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John Terry is slower than Ferdinand and has the turning circle of a coach so lack of pace is irrelevant.
I agree with what Neville said, he hasn't played for England and will be too old by the next world cup, but so will Gerrard and Lamard and I just think Roy has handled it badly.
The last bit is just totally wrong. Gerrard has been injured far more than Rio, he played 52 games over 2010/11 and 2011/12, Rio played 67.
Telegram Sam
Fair enough, I was wrong on that last part. What I said before had nothing to do with Terry though, and I wouldn't have supported his inclusion if he hadn't retired and was selected for this squad.
Gerrard is a great passer of the ball, or at least as good as any other English midfielder currently in my humble opinion. Although I think he's mainly in the team because he's a leader on the pitch and a good experienced head to have in the squad. Plus he's still capable of doing special things every now and again, and he adds goals and good set piece delivery to the team.
That bit is true and I think he deserves to be in the squad on that merit. You can't seriously think Gerrard is as good a passer as Scholes, that's insane. He's got great technical ability so he is capable of making a great pass but he gives the ball away far too often to be considered a great passer IMO.
I don't agree.
I think Gerrard is a player who is capable of playing great passes rather than a great passer.
To be fair the bolded is the exact argument made for Beckham a while back, and I don't think many people would argue he was missed when he did eventually stop being picked for England.
I'm not saying he currently shouldn't be in the squad, and I probably would have him over the other older players such as Ferdinand and Lampard purely to act as an experienced head as the squad is effectively handed over from his generation to the next, but I don't really think he's going to be a player playing in to his later 30s and I don't think he's going to be doing that for England.
Summed up well.
Rio definitely shouldn't go up if asked as the FA/Hodgson treat him like crap, from the drug ban to being left out for 'footballing reasons' which was utter bullshit.
Maybe he doesn't have anything to offer long term, but he has been playing far better than the other defenders that were called up, if Hodgson was honest it wouldn't be such a big issue.
England have good options at centre half, that's what does Rio no real favours. So him not being in the squad isn't that huge of a loss (more so when he's not featured much as it is), hence no real benefit in him being there.
The England midfield is a another story though, there isn't that depth or quality just yet, so the likes of Gerrard and Lampard are still going to be in with a shout, even in their advanced years. Wilshire will push both, but he's also missed a lot of football and needs to get back to playing well again for Arsenal before being considered for England. Beyond him, there really isn't many stand out options.
Telegram Sam
You can believe what you want but you can't say without any reasonable doubt that Ferdinand would definitely have gone to the Euros if it wasn't for the John Terry affair. It's likely that the affair made it impossible for Terry and Ferdinand to play together, but it really isn't that unreasonable to assume Rio wouldn't have been in the side regardless. He was out of favour whilst Capello was still in charge.
Well obviously Scholes is the exception, but he doesn't play for England anymore.
Telegram Sam
Wilshere's been out for 14 months. Tough to say how good he's going to be again until he's played a decent handful of games.
'I don't know whether I should play him on Sunday or not but the way we have been doing it in the last few weeks has worked quite well for us.
'Everybody wants to play, goalkeepers are no different, but the way I look at it at the moment is getting the two of them experience will help me in the long term.
'Obviously at some stage one of them will take over if he shows a real consistency in top-level performance and he has shown a maturity.
'At the moment neither of them have got that big-game experience. They will get that in time.'
He's really doing my head in at the moment. How he thinks rotating keepers is 'working quite well for us' or that David De Gea doesn't have 'big game experience' is anyone's guess.
When playing Hodgson-ball the quality of passing is kinda irrelevant anyway.
Slashman X
I can imagine he's not just unhappy, he's fuming.
One theory is that Ashley Cole is on his way here and Fergie will have to get rid of Rio in order for that to happen. Not sure what I make of that though.
Apparently, Lescott didn't wear a KIO t-shirt either.
I've read about the Ashley Cole theory, stranger things have happened. I think Fergie is trying to get rid of him.
I think the City players are wearing the KIO shirts next weekend? Chelsea too? Not sure.
Slashman X
Yep, City waiting til the home game
Fergie is embarrassed because he said that all of his players would wear the shirt prior the game, Rio included. Then Rio rocks up and doesn't wear it, hence making Fergie look like a twit for making the aforementioned comment. That's why Fergie is annoyed at Rio, who will no doubt cop some sort of punishment for it.
Lescott hasn't worn the shirt for years after Emre's unpunished racism towards Yobo during his Everton days.
Ridiculous. I know Fergie sees a threat to his authority, but two weeks wages (the same amount Terry got fined) is silly.
Kinda hope Ferdinand appeals that, even though it would undermine Fergie's authority there is no way thats on.