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Firstly, thanks to everyone who spends so much time making everything work on this site, including the fantastic data update.
I am a pedant for realism in the game and every season I will use Smart Shirt designer to design a new home and away shirt for every team in my country, just like each team in real life would do.
However, no matter what I do I cannot seem to override the licences kits that are hard coded into the game.
I have tried to put them in the usual graphics folder, with a config xml, but only a handful of shirts work. I have even tried to replace the kits in the hidden FM folders with ones of the same name, but approximately half of them do not work.
My questions are thus:
1. Can I replace every licenced hard coded kit in the game, or is it only possible to replace the kits that aren't licenced?
2. How do I go about doing this? Do I need to create a config xml file in the graphics folder? What are the naming conventions of the files?
3. How come when I replace the licenced kits with kits of the same name, it only replaces half of them when I reload the skin?
Please tell me I'm not the only person that loses interest in a game because the kits are the same in 2018 than they were at the start.