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Could be a bit of a bargain if true, though why we are not (at least we don't appear to be) trying our hardest to improve the defensive side of the team i've no idea.
Telegram Sam
No, they haven't. CaughtOffside ran some bullshit article about us signing him and the BBC's gossip column quoted it.
Newcastle are looking like they're actually going to have a good squad this season rather than just a decent starting xi like the past few seasons. Siem de Jong will be a big player this season. Spurs and Everton have Europa League campaigns and will surely be going all out to win it. Thats because the winner gets a CL spot now and neither of them will be getting top 4 any time soon. 6th place could be a real possibility if the new players gel.
Number 1
King Luis
Torres is being linked with a move back to Atletico, if they can get Chelsea to lower their £12m price.
Drogba could join as a player/coach, you'll probably find it will 3rd choice striker. Not overly keen on him rejoining to be honest, isn't the player he was when he left, plus the way he left was perfect. Would be a shame to tarnish that.
Lukaku is staying, for the mean time. There is talk that Everton want Atsu on loan, which would basically mean any Lukaku move would need to be a permanent transfer, something I cannot see Everton affording to do.
It's also possible Bamford may be amongst the first team also. So really unsure as to what our striker selection will be like at this stage.
Why didn't we get him, for that money he's a steal
Because we had to pay his release clause.
Offering less money plus a player wouldn't have activated it, therefore Atletico wouldn't have done a deal. They certainly weren't going to sell one of their main assists for less, just to acquire another player.
That makes no sense
£23,000,000 plus Torres for arguments sake looks a better deal than £32,000,000 outright, Athletico need to spend money to replace him anyway so they'll have to spend more or less what they'd have lost with Torres included.
It'll be pretty stupid if they now go ahead and buy Torres from Chelsea this summer.
Eric Portapotty
Good riddance, a special kind of cunt he is.
The Platypus
Cesc really shouldn't have gotten that haircut...
Eric Portapotty
Never mind the haircut, why are they out camping in the forest?
Myhill, Dawson, McAuley, Baird, Gardner, Dorrans, Anichebe, Berahino.
Still need another few signings. Have large doubts of Gardner and Ideye and especially their ability to score goals. Can't see any of their strikers scoring more than a few goals.
The Platypus
Ligue 1
Yeah I like Berahino, but I don't think he's ready yet, to be starting every game. I like Anichebe but he won't score many, and gut feeling that Ideye will flop. I think WBA will bottle it and sack Irvine at the fist sign of trouble tbh.
Apparently Montella wants to keep Marcos Alonso at Fiorentina. If Sunderland are unable to sign Alonso and Borini it would be a big dent in Sunderland's plans for next year. Still haven't signed Santiago Vergini either.