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I think the only sensible move for him would be to move to Arsenal if they sack Walcott off (but I dunno why they'd do that as Walcott is better than Sterling when both are fully fit)
I think he should stay at Liverpool but I don't think there's anyway back for him now, some of the fans have turned on him already.
Slashman X
It's not. I can say "Sterling shouldn't go to Liverpool because look at how Aspas and Ilori and Sahin and countless others weren't used at all when they were there." Never giving a young player a minutes rest in 2 seasons is fucking terrible management. Also, "The others are shit", surely that's a reason for him wanting to leave, he has no chance of achieving anything at Liverpool. He'd take a lower wage at a more competitive club, I guarantee it
You are a stepping club, every single Liverpool fan and pundit is in denial but it doesn't make it untrue. He'd be a guaranteed starter for City instead of Navas imo. So in terms of accomplishing things, how about challenging and winning the league constantly as well as actually being in Europe. Even if he was treated like other youth talents at City and Chelsea, he'd be loaned to a competitive club to help him develop. That's miles better than playing 120 mins against Middlesbrough in the fucking Capitol One Cup
By your own managers definition, you're a stepping stone club
As for trophies etc, if that's the case, where the fuck was he against Chelsea in the league cup? Or Villa? Or any of the European games tbf. As for being in Europe, yeah I guess he'll get his 6 games in the group stages each year.
Are you comparing us to Southampton? Also no, we have a choice, but no, we don't have to sell.
Actually going on from it, a stepping stone club is someone where a player only really joins to move onto a bigger club in the future. Which one of our players has done that? Suarez? Again we didn't have to sell him, was a choice (whether a bad one or not that's another thing) after the bad publicity he brought to the club. No idea where you're getting the stepping club tag from, as I don't remember any players that signed here with the aim to leave another club down the line. Maybe Torrres? But that was a weird transfer
Slashman X
He'd definitely start over Navas or at least rotate. Maybe even on opposite wings. Sinclair was never good enough for City though, like Aspas was never good enough for Liverpool, so using them to prove a point is, as you say, "completely different". Also, we sent Sincalir on loan to West Brom and they wouldn't even play him ffs, that's saying something.
So essentially, what you're saying is: If he wants to win trophies he has to basically drag his shit team by the scruff of the neck and win them himself. You can't see why he'd want to go to a club why that isn't the case?
Yes, basically you're a step "higher" than Southampton, but still a stepping stone.
Suarez, Torres, Mascherano, Alonso, Arbeloa arguably.
Note: Looking through your transfers over the past few years to make that "list", you guys have made some woeful transfers
And so basically every team that isn't Barcelona, Madrid or Bayern Munich are a stepping stone in some form then.
Slashman X
The same shit team who almost won the league while Sterling was playing out of his skin. He's absolutely knackered and being played in random positions the entire time. Maybe he'd rather be part of a winning team than a guy who's expected to do everything and have everything relying on him.
Well yeah, but some a higher up the ladder. Chelsea, Utd, City and possibly Arsenal are a step up from Liverpool in the PL.
Okay cool, I'll agree with that then. Even though it's a bit stupid for me but yeah.
Slashman X
I'm not pinning it all on him at all, but if you're blaming up for not performing when the team is shit, why can't I praise him for performing when the team was exceptional? He's a young footballer, they need to be treated properly. Just look at how Wenger treated Walcott and Ox for example, he didn't have them playing 50 games in a row with no break, he eased them into it and protected them. Also, playing him as a wing back and expecting him to be brilliant is stupid, it's not a "cheap excuse".
I don't see how it's stupid, if I was him I'd rather be a solid part of a winning team than a big fish in a small pond type situation (still a big enough pond, but you see the point).
Can obviously expect his assists to go down as you've lost Suarez for all and Sturridge for the majority but according to Squawka he's created 75 chances this season compared to his 51 last year.
He's hardly been shit, he's probably been your best player. Maybe you could have an argument for Coutinho but even he was poor at the start of the season.
Slashman X
Based Jorge
Slashman X
Based Jorge
And Sunderland still in the fucking Premier League.
Very happy for Sunderland though.
Slashman X
2nd place secured
Had the better chances, luckily Fletcher's finishing was awful.
Based Jorge
Don't see the league table really changing this weekend now.
Glad my bet was already fucked
Arsenal were having plenty joy down the left hand side last night as Van Aanholt is shit - but they were insistant on trying to play it to Giroud's feet who was dreadful all game. No idea why.
Also the guy on Sky Sports saying he's worth 35-40 million. While I agree he won't go for much less if we do sell him, he's worth half that at best
Slashman X