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Slashman X
Based Jorge
Number 1
I'm not sure that's even the worst part any more. There's so many things being done horrifically.
Not only because our best defender is on the bench again (and Rafael can't even get in the squad at the minute) but because we're playing 1 midfielder away from home.
Hopefully I'll be proved wrong, but I don't think LVG has learnt his lesson about playing away from home in the Premier League still.
Number 1
I'm not sure its just a Man City problem. It seems like the majority of Premier League teams at the moment don't know how to take a corner, and the majority of all corners taken seem to find the first defender.
Whilst that's true City are worse than most at the moment. We've scored one goal from a corner all season I think (and that was in September).
King Luis
EDIT: Well would have been if it hadn't taken a massive deflection
Pearson has left Leicester.
Love how Arsenal fans have been wanking over pictures of Kane in an Arsenal shirt recently. Its almost like they think Spurs fans actually care.
It's alright, he can look after himself, don't you worry about that.
Dire performance really, despite the point. Ander Herrera, amazingly talented player and we're playing Wayne Rooney in midfield. And if we're bringing a midfielder on we bring on Fellaini to hoof it up to in desperation. I feel for Herrera, he deserves so many more starts, it's astounding that he isn't. I wouldn't blame him for leaving.
We've made Di Maria look like shit, Falcao/RVP don't work well together, Falcao will move on in the summer and do well elsewhere. The way we're playing is poor, too slow and negative.
We'll be lucky to get top four at this rate.
Falcao is absolute muck.
Ignoring his reputation before he arrived and focusing solely on what he's done in a United shirt he's up there with the worst thats played for us in the last 10 years.
Based Jorge
The Platypus
Playing for Porto and Atletico Madrid is hardly a joke, especially considering his form for both clubs. His move to Monaco tarnished what could've been a very good career.
In a way, his form and value kinda limited his transfer options- more so when you remove Real Madrid from the equation. Was always going to be difficult moving on from Atletico unless someone coughed up ridiculous money, enter Monaco.
The Platypus
Well, I'm sure he had the option to just not leave Atletico, then. Surely a better decision than going to Monaco.
With the money involved I doubt he had little choice once an offer was accepted, given Atletico's financial situation at the time. He'll probably leave Man Utd and recapture his touch, I don't think he's as done as what it may appear.
The Platypus
The weird thing is he looks ok physically.
Yeah, he might not be as quick as before but he's throwing himself into tackles, competing in the air and looking strong.
It's when he's asked to do anything remotely technical thats the problem. His touch is appalling, his link up play is non existent, he can't dribble, and he can't finish. If you haven't see it his miss today was woeful.
The Platypus
He's not that sort of striker that really relied on his pace. He had enough of a burst to get him past some players but a lot of his good work comes from running the channels and getting himself isolated one-on-one with a defender, that's his bread and butter. While he's got that knack of cutting the ball back and curling it into a corner, something he's done regularly. With the EPL being a quicker pace, he doesn't quite get that same time like he'd be used to in Spain etc and thus he find himself rushed. I don't think he's helped either with the way United are set up to play, it doesn't really suit his qualities.
Maybe he'll remember now.
Bentaleb & Mason have actually been quite good for us this season. It seems the Arsenal midfield, much like you, underestimated them and got what they deserved.
Based Jorge
Neither are good enough really. Should've be a non-issue and an easy game for us in midfield, but Ramsey has been wank all season & Santi was dreadful. It was passion & determination that won the game on the day, not quality. And barring one or two Arsenal players no-one on our side showed it.