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looking forward to Paris-Tours.
chase or bunchsprint?
what will it be?
Telegram Sam
Yeah, I watched the 4th episode a few days ago but missed the other episodes. The road race for the World Championships looked like torture ! 267km
King Luis
King Luis
He's an absolutely horrible little c*nt isn't he
King Luis
He wasn't no but what a disgusting thing to think/say, especially considering the charity he runs.
Just read this article on the Daily Mail website as well written by Brian Smith, must be pretty horrible for him to hear all the talk about US Postal and Motorola doping.
King Luis
not looked but just read that Belgian prospect Tim Wellens ended fifth general,i'm looking forward to him.
Rabobank has just pulled all sponsorship from cycling.
Here are the riders who are out of contract
King Luis
They're honoring their contracts for next season though so we'll have a white label team for the year and they have chances to get new teams next year. Feel for the women's team more than anything, going to be really hard for them and a new team will almost certainly have to be created, really hasty decision from Rabobank as well given that they were signing riders up until Wednesday.
King Luis
They might find a new sponsor over the next year but who knows, could well see another team come in or just lose the team completely and the riders/staff will need to find a new team for 2014
King Luis
Book store in Glasgow has moved Armstrong's book into the fiction section \o/
Well, that's a huge blow for the doping-free image of Norway as a sporting nation.
King Luis
Tour route is announced today but its already been leaked, got 2 stages at least which i will be going to see. The last stage into Paris will be amazing, set to finish at 9pm.
King Luis
Booked my hotel for the Mont Saint-Michel and the finish in Paris already
Telegram Sam
King Luis
Wiggins has already said hes focusing on winning the Giro next year and will be at the Tour in a support role for Froome.
Telegram Sam
Oh, I hadn't seen that. Makes sense. Are there many other big names looking to win the Giro?
King Luis
Will be the usual suspects i imagine, Joaquim Rodriguez, Ivan Basso, Ryder Hesjedal. Wiggins will probably go into it as favourite though.
Telegram Sam