can defensive midfielder be set as a preferred position?  The tests I've run imply not (tried Defensive_Midfielder & Defensive_Midfielder_Central - italics due to underscores >< ) but was hoping there might be a non-indictive ID used seeing as defensive midfield - along with wing backs - can appear as newgens preferred positions.

Not as important for me but is it the same for wingbacks?  Again my tests (Defensive_Midfielder_Right/Left, Wingback_Right/Left and Wing-Back_Right/Left) suggest they can't be.

I have tested and successfully generates defensive midfields and wing backs using the following in the preferred position text:




Hope this one helps.

18 years ago
30 minutes ago

And I have such a question. Is there any way to edit the names and surnames of the regens that the AI generates? Monotonous surnames are annoying, I would like to add variety. The game editor doesn't count.

8 years ago
2 months ago
By philip 09 October 2024 - 17:17 PM UTC 

And I have such a question. Is there any way to edit the names and surnames of the regens that the AI generates? Monotonous surnames are annoying, I would like to add variety. The game editor doesn't count.

There is a working manual how to change player names 

18 years ago
30 minutes ago
By gdansk89 09 October 2024 - 18:05 PM UTC 

There is a working manual how to change player names 

That's not it. How to change or add surnames for the regens that WILL be generated by AI

So that there is a variety, and not, for example, a bunch of Lopez, Smith, etc.



8 years ago
2 months ago
By philip 09 October 2024 - 19:17 PM UTC 

That's not it. How to change or add surnames for the regens that WILL be generated by AI

So that there is a variety, and not, for example, a bunch of Lopez, Smith, etc.


Sorry mate, I didn't understand what you meant :/ 


2 years ago
4 days ago
By Adam Steven Cook 08 November 2023 - 00:05 AM UTC 

I believe it defpends on what year he was born. So if you put that the player was born in 2023 then he wont generate in game until hes 15 years old. You can also generate only 1 player per club per year. You can do as many players at different clubs in 1 year as you like though, just not all at one club.


I found this video helpgul



What's interesting is, I tried this for a club that had a ton of grey players at the start of the save, and wasn't aware of the 1 player per club restriction. I had 4 newgen players in the same club with similar birthdates in my support_staff.edt file and they all got created. Was able to sim 2 seasons successfully! 

Adam Steven Cook
3 years ago
20 hours ago
By wbdcnyc 24 October 2024 - 13:31 PM UTC 

What's interesting is, I tried this for a club that had a ton of grey players at the start of the save, and wasn't aware of the 1 player per club restriction. I had 4 newgen players in the same club with similar birthdates in my support_staff.edt file and they all got created. Was able to sim 2 seasons successfully! 


Yeah fair enough, I think the 1 per club was just an early bug that’s been fixed now. 

11 years ago
3 days ago
By philip 09 October 2024 - 17:17 PM UTC 

And I have such a question. Is there any way to edit the names and surnames of the regens that the AI generates? Monotonous surnames are annoying, I would like to add variety. The game editor doesn't count.


This is exactly the problem I wanted to solve with my question above (respectively the answer to it).
Unfortunately, I have not yet received any feedback on this either, nor have I been able to get it to work myself.

Bruna Alvez
3 years ago
1 week ago

Como é a onde que faço isso no jogo qual é pasta e onde posso fazer sou nova, você pode fazer de um ponta e atacante ? 

14 years ago
43 minutes ago
By philip 09 October 2024 - 17:17 PM UTC 

And I have such a question. Is there any way to edit the names and surnames of the regens that the AI generates? Monotonous surnames are annoying, I would like to add variety. The game editor doesn't count.


Suppose you already know how things work, but let's briefly go through it anyway: It's supposed that there are name pools for different nations, races,… Then, the system will pick up names from the pool when creating newgens. 


The question is: How to expand the name pool? 



That makes sense… I mean, if there's such a straightforward way to add names to the pool, then we should have some custom name pool files to download here, or from other FM sites… just like installing some data updates.  


8 months ago
5 days ago
By JConceptSTUDIO 09 October 2024 - 05:41 AM UTC 

I have tested and successfully generates defensive midfields and wing backs using the following in the preferred position text:




Hope this one helps.


This is not correct,these don't work so its the same as leaving the field blank

you will see below that they came through in random positions

Luke Joseph Akra
2 months ago
3 weeks ago

"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Lucas" "" "Coulibaly" "24/10/2007" "Ivory Coast" "743" "3" "16" "5" "" "" "0" "ATTACKER_CENTRAL" "" "" "160" "200" "CLUB 743"


can anyone tell me why my youth players are not generating on fm24



Luke Joseph Akra
2 months ago
3 weeks ago
8 months ago
5 days ago
By Luke Joseph Akra 09 January 2025 - 00:21 AM UTC 

"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Lucas" "" "Coulibaly" "24/10/2007" "Ivory Coast" "743" "3" "16" "5" "" "" "0" "ATTACKER_CENTRAL" "" "" "160" "200" "CLUB 743"


can anyone tell me why my youth players are not generating on fm24




Change his birthday to January 2008 (for fm 24 2008 should be the first season and for Fm23 it would be 2007 and so on)and he will generate at the end of the first season, if you leave his birthday as it is but change the year of birth to 2009 he  should generate the second second,I also recommend the unique id for Ivory Coast instead of the way you have it 

6 months ago
3 weeks ago

Bonjour svp j ai essayé plusieurs fois en vain. 

Ce n’est pas bon de mon côté

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