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Got Everton at home in a friendly today. As annoying as it is that what was an average Premiership fixture a couple of years ago is now some sort of 'prestigious' friendly, I'm going.
ha ha neither !
Yep we do and I know we were beating them a few season back and I am going on holiday so cant go but will be going to Derby away next week and Carlisle in the cup
Eric Portapotty
Mr Willy
ha ha we will see some people can post their views if they want
yeah its a shame really we were prem for ages. In brief Venkys our new owners came in hired kean and didn't sack him, then last season in the championship we had 5 managers last season at various points and finished 17th
Do you agree?
ha ha I would agree with that he has only played once for us so far but did very well for the reserves I think he will do very well in league 2 !
ha ha you may like the soap opera I wish I liked it as much I cant believe some of their decisions and even the people they have hired don't know what their doing. The fact they hardly ever turn up in England either dosent exactly help. Not to mention the fact they wouldn't sack Kean all season and then 5 managers in one season ..
Are you talking about Roque Santa Cruz ?
Nah a forum member we had named after him.
Had a chair fetish.
ha ha ha hadn't heard about him !
Keep an eye out for him. He's dangerous.
We were poor today. We couldn't get near Everton and they were only playing at about 70%, 80% imo. Shows how far we've fallen. A comfortable Premiership club destroyed by clueless Indians and one drunken Scotsman. Makes me sick.
Nope don't think so haha, will watch Derby on TV and then I don't fancy a midweek trek up to Carlisle haha. Fair play to you though that's a good effort!
Esprit Vanilla
Oh and your manager is the former player Lee Bowyer?
Eric Portapotty
Is Lee Bowyer still playing?
ha ha yeah and sounded like we were very poor and your right there !
ha ha cheers I do like to go to alot of the games whenever possible
Yeah I do I really hope we can at least give a good challenge this season. As we finished 17th last season even though the table was very close.
No its Gary Bowyer he was the manger of our youth team and was caretaker manger twice last season and did very well, only been given a 12 month contract though.
ha ha yeah
And I don't know weather he has retired but he dosent play for anyone as he left Ipswich.
ha ha I will
Number 1
He was quite decent at times for NUFC, even if his main memory will be of fighting Kieron Dyer in the middle of a game.
BUT we're a town club, and many would say that bottom half Championship or something is a natural level for a town club without a huge fanbase - which is around the level we were on average before Jack Walker.
Like I said though it's just annoying what's happened given how comfortable we were in the Premiership. It's gonna be very hard to return there too - city clubs with a much bigger fanbase like Leeds and Notts Forest have found it impossible for years upon years now.
Telegram Sam
He got released at the start of summer. He barely played after about October last season, I liked him but he'd have been on a fair hefty wage.